Corporations are authoritarian dictatorships

Why are corporations and companies set up like dictatorships?

CEO: Dictator
Board and upper echelon of company: Bureaucracy
Every else: Slaves

Orders start at the top and work their way down. If you do not obey orders you're ousted.

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dictatorships don't have slaves you brainlet.
slavery is not a form of government.

Viola Bailey

A worker is quite literally a slave to the company

Options field

Very nice

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a roman dictator was a chief magistrate. so basically a mayor or governor equivalent who temporarily possesses absolute authority, but even so, the consuls in the senate had more power than most of the magistrates. so dictator wasn't even an official title. the emperors wielded even more power anyway once the republic ended.
and i don't recall "everyone else" in the roman world being considered slaves.
you retard.

nope, you are thinking of an employee. america is not a socialist or communist nation, we do not have "workers".
employees in general are free agents in a company with autonomy, free to go at any time. not slave-like in the least

unless under the unusual circumstance where an employee must sign a contract for the purposes of the job, such as pro athletes, or construction companies, most hired employees can be hired and quit pretty much at will.

Yes because if an employee quits the next company in line won't act the same way...
Name one company that is not set up like this