The United States had a massive anti-war movement, even with constant propaganda from FDR. If the US had stayed out, and the world would be a better play. Less degeneracy. It’s be beautiful
But that’s not the world we live in. Why? Because the Japs acted cowardly and killed thousands of innocents without having the balls to declare war beforehand, thus forcing the US on a warpath to destroy Japan and Germany. The awfulness of the modern world can be traced back to this one decision >durr FDR knew about it before it happened And? How does this absolve Japan of any blame? The japs ruined it for all of us
War between America and Japan wasn't inevitable how ever war between America and Germany was. A lot of people don't realize the amount of war goods the US gave to the allies,to think that Hitler was just going to sit by and let the allies get rearmed by lend lease is a bit optimistic, FDR would declare war once Germany sunk Lusitania 2.0 or Hitler would have after seeing one two many Sherman's on the East Front
Wyatt Watson
only congress has the power to declare war. can we please stop empowering the president in ways that are not constitutional. sorry but this has to be nitpicked. our view of government must be changed all the way down to casual conversation like this. this is what ben sasse's speech was about the other day during the kavanaugh hearing. congress has been punting its power to everyone else and the american people are so affected by it that we don't even think twice about talking about the president behaving in ways that are illegal. just a friendly reminder .
Elijah Clark
>only congress has the power to declare war.
If only that was the case. Someone ought to tell Trump now that Assad is about to "gas" more moderate beheaders.
Jace Jones
FDR wasn’t going to stay in power forever, and after Hitler mopped up Europe the anti war movement would field a candidate to stop lend-lease
Wyatt Smith
you totally missed my point. the constitution gave power to declare war to the legislative not the executive. it IS the case. any war declared by any president is illegal. but i am not talking about assad or gassings i am talking about american voters empowering the president with illegal power whether on purpose or out of total ignorance. and whether in formal political debate or casual conversation in a throwaway thread about ww2.
Connor Gray
This, in both WW1 and WW2 we were unofficially involved anyway because "Oh my God, ENGLAND is in danger!", long before we were actually in the war.
Connor Torres
>FDR wasn’t going to stay in power forever But he had until 44 to instigate a war >you totally missed my point. not in the slightest >the constitution is a old roll of paper that has long since lost its power the Government taxes the very land we live upon do you honestly think people give a flying fuck about the war powers of the president? Talking in a different way won't change a thing
Kevin Cruz
so if you continue engaging people in this thread, i would advise you and any other americans who join in the discussion to not talk about our government's powers in an unconstitutional way. if you want to see better people in government it starts with the voters changing their view of government to mirror the VERY limited constitutional framework it is supposed to operate within. "unpresidential" people will avoid a strictly defined and voter-enforced governing space. but remove all the boundaries and let government become thunderdome, then don;t be surprised when trannies, pedophiles, and other pure marxist degenerates start swarming the ballots and winning. obama was the tip, trump is the next step down, now we have to worry about oprah, kanye, and who the fuck else! this isn't a "leftist are winning" scenario, this is americans know fuck all about their government scenario.
Kevin Ramirez
The sorry state of the American educational system is too blame. History is the most important subject, but even someone like me who went to a pretty good public school would’ve came out clueless about how the government is supposed to work if it wasn’t for outside research