So what exactly is it that niggers want in America? White people ended slavery, implemented affirmative action, yet every single day there is a chimp out in some measure. So what is it exactly they want?
What do Black People want exactly?
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to leech off you. isn't it obvious?
user if you had an actual end goal thatd mean you have to stop asking for more things.
to what extent though?
user..lets not insinuate
To integrate the races (Muh white wimminz)
To have more rights and privileges than whites
To leech off of a generous system (muh gibs)
To these ends they will take advantage of any kind of remorse they can invoke on the white man
as much as they can possibly get to the point where they won't even be charged with certain crimes.
The problem niggers have with the USA or any western country is that it's not a black african country. That's what you'll realize if you dig a little bit more in their "ideologies".
Black men or black women? Because they both have different goals.
For the black man, all we want is to feel wealthy(er) than the next black man. To live in nice houses, drive nice car, and have a business of our own. Perhaps a family with a faithful, black woman. It's rare to find them, though.
For the black woman, they want education in the meme fields like nursing, teaching and healthcare. Moving up the ladder by doing minimal work as much as possible. They're not as money motivated as the men but more so on being more "educated" than their failure of a mothers. Their friends all clique this way.
The woke blacks, regardless of gender, don't want to assimilate with other blacks. They see living among white people as the highest of achievement. Safety and security around whites is good. The race as a whole knows around our own kind is bad news even if we were all civilized it would be a culture of 1 upping the other black person.