Americans wish their police acted with this much professionalism. This is why you don't need guns, just a rational mind.
Man armed with kitchen knives attacks police officers
Other urls found in this thread:
Yea, ok. Sure...
Here's a guy with a kitchen knife BTFOing five police officers with rifles (killing one and critically wounding 3 others).
This fucker would last 2 minutes before he got wasted by an American cop. Remember, if you’re told to fucking put down the knives and don’t, you deserve to die. Fuck this insane faggot.
that's pretty pathetic lmao
Yeah nah, he'll be out on the street in no time just waiting for the next psychotic break to stab someone
Why risk your own safety for the slight chance that you might be able to reason with an armed lunatic? The reward is not worth the risk. If a fucker is coming at you with knives or a gun, just drop him.
I thought the OP pic was a shower with subway tiles and the perp had been laser diced into meat cubes by the RoboCop's death beam.
I'm waiting for this future.
go to 3:25 and you will see how lucky those cops are they did not get serious wounds. Even with the taser, the door separating them, and the fact the perpetrator only had silly kitchen knives.
What a shit show.
This is where you need American Israeli trained police, that fucker would be full of holes now.
peace of fucking trash wh*teoid NPC
What if those police officers were women? Ha aha! They'd be dead.
This thread wouldn't exist if he had stabbed the other cop in the stomach.
Yep, the wrong lessons will be taken from this event. The belief that this is the proper way to handle this situation rather than an extremely lucky event.
>an extremely lucky event
Yeah. I agree. That bald guy holding the door was so fuckin' lucky he didn't get stabbed in the gut. And remember, the taser doesn't always work. That dude got lucky.
>stabbed in the gut
All UK police wear stab proof vests.
I unironically love that cops kill so many people in the US. The fact that so often they get to be judge, jury, and executioner is a thing of beauty. No lengthy court trials, public defenders, appeals process, etc. The taxpayer saves millions. We spend too much trying to give people a fair chance after they already sap us through gibs. People who contribute negatively to society don't deserve to be a part of it.
This is a great example of the Tueller drill. Multiple cops with AK47s and the one lunatic with a kitchen knife fucks them up. I'd have had the selector on auto and stayed on the other side of the fence.
Notice that they didn't send female members Cst. Chang or Cst. Singh to the call? Hmmmm....I wonder why.
Do they have stab proof turtlenecks too?
>Do they have stab proof turtlenecks too?
Yeah, he could've gotten it in the face just as easily, too. Dude got lucky. And aren't British cops unarmed? Seriously, you'd have to be fucking insane to be a cop in England and to deal with these kinds of situations unarmed.
Just kill him. Fucking cucks.
this, that cop almost got seriously fucked up, that was a shit idea
why didn't they open the door one inch, spray a shitload of pepper spray in, close the door, and wait for him to drop the knives and bed to be let out?
american cops aren't dealing with pussie whyte bois roleplaying edward scissorhands
they deal with thugged out drugged out nothing to lose niggers with guns, repeatedly every day.
cops need guns, the best ones.
>spray a shitload of pepper spray in, close the door,
Yeah. Giving someone even a little spritz of that shit is serious. I've been sprayed full on in the face with police OC spray and it is nasty.
Why are bong police so polite
Guns aren't magical weapons. A knife has an advantage that close.
OP BTFO within minutes and with 1 post
>Why are bong police so polite
He knows that his female bosses will punish him if he does not articulate and speak politely to his "clients."
Risk of going to Hell for taking another mans life is the biggest risk of all
> (OP)
>OP BTFO within minutes and with 1 post
That is bad policing, though. Those guys did everything wrong by not staying away from that guy while he was armed with that knife.
baldy has more balls than brains and was lucky as hell he didn't get cut
if knife guy had been on drugs several officers would have gone to the big bong in the sky that day
no reason why, just felt like posting it since the thread has been over for ahwile
my sides
It's true. They've got to put on a show for the HR catladies that will ruin his life if they thought he was insensitive. If anyone here is curious, you should google what Seattle police have been going through with our city council full of lesbian catladies and shitskin busybodies. They've practically run our police force out of town, and the city is just getting worse and worse in almost every respect.
They tried to punish a guy for bear hugging a man walking around swinging an axe and not listening to police orders. They made them watch a video comparing the police to nazis during the holohoax, kek.
This was incredibly stupid. In America cops are smarter than risking their lives. In a knife situation you don't bring a taser you bring a gun. You want to have an advantage. To us American cops this looks irresponsible. What if he stabbed the dude (bloke) ran off and stabbed or killed other civilians? You simply can't take that chance. Once you have a deadly weapon and flaunt it you've made your choice and you're shit out of luck. This video should never be taken as an example to discredit American cops. American cops are smarter than that.
UK cops are cucks.
Cops are so jumpy because they all go through hundreds of hours of COP FAILS LMAO videos like these for their mandatory pussy brainwashing. They know an knife wielding attacker within 10 yds absolutely has the jump on you cause of videos like these, and thats why they unironically get away with wasting niggers like michael brown because in court they have ample evidence of cop fails
US cops would bear mace that pussy and roll tide on his defenseless body
>just a rational mind.
try it on a nigger then
Amazing how many Eurocucks side with the criminal in the Jewtube comments like... he shouldn't have been shot like in America. No wonder Europe is fucked.
>In America cops are smarter than risking their lives. In a knife situation you don't bring a taser you bring a gun. You want to have an advantage. To us American cops this looks irresponsible. What if he stabbed the dude (bloke) ran off and stabbed or killed other civilians? You simply can't take that chance. Once you have a deadly weapon and flaunt it you've made your choice and you're shit out of luck. This video should never be taken as an example to discredit American cops. American cops are smarter than that.
Yeah. Basically everything this guy said. If you don't "Show your hands!" or "Drop the knife!" all bets are off and you will be met with lethal force. If it's me, I'm going home at the end of my shift. I'm not going to risk getting stabbed in the neck because some asshole I'm trying to arrest won't put down his butcher's knife.
Here's another video to forever btfo the idea that knives should not be handled with deadly force. Inside of 21', a knife is just as deadly as a gun (or even moreso).
What a stupid pig, just keeps repeating is there anything i can do... Useless.
>Here's another video to forever btfo the idea that knives should not be handled with deadly force. Inside of 21', a knife is just as deadly as a gun (or even moreso).
Time Distance Rule. There are videos on YouTube of American cops telingl guys who are holding a knife that they aren't coming near them until they drop the knife. It's not necessarily common sense, either. It doesn't come intuitively to many people.
That's Christ's way, and therefore the way of civilized white men. Violence is for savages and the last option.
Police used to be able to carry saps and blackjacks, which will one-shot KO any savage attack.
You should do a little more study on Christ's way. How about the passage in the epistles saying that the civil authorities "bear not the sword in vain?"
For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Romans 13:4 KJV
Please stop... if some lunatic broke into your house looking to commit murder against you and your family with a knife... I HOPE you have something better than a fucking ridiculous sap to defend yourself with.
So what was this guys deal anyways?
This. If someone is willing to attack me violently, they have signed their life away. Why is it my responsibility to preserve their life when they are trying to end mine. Violent thugs should be put down, no questions asked.