Is liberalism really a mental disorder? Anything to prove this as fact?

Is liberalism really a mental disorder? Anything to prove this as fact?

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Jews love black cock.

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You tell us.

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And here's why that's a good thing.

I realized something today
You can drop some massive race realism on the most liberal message boards without getting down voted into oblivion
You just have to preface it with "I am a ____ but"
>I live in USA but I am of Indian origin. My parents' apartment in India now has Fiber Internet with 80Mbps at 1000INR (15USD)/month. On my recent travel (Aug 2018), I had Jio and was working remotely. It is so cheap to get Jio. I had 0 issues and I was praising the Internet situation in India for the first time in the last decade. Seriously, good changes in Internet situation.
>The top challenges for me right now to move back there are 1. Rampant corruption in state government offices (especially with land registrations, legal heir certificates) 2. Extreme levels of sanitation/drainage issues even in metros 3. Personal indiscipline of the people. There is now some transparency because of digital transformation/e-governance. I think in a decade, (1) and (2) will be addressed. It will take miracles to fix (3).
This dude literally went to "poo in the loo" and didn't get banned, he got upvoted
It was astounding


It really doesn't get any more clear cut than this: you have to disable a normal functioning brain with magnets to get people to welcome immigrants.

Progressives have brain damage.

Also, this is a slide thread so everyone should stop bumping it

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He should be in prison. Fucking rapist.

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Why do actual trannies literally not try at all? I can do better than that.

>fat people
that's not liberalism that's just america

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Lewis C.k. is both a feminist and pretty based. That is a seriously poor quality of labor if an immigrant can steal your job.

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Fat tranny. Should hang himself

Based pharmacist

Niggers fuck heifers. Consider me unsurprised.

Based Illinois

At least a dozen people who should have been at the front row of Ariana Grande's Manchester concert



>Nigger can't mathematics
Consider me unsurprised.

>Subhuman has ideas above his station
Consider me unsurprised


There were more. Who are they?

Research narcissism and then add debilitating in front of it. Now consider that nobody will make narcissism of that caliber a legitimate reason to put anyone in funny farms because then the entire establishment loses a majority of it's power.

This has to be a troll.

Based and Redpilled.

Lmao, shitlibs are mentally deficient.

They get subsidized to work for less.

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It doesn't matter if it's a mental disorder or not. They all need to die

wouldnt they call you a homicidal, nazi lunatic?

Maybe the immigrant is more experienced than you and will work for far less bc he comes from a shithole.

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They certainly would. And then they’d proceed to demand that it is your moral obligation to give them money and let Tyrone fuck your daughter

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He was a mathmetician. They usually use plural tense when writing proofs. Why couldn't the FBI figure that out?

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A mental disorder is defined as any sort of mental condition which disrupts healthy and productive living, so yes leftism in general is a mental disorder. That's the old traditional definition anyways. Modern psychiatrists and psychologists are charlatans who redefine any they please to suit political ends.

If jews and niggers didn't exist, crime and wars would be almost nonexistent compared to the past 1000 years.

Fun fact: if jews did not exist, the Reconquista would never have had to happen because Spain would have never fallen to mudslimes. Many such cases. Sad!
>For the most part, the invasion of the Moors was welcomed by the Jews of Iberia. Both Muslim and Catholic sources tell us that Jews provided valuable aid to the invaders.

>Once captured, the defense of Córdoba was left in the hands of Jews, and Granada, Málaga, Seville, and Toledo were left to a mixed army of Jews and Moors. The Chronicle of Lucas de Tuy records that "when the Catholics left Toledo on Sunday before Easter to go to the Church of the Holy Laodicea to listen to the divine sermon, the Jews acted treacherously and informed the Saracens. Then they closed the gates of the city before the Catholics and opened them for the Moors."

>In spite of the restrictions placed upon the Jews as dhimmis, life under Muslim rule was one of great opportunity in comparison to that under prior Catholic Visigoths, as testified by the influx of Jews from abroad. To Jews throughout the Catholic and Muslim worlds, Iberia was seen as a land of relative tolerance and opportunity. Thus the Sephardim found themselves enriched culturally, intellectually, and religiously by the commingling of diverse Jewish traditions.

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When your on the wrong side of history.

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1...nothing wrong with liberalism
2...they are pushing for progress
3...something's gotta give
4. we're just incel white supremacist nazi-larpers

JUST get off Jow Forums, and go find a nice white roastie gf, then date her for a few years, get on bended knee, diamond ring, expensive wedding, and continue wagecucking for schlomo whilst she fucks jamal behind your back. man up.

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It's a pretty strong "maybe".

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Nigger "logic".

Black Power!

No, it's just the extremists who have hijacked the Democratic party, education, Hollywood, silicon valley, and so on and so forth.

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Cherry picking sure is fun.

Why you hate this person so much to deny his exsistence and right to have an identity?

It depends. Liberals actually have measurably different brains than conservatives and you can do a brain scan and determine with a fair degree of confidence what political leaning someone has. The major difference is that liberals have almost no sense of threat assessment or avoidance. The reason then that liberalism has been advancing in recent times when throughout history it never has is that we're so safe and protected now that nature can't kill off the retards that can't recognize an obvious threat to their existence.
This will eventually be self correcting, and it will not be pretty.
So by definition of a mental disorder as something that reduces your quality of life, yes, you could consider liberalism a mental disorder.

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she hit the wall faster than lindsey lohan

Mental disorders are more likely to fall out of line with traditional social values, and to the average Fox News viewer, "liberal" means "everyone who doesn't agree with me"

niggers are so stupid, I can't tell if this is real or not.

No, the science is entirely correct. The hypothesis for why its happening is debatable, but you can literally check if someone can properly assess threats and if they can't they're going to be a liberal and if they can they're going to be conservative.
It then stands to reason that these people have always existed in some number but have a habit of dying because they're literally retarded. There's some utility to having human guniea pigs that will do stupid shit because maybe they'll find something novel, but mostly they'll just constantly relearn the lesson of why you don't go giving random people or animals hugs.

>conservatives think it's a mental disorder to think in a modern way
Exactly. We call this appeal to tradition. Which is slightly better than appealing to authority (muh God!)
It's all so tiresome .jpg

u sound like a fag

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>New York Post

Where's the evidence?

Considered. No they are most likely not more qualified and they are usually illegal, meaning they are not subject to the nations laws, thus allowing businesses to pay them below minimum wage under the table.

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Niggers and stupid are one and the same. There is no distinction between mental nigger retardation and ignorant stupid subhuman intellect in the black community in my country. The dumber the nigger the more sympathy they get from childless, barren, white cuck betamite progressives who then vote to take money away from high order white families to feed Taneesha and her ground monkey family of 8. Niggers are literally so dumb IQ standards had to be changed so as not to label 80% of negros as having at least mild mental retardation. This reality is the root cause of Jewish smugness. "If they can tolerate their kids fucking monkeys they'll never again call us out for the psychopathic narcissists that we are!" -Rabbi Mencham Gaslighterberg

>Anything to prove this as fact?
If you need proof beyond your daily experience then you are either a retard or a liberal (same as retard)

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Saved. That's hilarious.