What did he mean by this?

And what impact will he have on mid-terms? Why campaign in California of all places?

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How can no one see this is propaganda? How dumb are people?

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The california governor race is becoming neck and neck. Talk about muh blue wave when they are worrying about losing california

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Shameful how Obama is campaigning. Dems are so pathetic they have to use him. Sad.

>How dumb are people?
Hollywood is a propaganda machine and look how long that has been going.

The nigger is calling for the proletariat to rise up and slaughter the bourjois.

deep state existence contradicts that

Is that true? Everything ive read concludes that Cox winning is a long shot.

1. Democrats have no shame
2. They're afraid

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How’s this broke nigger become a multi millionaire while in office making peanuts



>struck match nigger desperately trying to stay out of prison

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Cali won't be rigged this time, the enemy actually has to try.

Obama niggered/kiked his way into the permanent elite so he wants these niggers to think there isn't one.

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This faggot tip toes around his hate for White America - Fuck this coke snorting cock sucker.

says the corrupt career politician who was just a few days ago sucking the cock of the CIAnigger Bush dynasty and the Clintons at McCain's funeral and all of them are spitting angry that a man who isn't a ((Deep State)) career politician swept the rug out from under them all.

#TakeItBack #RepealThe13th

His shitty ego won't let him not capaign somewhere so he goes where he'll do the least damage.

Anyone who thinks California can’t elect Republicans hasn’t met many Mexicans. They’re not firmly on the plantation like blacks. They’re the most vocal Trump supporters in California because nobody can call them racist.

He is literally the elite, lol.

Californians aren't people.

>And what impact will he have on mid-terms
no one is even talking about his little speech anymore

He means even they are mortals.
That means they can be killed!

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>We dont have a permanent elite
>What are Bush, Clintons etc.

why are trump supporters so retarded? do you realize how insane you sound?

how long until the communist revolution becomes obvious for everyone to see?

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the only people going to prison are people close to trump lmao

Isn't Trump's approval rating even higher than King Nigger's was?

>Fuck this coke snorting cock sucker.

only to delusional right wingers

They'll only realize it when it's too late. Look how bluepilled people still are on feminism after over 50 years of women squawking their man-hating, boy-mutilating bullshittery.

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They use socialist rhetoric to give people Hope™ even though they’ve already sold out to big business. This is all smoke and mirrors.


40 to 48, how is king nigger getting beat or matched by a game show host?

He may have formulated it in a confusing string, but everything he said was actually accurate. You should read more.

>this one heavily biased poll says so

We get it, you're 14 years old and don't remember Bush or even what Hillary Clinton supported.

lol yeah the deep state is under your bed too

as if you didn't support bush

Man goys are dumb as shit though.


I live in a rich area. The local shops are all full of elites. I have this Chinese family next door, they’re real pains in the arse. The have a 6 year old kid. I fucking hate him.
I go to the kids parents one day and say I have a job like a paper round for him, I’ll give him $20 a day to deliver brochures to shops in the area after school.
I fold into thirds and paper clip shit the pic related and tell the kid to go into shops and hand each owner on if these and say he’s in a band and it’s an ad for their music he’d like to put in the window.
I then follow him and film it.
The owners open up the brochure and are horrified.
They’re NPCs and live out of town.
The real players aka the ELITES ask the kid if he likes Pizza.
Disgusting I know.

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He also said there was no such thing as election hacking, what even is that anyway?

Global rules cunt

Yeah if they have to campaign in commiefornia with the magic negro then things are much worse for them than they're admitting and they know it. Looks like the media is putting on a b rave face with "hillarry 999.99% chance to win" again.

Obama is a reminder of everything that is wrong with the country and the lying, insane liberals. He reminds people why they’ve been attacked over the last 10 years (longer if you’re Christian). He reminds them why the country is in a poor and demoralized state despite being wealthy. He reminds them of Sharia, terrorism, and BLM burning down their own cities. Never interrupt your enemy.

And above all... he reminds them that the left took the already demoralized people and lied to them and had their mob spit in their face. He should be paraded around as much as possible.

This is true, the moment I saw king nigger was back on TV making statements I fired that shit up only to become instantly enraged and reminded how much I literally H-A-T-E this crypto-communist and his supporters.

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>we don't have a permanent elite
He means even spirit-cooking child diddlers with pizza-related handkerchief maps die and go to hell eventually.

When does the barry nigger get to retire? Wasn't his term up a couple years back? Wasn't slavery outlawed? Why is the monkey still reading nonsense off of teleprompters?

Can confirm. Lots of red pulled Mexicans out there. The legal ones, anyway.



If California goes red, I will have the biggest boner the world has ever seen

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I want to believe

Let's take back California

Just LOL at this virgin beta male crying

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Rasmussen is literally the #1 most accurate poll

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California will never go red. If you don't understand why you either don't live here or have never left the southern valley

Funny, seeing a member of the permanent elite, groomed by the permanent elite, preaching to his gibbering idiot sheep followers that there is no permanent elite. Libtards are so entranced by this shylock they can't get over it. SAD!

He means we have a permanent Elite.

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I do live here.

The point is that the governor race is so close that Obama is forced to campaign in California, that's a very bad sign for the Democrats.

No, that would be Nate Palladium.

>there's no permanent elite
>also vote out the non-establishment wild cards

the audacity of this nigger

>Why campaign in California of all places?
One time I saw a drunk on his hands and knees under the only lightpole on a dark street. I asked him what the matter was, and he said that he lost his keys.

I glanced around and said, "I don't think they're here."
He replied, "Well, I don't know where else to look, and at least the light's good here."

I can conform this fact.

I would love this more than anything, but the demographics to make that happen aren't there anymore.

>t. bay area fag

>Polls are real


I don't get it either user. How anyone can think the Democrats aren't in power even now is beyond me. I don't remember the Republicans ever having this much power.

President of usa can only do so for up to 4 years, up to 2 times, so that equals 8 years total. Then we vote a new "elite". Niggerbongo just being dramatic unless he is referencing that guy that said "if dems win midterms the investigation wont ever end!" Which might give Trump a aneurysm. making president T's presidency seem not so great.

there's a lot of delusional Trump worship on this board, but that post didn't contain any of it. in fact everything he said was basically true

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