can someone explain who this technonerd is? i get that he's like a billionaire Britney Spears who's invent stuff but did he actually invented anything? he seems like living meme joke to me
i also herd him say that people will be injected with technology in their jugular vein so they can keep up with AI's. the only alternative i see for this is him being injected with semen by a black penis
I hate Joel Ronsten with fire vitriol because he represent essential "white" (mutt goblin) jewmerica, dumb, exploitative, shallow, consumerist, sensationalist, sociopath and vulture like, just like every "white" circumcised I didn't listen to much of this shitcast
I only caught few minutes of analysis on JF stream. I was surprised how dumb Elon is, he was almost on same level of dumb as Joe Rogaine, which is alarming.
Pathetic podcast, and that's why it will be popular by the jewmerican scum trash "middle class" "white" vermin scum.
He made a shitload of money from helping create and sell PayPal then he reinvested the money and became a billionaire. He's a smart businessman. Theres quite a few good documentaries on YouTube about him.
Josiah Ramirez
*reinvested by starting Tesla, SpaceX, etc.
Benjamin Mitchell
dont take this meme flaggot seriously. WTF is wrong with you