The white man shall fall, the negro will be enslaved again, and the minorities will be deported.
It’s happening as we speak.
Any questions for a modern day conquistador?
/AG/ Aztlan General
Other urls found in this thread:
The only part of the Southwest where whites are outbreeding spics. You can have Texas, Nevada, Arizona and California since they’re shitholes. But the rest are unlikely since the whites in those states are extremely racist.
what animu you think i should watch next? i just finished monster
Why does their magical land stop magically at the present day Canadian border?
Oh, that's right. Magic.
why are yall so fucking ugly
You'd be lucky to get a third of that spic
Don’t worry, brother
We’ll help get rid of your monsters, but we’re dealing with bigger ones at the moment
It’s okay
>According to 2000
>taking Deserette from the Mormons
Those sand anglos might be the one group out-breeding you.
But just as an aside, the Mexican government would never have done a damn thing with """Atzlan""". The natives that lived north of that shit tier country were more than violent enough to keep the mexican military at bay forever. It was only US persistence and Manifest Destiny that was able to tame that region and make good civilizational use of it. And now that we've built the region up you lazy fucks want it back.
kys you larping shit
so how are you going to do this? Conquering? How are you going to army, and not just any army, how are you going to rally, and feed, and move, what would have to absolutely be the most advanced, well trained, and largest army the world would ever have seen in order to successfully conquer the "white man" aka America and the United States Armed Forces? LOLOLOLOLOL BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Blah blah
You’re precious two party system is helping our agenda
Thank you
You mad whiteboi?
This, now get out.
Dog fucking leafs get no say
>indios getting uppity again
you mutts are an embarrassment
t. Spanish citizen
>Any questions for a modern day conquistador?
You either mistyped the title or the image. Why did you do that?
>Us id t. Spaniard citizen
>meanwhile Spain spreads its legs for refugees
The image
Modern conquistador?
Genocide the americucks bruh, do the world that favour
So the one everyone will look at. Though luck, Pablo.
good luck with that. that whole state is a giant indian reservation and they don't like outsiders. they are all connected too. you fuck with one you fuck with the whole tribe.
If you’re catholic can you visit?
Or are you returning to your pagan false deities and native language?
Blaxican here to ensure Texas is never taken. We are either part of the U.S. or we are our own republic again.
The tree hugging hippies are no threat
Non denomination Christianity
>Oooh myyy
You know that naive whypipo will just allow them to take over in order to pay for "the past's injustices"
Larp ?..... Claims dominance representing a certain group he does not know how to spell out....
You misspelled AZTLAN you hopeless fucking moron....
If you claim to be Aztec then you are the conquered not the conqueror.
Gross. Literal goblins.
they're part nigger
In this case the Mexicans would be doing the racially aware whites a favor by getting rid of their worse counterpart.
WTF are you talking about, user? It stops at the Oregon/Washington/Idaho border
are you fucking stupid
Fuck off faggot, no real Mexican want Mexican-american back, you all only bring the shity cultural cancer called America culture.
Sorry but I don't want to be connected to the leftovers of the Revolution. I'd rather have the much nicer descendants of poor rural Mexicans ran out by Villa & the Shoe nigga.
Good Geography
Do you prefer it in the forehead or behind the ear....?
Why do these aztlan guys always claim Utah. They will never get rid of the Mormons.
Because it used to be part of the Mexican Empire
>after white genocide is complete
It was claimed but never settled by Mexico. In fact all of Aridoamerica North of New Mexico was reindigenised after the Pueblo Revolt.
bruh if my lawn isn't mowed in an hour, I'm calling ICE
You’re one of those guys huh
>nigger detected
Lurk more it was spotted already
Lol not a bad meme
Claimed by both Spain & Mexico, explored by the former. What's your point?
>I imagine myself in TEJAS, leading my platoon.
>Our mission is to stop wh*Te gringos from advancing.
>We mow down wh*Te gringos but they keep coming.
>I shoot wh*Te gringos but I run out of ammo.
>I draw my MACUAHUITL and begin slaughtering wh*Tes.
>Since wh*Tes are physically inferior to me, I slay them by the dozens.
>I get shot, but I don't fall, I keep fighting.
>Then I get shot again, and again...
>wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards that they are.
>I lie down, facing up to the sky and I see HUITZILOPOCHTLI smiling at me.
>I smile back...
>Then I wake up, in TENOCHTITLAN, my homeland.
>My BROWN brethren give me a warm welcome.
>I finally made it...
>This soldier of AZTLAN has finally made it into TOPAN...
The person who made this picture has never lived near spics in their entire life.
It's chainlink fences, dirt lawns and pit bulls on thin dollar store chains for as far as the eye can see
That Native claims to the area are more valid than Mexican claims.
>Can only be sustained by AUTHENTIC mexican food
>Can fix every car known to man
The more I read the funnier the truth in this meme gets
>Nacco detected
>Nomads that never claimed Utah have more claim than a claim over 2 centuries old
Ok retard.
Someone’s from California
MOD can we get an aztlan flag?
Now this is a real meme war
What the fuck is a nacco?
Not even, we have those types in Colorado too.
just make sure you wipe the blacks off the continent really thoroughly, we with you conquistador. #sisepuede
The Shoshone as well as the Ute had a valid claim to the area. Also Texas was claimed by the Comanche.
Nacco is a Lowlife.
Basically NIGGER but in Spanish
Again, they never claimed that land as a Nation. We're talking Utah, not Texas.
Decent attempt/10
Better than "ethnostate" posting
I am native american and I am from an area considered part of aztlan
It is all horseshit. This was never aztec land. Most the mexishits who claim to be aztecs are mixed with tons of different tribes and europeans blood. You were all white out of your native culture and all that remains is an invented history the mexican government made up in the 1900s to make the meztios feel better.
>be America
>turn off aid to mexico
>watch the guatemalans take over
>lol heartily over a nice steak dinner
>I am native american
sure you are cletus, what tribe?
Why Jow Forums don't learn Spanish?, Liberals actually can't speak it and except for Spain and Argentina, no country care about political correct shit.
Youre right about certain things, my tree hugging friend. I’m mexica chichimeca. We’ll just enslave you as well and your shit reservations
and then the whole bus clapped
Yeah, what do you cunts think happens when you try to take the Navajo Nation?
Pick one.
It’s basically the spic version of “I’m 1/16th German” or “We Wuz Kangz”
Jow Forums isn't liberal you beaner
Go make a country people actually want to move to and then we can talk about your beanspeak
Sure you will paco.
"Can fix every car known to man"
This is true I work as a mechanic
This really needs to stop
>Replace Weaboo with WEWUZ_______
Based and redpilled.
It's sad and I can blow them out of the water with simple history lessons. Mexica weren't considered Chichimeca anymore by the late 14th century.
Cope much?
Christ lol, what would you idiots even do with it?
Your own people are risking their lives fleeing from you. Whatever fantasy borders you have drawn, no one wants any part of it.
half-taco, half-colombian here
kys fucking illegal.
pd: amlo is not going to make this shithole great, hes going to ruin it even more ending like pic related.
Yeah it's quite entertaining. I mean I study Mesoamerican history more than most Mexicans like yourself, it's too hard I know poppet.
Get your Latinos for trump rats out of here
Native nations are a real thing, faggot. They are actually an impediment to further development since they embeddedinside the US. Alaska natives do it right and became corporations not nations.
He's lipservice to the populace while Judaeo-Bolsheviks pulling his strings embezzle the finances of the country.
>haha I'm a beaner
>fuck white people I'm going to vote for other retarded beaners
>oh fuck, now my country is ruined, just like my beaner family fled could this have happened?
>I mean I study mesoamerican
Sure thing, “Anglo”
It would dox me if I said it but I am a Californian native american.
Yeah good luck with that. Go back to your shithole please.
Dude just stop
>Be Mexican
>Claim to be Native American.
>Denigrate Native Americans and their culture and language.
larp confirmed. you couldnt even give a vague answer like serrano. pathetic.
>Be Mexican.
>Be of Spanish, Zapotec etc. descent.
>Proceed to call actual Native Americans larpers.
>The one german county in cali
God I feel alone
>and the minorities will be deported.
Nigger that's you. Who the fuck do you think we want the wall to keep out?