How come I come onto Jow Forums after months of having a job and half a life and it appears as if the world were set in...

How come I come onto Jow Forums after months of having a job and half a life and it appears as if the world were set in the universe of the last cartoon I watched? Am I God?

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What anime is this qt from?

You appear to be schizophrenic or something my dude

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I Don't know user. Do you smell burnt toast or similar odors eight now?

Angel Beats!, the plot of which is very pertinent to the climate of this board it would appear.

I probably am. Does that mean that Jow Forums doesn't exist? Is this computer itself an extension of my inner voice?


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I am your inner voice.

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Are you fucking with me? I can taste a finely cooked steak if I'm thinking about it, what does that prove?

How is the plot pertinent?

You have the will to accept the truth and buck the system and the group collective.

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Angel beats fucking sucks dicks, kys.

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>airbrushing your pimply legs
The absolute state of thottery.

You were holding Jow Forums back. Now, it as achieved a new level of reality-warping shitposting.

Don't fear those that can kill the flesh, but those that kill the soul.

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What? Explain



You can't limit Jun Maeda to just 13 episodes. With each work he creates an entire universe, and in this shitty format he rushed right through explaining it. All in all it's a lot better than other works where the high school is actually a high school.

Seriously, he deserves to be dragged in the street and shot in the neck for that organ donor card scene and the final twist being that she got his heart.

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The gist of it is that people that died, I guess just teens, instead of going to heaven or reincarnation or whatever, they went to this purgatory styled like a japanese high school. There, they couldn't die even if they had their head blown off, and there was a Rei clone referred to as "Tenshi", meaning Angel.
Eventually they figure out that they're all there because they have regrets, and that Tenshi is supposed to help them with that, but she's depressed as fuck because all of her friends keep disappearing.

It was alright. Tachibaba-san was cute as fuck, and TK was the best character.

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We're gonna get our metaphysical hands around those stinkin parasite necks. There's an attack on the species by a guild of psychopaths and they must be defeated.

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Are you telling me now that the deep state is Panther Claw? What the fuck do they want?

They're real people. There are people out there to get you and your family. There are real people ready to fight.
These people are enemies and we are going to kick their asses. We know what they are up to and we are coming for them.

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With the ethereal appendages from the other last cartoon I watched? I know Google knows how I've been wasting my time, but how do I know you have anything to do with it and aren't just a lucky guesser?

We see them. We will never submit to them. Humanity is rising. We have the necessity to defeat them. They are waging war on us. You don't want to sit on the sidelines, or the middle of the road. You need to chose sides.

We are at war with them. We are under surveillance. They are in the cult and at war with us. This is war! It's us against them.

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>Angel Beats!, the plot of which is very pertinent to the climate of this board it would appear.
Watched it a long time ago so I don't recall much, are you referring to those NPCs?


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Lemme guess. Retail?

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Stop projecting pidgeon man

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Yes, if most of the people in your surroundings seem to be soulless creatures meant only to fill the space, then this world was built by someone and you were put there for a specific purpose. What that purpose is is another story. I hope I'm personally not supposed to lead this shitshow.

Was I supposed to work hard labor? You have to play their game in order to buy things. Or am I supposed to invent them out of sand?

What an oddly specific insult. Would you care to elaborate?

We as player characters must stand together. The big problem doesn't equal the solution. The solution equals let it be.

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The solution is to live a happy life and disappear into the next stage of existence. But what is the fun in doing that when we can find out why we are here to begin with?

if you really think youre god why dont you start killing people or do illegal things? if this world is of your own design there should be nothing to fear correct?

Let's talk about our beliefs, and what we can learn about them. We believe nature is solid, and time a constant. Matter has substance and time a direction. There is truth in flesh and the solid ground. The wind may be invisible, but it's real. Smoke, fire, water, light. They're different! Not as to stone or steel, but they're tangible. And we assume time is narrow because it is as a clock, one second is one second for everyone! Cause precedes effect. Fruit rots, water flows downstream. We're born, we age, we die. The reverse NEVER happens. None of this is true! Say goodbye to classical reality, because our logic collapses on the subatomic level, into ghosts and shadows.

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Because if I'm wrong and I harm an NPC the creator of the game will come after me and any progress I've made in their game will be lost.

I never understand this. It isn't as simple as scooping off the corner of your table and begetting an ice cream sandwich. If nothing you believe is true, what is? Our perception of the universe surrounding us is developed in our first years of life, but these times are lost from our consciousness, leaving only the rules we follow.

From Job's friends insisting that the good are rewarded and the wicked punished, to the scientists of the 1930's proving to their horror the theorem that not everything can be proved, we've sought to impose order on the universe. While order DOES exist in the universe, it is not at all what we had in mind!
The hardest thing to hear for any of us is something we don't agree with.

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you're not telling us to kill ourselves, are you?

sorry, meant to respond to:

The Source leaves hints around to the nature of reality everywhere. Truths mixed with lies. I too seen the phenomena you speak of.
That or someone is messing with us.

Paranoia? Delusions of Granduer?

Giant bunch of weeb faggots itt. All of you need to kill yourselves but don't forget to stream it.

Reality is not what it used to be! A reality is just what we tell each other it is. Do you want to know the problem with places like churches? With religion, in general? It's never known how to convey the anatomy of horror. Religion seeks discipline through fear, yet doesn't understand the true nature of creation. No one's ever believed it enough to make it real.

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No. Either play the game and disappear, or fight the machine and risk losing.