Yep, I knew it

Yep, I knew it.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-08 diy - What's a decent wage for an electrical apprentice - Do It Yourself (266x215, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>no link

Fuck off

it has to be andrew jackson


You guessed it, Wayne Lambright with an IQ of 137, maybe even higher.

Attached: Lambright_137IQ.jpg (1604x912, 374K)

Reminder that Wayne Lambright is an ambitious innovator and an unsurpassed fount of highly varied million dollar ideas that would lead to billion dollar corporations if only he had powerful connections. Wayne Lambright sits on a fortune in unsold long term investments despite enduring (with a smile!) economic setbacks due to his political and philanthropic goals -- one word domains, cars, you name it -- proving that Wayne Lambright has foresight and discipline perhaps only shadowed by Warren Buffet. Wayne Lambright does home and auto repairs with ease, grows his own vegetables, cooks delicious meals, and he can code pretty much anything. Wayne Lambright's galaxy of intellectual and masculine pursuits effortlessly blended with fine arts paints a portrait of him as a true renaissance man. Wayne Lambright is also a passionate man whose deep capacity for love and hate, kindness, and genial social interaction completes his painting -- as the apex human. man of the future. Wayne Lambright is a distinguished Toastmaster and builds geodesic domes because fuck it why not. When Wayne Lambright's not busy with one of his two dozen million dollar business ideas he runs for president from his President dome.

They assume I'd never guess it's the black one? Seems racist

Hey Wayne, what would you do if your opponent was Patrick Little?

Damn bearded Obama is hot af

Where's the link faggot? I guarantee its not Obongo. If it is I'll video myself removing my little toe with a large flathead screwdriver.


obama was a brilliant man, compared to the orange he is twenty steps above

Obama has grown a beard? Weird

Jefferson was the most-read president in history so he has to be up there. To be completely fair, anyone thinking Obama is unintelligent just because he's half-black and needs a teleprompter to speak is being dumb. He's obviously a smart guy like most presidents (aside from nepotism and accident cases like Truman and GWB), though he's far from the genius tier of the Founding Fathers and others like Garfield or Teddy.

He really did play 7D chess, God love him

My God, a reasonable post! I've been searching this thread and I've found none- not even among my own posts!

John Quincy Adams?

>busted for running a covert operation on opposition candidate for potus
>not a smidgen of corruption


Attached: Red_Heifer.jpg (1278x720, 54K)

Obama is Jewish, so he is probably quite high up there..

Weren't the founding fathers geniuses?

Not all of them
After all, John Hancock had to have been a dummy to sign his name so big!!!!!!!1

John Quincy Adams with an IQ the equivalent of 175.

The currently living president with the highest IQ is Jimmy Carter @ 156.8

Obama's IQ is 140.

Hillary won the popular vote so she qualifies.

High IQ Madame

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How can they find out the IQ of a president before the twentieth century?

The fuck is up with that filename?

it's literally a buzzfeed ad, fuck off

I found a link. Here's the ranking:

Barack Obama is #8 out of 45 in alleged intelligence.

Trump is #16.

Is he face morphed with Jordan Peterson?

I assume there are ways to get a reasonable approximation by using writing samples and historical transcripts of speeches.

Sorry, I meant #8 out of 44. My bad.

They can't, it's just clickbait garbage. We do know enough about various presidents and other historical figures to approximate their intelligence, and it's pretty clear that both Adams, Jefferson, and Madison were extremely intelligent.

I voted for Trump, but #16 is fucking laughable

I see Jackson I post pic related.

Attached: 1463105755870.png (1023x800, 643K)

Looks more white strangely

>How can I even compete
I’m still procrastinating going to the grocery store because it’s raining cats & dogs out there.

Attached: 3C4513A1-A039-4A04-A922-73DAA4B95796.jpg (600x600, 37K)

Not brilliant enough to save his legacy. Have you ever heard of the story of Darth Plagueis?



George W. Bush == IQ 139 Claimed

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>JFK #3
>Clinton #4
>Pierce #11
>Jackson #15
>Trump #16
>Garfield #21
>GWB #26
>Taft #40
>no real citations or arguments
Yeah this is total trash. JFK has never shown hints of being a genius, he was from a well-connected family and looked good, that's about it. Clinton was clearly smart, but not elder god-tier, probably an average presidential mind at best. Pierce was a depressed drunk alcoholic and not a notable mind. Jackson was clever and extremely ballsy, but not well-written or well-read. Trump is a similar case to Jackson. Garfield knew four languages and campaigned in two, and was very well-educated despite growing up on a log cabin with few opportunities. GWB was a C-student that only got into Yale because of daddy. Taft was a top student, a book-worm, and led the legislative, executive, AND judiciary branches at various points in his life.

Coolidge is definitely the most Jow Forums president. There's all kinds of jokes and stories about him because he was so quiet. Just imagine the pre-media era where a silent guy could become president.

How is Lincoln not on the list?

Bush being stupid is a trick he promotes so he can catch people off guard.


Fuck outta here, WaYne







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too animals

I love Coolidge, but I think he was probably about average intelligence-wise for a president. He had a law practice but not a huge/powerful one, he had his principles but never sought to pioneer them, he had a sharp sense of humor but no amazing world insights. He also had a father who was politically connected, which probably gave him a boost.
He's at #22, which I'd say is underrating him severely. Whether or not you like the guy or are a Dixieboo, he was certainly an intellectually-curious guy that overcame personal struggles and became an ideological leader.
Bush definitely faked his "average regular Joe" image to sell neoconservative bullshit to the masses, but he wasn't the mastermind of any of it, as far as we know. It is known that he was a very mediocre student, and more of a jock/Chad than anything that liked to play football, dick bimbos, and snort coke. One of the most charismatic presidents, perhaps, but definitely below average. I'm not saying he was literally dumb, you don't descend from a guy like GHWB without inheriting at least a bit of intelligence, but still below average for a president.

175 is insane. That's Kierkegaard level.

Thats where a bird sits brainlet

blue cod
red cod

I honestly can't tell if H.W. was a genius or just an oil baron with CIA nigger connections.

I've noticed that anything past 160 takes people into a completely different world. Compare General Schzwarzekopf to Ted Kaczynski, both geniuses. There's also that one guy in Missouri who was banned for citing the protocols on facebook.

Good post

I.Q. test was first published in 1911, So this threads premise is defective on face value.

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that's what I was going to say lole

inB4 not a fish

no different than a shitposter faggot

dumb x genners

The 27th president (William Howard Taft) would be the first one to take the test. Theodore Roosevelt could have taken the test after leaving office.

Attached: cricket.png (1694x1133, 606K)

Yup. IQ in the low 150's.

Sharp cat.

He was dead before the IQ was invented.


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>1 post by this ID

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They're going to claim it is but there's going to be no data to back up any of them.
Clinton is supposed to be really smart.

You don't think they had ways to quantify intelligence?


Could it be a herring? A Red one?


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No goy, the fact that they allowed slavery proves they're not geniuses, and the only reason people wouldn't select Obama - a Harvard Law straight A graduate is because of racism, he's obviously the smartest

>iq tests are racially biased!
>but this nigger also has the highest iq

>I honestly can't tell if H.W. was a genius or just an oil baron with CIA nigger connections.
HW was made into a CIA nigger because he was such a dastardly snake. A real political machinist. He was one of the main intellectual leaders of the neocon movement.
Most of the Greek geniuses had boy slaves. If you look at black Africans, the smartest (the Igbos) were also the primary slavers.

>Greek geniuses had boy slaves
...then they weren't geniuses

Dubya being ranked above Nixon is a laugh. For most of the 20th century presidents who were vets, we should have an actual IQ test for them on record somewhere.

even with IQ it's impossible to quantify intelligence. We can get measures that offer very strong correlations but it's guaranteed to miss aspects

>Carter and Clinton above Madison
fake news

yeah they ranked him too low for sure, that was the only one I really doubted - but I don't know enough about pre FDR presidents to really hazard a guess as to what they should be.
Was presently surprised at Trump's 145 estimate, it's nice to have normies realize he's a stable genius

LOL!! he must have taken "his" IQ test in the 57th state....

>Carter and Clinton
Carter was a nuclear engineer, and I've read that a Whitehouse staffer that worked from Ford through Clinton, when asked who the smartest was, answer Clinton without a moments pause.
And that's over the first Bush - and Carter, both of whom are considered very smart. Clinton is smart enough to play up the good ol' boy image, the same way Trump plays 4d chess

Trump must be thrilled that he and his idol are right next to each other, CUTE

I just checked JFK's Wikipedia page to make sure I hadn't overlooked some kind of amazing genius. Here's the opening to his application essay to Harvard:
>In September 1936, Kennedy enrolled at Harvard College and his application essay stated: "The reasons that I have for wishing to go to Harvard are several. I feel that Harvard can give me a better background and a better liberal education than any other university. I have always wanted to go there, as I have felt that it is not just another college, but is a university with something definite to offer. Then too, I would like to go to the same college as my father. To be a 'Harvard man' is an enviable distinction, and one that I sincerely hope I shall attain."[19]
That reads like a high school practice assignment, not a genuine Harvard application. Pathetic. He was probably GWB-tier if anything.

>Obama not #44

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George Washington. Why? Cause they wanted him to be a king and he said no.

Let me guess. Dickfuck FDR is like top 5?

Stupid bitch

I dont get the JFK great thing. I mean...he didnt do shit and then got shot.

the original George bush is the smartest

I named my fish Andrew checkmate atheists

He needs that Castro getup and a cigar.

if he was so smart how did he get creamed by that fucking yokel clinton?

What about Harry S. Truman? Not only did he drop two rather large-ish bombs, but his most famous quote:
>“My choice early in life was either to be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politician. And to tell the truth, there’s hardly any difference.”
definitely shows he would have been a /poltard.

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Bush didn’t have his heart in it. The young Clinton was /hisguy/ in the drug running gig. It’s almost like he passed the baton to his protege

>fell for the nuke meme

This is a boomer meme. It was like one or two colonels that wanted him to be king. A few other federalists, especially Hamilton, liked the idea of a king as well, though they didn't publicly mention that. Washington, while possessing admirable qualities, did not show any great military genius, and his presidency was full of mistakes as a result of general ambivalence towards anything that didn't involve growing his estate and securing power for his party. The five presidents that succeeded him were all much smarter, as were various other American figures like Hamilton, Burr, and Franklin.
Ross Perot.

No. The piano player meme.

I know exactly who it is

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Buchanan had a thing for shotas

I wonder what score Washington's Ghost had...

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Wrong. Trump is a super genius with like a very good brain. Haters need to fuck off he's so much smarter than all of u retards MAGA

Nothing wrong getting your dick sucked while playing the piano i reckon


Sardine. Literally a staple food.

Fuck off libtard