Is this meme true? Non-whites always say this.
Do white people age badly?
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its cherry picking
The vast majority of latinas do not look good at that age. They turn into goblins after age 25.
Because you whitoids don't take care of yourselves. Make sure to moisturize and protect your skin from the sun, the last part is incredibly important for you. Whiteys "age badly" because you're always out in the fucking blazing sun for 7+ hours a day without any protection doing hiking or mountain climbing or whatever white shit you do. Nobody else does that shit. Have you seen a labor worker in an asian country when it's hot out? They literally cover their bodies head to toe so that they don't come in contact with the sun's rays. Meanwhile white blue collar roofers are taking their shirts off, not even bother with sunscreen and letting the sun permanently damage their skin.
25 is the highest possible age. A lot of them I've seen are goblinas by 22. Then again, the average person is degrading faster than ever thanks to the ever-rising rate of fat fucks.
Either way, it's revolting.
latinas and blacks have the highest rate of obesity and age like shit 99% of the time. Asians age the best just because they are the thinnest.
Anyone can age well if they eat properly, don't do copious amounts of drugs/alcohol, don't smoke, drink lots of water, wear sunscreen, etc.
Alright Muhammad go kill yourself
Darker skin doesnt really show wrinkles as much
She's only 18
They're only fat because they're poor and fast food is cheap but unhealthy.
Whites are the subhuman race
Acording to a UCLA study, "Latino's" age slower than "Whites", despite the fact that Latino's have a higher rate of cholesterol. The blood of a Latino person ages slower than that of a white person.
Biologically whites age faster, however it does not change the fact that many Latino's look ugly when they get fat.
These hot Latinas are only 18
That's actually a good point, darker skinned chicks fair better without makeup too IMO. Still, latinas/blacks eat like shit and drink excessively. Asians eat the best and are the most conservative by nature so they age better generally.
it's cherrypicking. anyone can cherrypick if you're not lazy and you want to be disingenuous.
She's 12 bro
Cue some Ben Garrison comic. I live in Chicago and I'm shocked and appalled by all the spheroid aztecs waddling around the city. All ages, both genders.
Memes aside, this guy has a point. Excessive tanning, whether intentional for beauty or unintentional sunburns ages you like milk. It all started when western (((beauty standards))) started idolizing tsm skin and thousands of beautifal pale skinned white girls went to tanning beds. 20 years later and they look like fucking beef jerky.
Thankfully pale skin seems to be coming back into fashion in the West, which is how it always has been and should be
Somewhat. There's a lot of pressure that comes with being white and a lot of vices to relieve that pressure.
This guy is 84
Stacy Dash has 100% white features. She is possibly the most attractive black woman alive.
Nobody wants to date black women.
>half breed
>half breed
>half breed
>old woman
All fields.
black women turn to being overweight and sassy whilst looking pretty young still for what they are. Japanese women flat out have the best aging. Latina turn to shit after 30 if they dont have their shit together and white women after 30 have a few extra years where if they looked good they are still do-able if they maintain themselves. indians are just flat out ugly from the start
I'd date Stacey Dash. Hell, I'd be her slave.
Must be one of the side effects of having a higher IQ and building functional civilizations
yeah drugs'll make you age faster kiddo
Pretty much :(
If they do drugs, yes
Mexicans look like kids even at 45
Yeah I live in Chicago too and worst looking ones are the Puerto Ricans. Nothing like a racially ambiguous fat woman with a thick spanish accent to make your dick shrivel up like a raisin.
What do you consider dark skinned?
>black woman at 45
>not morbidly obese
>no full face cracks
Nice cherry picking
>skinny latina after 18
You're full of shit on this also.
Appears to be true
mexicans are the worst in regards to aging
This is dark skin. Btw this guy 66
Hahaha, no Latina woman looks like that after 25, they all shrink get fat and get crow's feet. And nigger women just get fat.
Indian women age the worst though. At 18 they’re slim Pajeetas but by their late 20s they bloat up into ghee guzzling toilet witches
Is that why they set the age of consent to 12?
>Thankfully pale skin seems to be coming back into fashion in the West
Not here, wish it would though
Mexicans DRESS like kids. I can't tell you how man beaner grandpas I've seen wearing a back to school outfit from a Macy's catalog.
You can be thin on fast food retard, just eat less.
also you can eat cheaper and healthier than fastfood although it's bland as fuck. Bulk rice/beans/eggs/milk/mixed veg. Bon ape tit.
Whites and blacks age by far the best. White men more than white women. Spics age the worst. Asians can hang on but spics and asians suffer from the same thing where they look 22 until they're 40 and wake up as an ancient relic. They fucking fall apart all at once.
Black men and black women tend to look much younger than they are, something to do with sun exposure they don't have as many wrinkles. Anyone of any race who doesn't take care of their skin and/or spends too much time in the sun will look like a saddlebag at 35 though.
No bullshit they all dress like I did in middle school
Im a chink and people mistaken my mom as my sister and shes close to 50
In Mexico all the women in this photo are of legal age. Although the younger looking ones are 17. They just age so slowly
Is that actually true? I remember reading that it was 12 for teens with a small age difference.
can you tell the difference between a young baboon and an old baboon? similar situation.
Dude, "latina" women do not look like that at 42. Black women don't look like that at all, and all three of the non-white women you posted are trying their fucking damnedest to look white. TV is feeding you outliers, and you're buying into it because you're a fucking retard.
inb4 "italians aren't white" bullshit
go away already you fatfuck
Ironically I trace a lot of it to anime culture. Asians have always idolized white skin and pale features, to the point that many animes feature a majority white cast. Thus, the stronger anime culture is in a certain area, the more I've found pale skin being the standard
Theres literally like an 8 year old girl there you sick fuck
lol latin women age horribly. after the first kid they look like this.
>pic related
Yeah it's true! Girl on the right is 12. Legal in all states of Mexico.
Black skin is more resistant to sunlight. Women were sold on the "healthy tan" shit for the last 50 years, when white women aren't supposed to be tan. You're supposed to be in the fucking snow for half a year.
I was in Chicago for a bit this summer. When the fuck did that happen? Where did they all come from? Are they working the farms? I even saw them in the suburbs (also a bunch of indians).
> Can it be true
Only for boomers who have been taught that sun-bathing is healthy.
funny how you use a mulatto for "black" women. an pure unmixed sheboon looks more like this.
*native american
latins built western civilizarion
Because they have to do all the work to support the other 3
Now fuck of back to Africo you spigger abomination
Kek Latina women look like supermodels until 25. After that they inflate like the fucking blueberry girl in Charlie and the Chocolate factory.
Black women are 98% shit from start to finish. The remaining 2% could subjectively considered attractive by *some* people.
Asians are the only ones who age as well or better than whites on average
>Theres literally like an 8 year old girl there you sick fuck
I didn't make the laws in Mexico. I think they're really taking the "if there's grass on the field" meme too far.
T. Californian mutt who has literally seen it all
You don’t even bathe.
You think its your skin but it’s just caked on dirt & sweat
Go have a bath you dirty cunt
>Latina women look like supermodels until 25.
You people have no standards
This latest miscegenation propaganda seems weaker than the last.
There's also the thing that Asian women have young skin longer because their bodies retain the subcutaneous fat beneath their skin better. There's also the thing where Asian women have sunscreen and all their fucking makeup and they don't tan like we white folks do.
Wtf hows that possible
Bong genes
>45 years old
I dunno, most women age extremely fast due to poor health choices, it's not particular to any one race, any roastie who's partying and drinking/smoking will age absurdly fast.
Comparing movie stars to your run of the mill roast of any ethnicity is going to have dramatic results, most movie stars actually pertain to some degree of fitness and have tons of alterations/surgery.
Chicago has always been filled with mexicans, they are just spreading into different neighborhoods now. As for Indians, yeah, they came out of nowhere about 5 years ago. They smell bad, but at least they're quiet and nice.
>Kek Latina women look like supermodels until 25
I'm from Mexico 2 (California) and you're fucking retarded. dumb beaner
>Kek Latina women look like supermodels until 25.
I live near a bunch. 90% of the time they look like short apple faced pug noses, and as soon as they pop out a kid they look exactly like their mothers for the next 30 years (you can't tell them apart half the time), then they shrivel up.
The ones that avoid the pugfaced shit look pretty good until about 25 though, yeah. About the same age they shoot out kids.
Rarely have a seen a better bullshit slide cock sucker thread. Congratulations, faggot
She's 54
Look at a picture of Christie Brinkley.
Why are the indians even there? I mean what's the excuse the traitorous politicians give for importing them en masse.
any celebrity will look good when they're old because they have money. she didn't naturally age that way.
Filthy dirty unwashed smelly fat beaner wetback hairy moustached cunts are disgusting
I’m going to beat you up
It’s easy to look young when you don’t exert any energy having to work for a living
Fucking Kek'd. It's true and it's hilarious.
I feel something about this is an illegal trick.
Holy shut it wasn't a scientific number. The point is, they can be attractive up to a certain point then even the hottest ones reach the event horizon and turn into gremlins
Yeah, I have never understood the hot latina meme. Some look pretty good, but most of them just look awful. They dont even have nice bodies like in shape black girls. Their only saving grace is how nice they are.
Goddanm man read past the first line
The anime thing is weird. The Asians are drawing an Asian cast as they perceive it. You can tell when you actually see an anime where a white westerner is introduced as a cast member.
I was pretty much agreeing with you, just specifying that most don't look like supermodels.
This is bullshit, cuz women is where race really isn't the main factor.
Is she healthy? Exercising? Eating right? Happy? Does she enjoy her work? Is she lonely? Does she have kids? If she has kids, is she married? Does the dad help out? Is she on drugs? Is she wealthy? Parents? Siblings, friends?
A 35 year old with a good life is better than an 18 year old slut that took 8000 miles of dick, had 6 abortions, and hates life
Back in the 90s, we jerked off to Sela Ward until she was like 65.
Latinas and blacks get fat very quickly as they age
Just most asian women stay good looking, who knows why
White women are kind of random I think ive seen good and bad examples of ageing
>The point is, they can be attractive
Why do you beaners did this shit? See
Sex, drugs, and kids age your ass.
She's 62, so you have a few years.
>who knows why
fish oil