How could anyone support this racist piece of shit? He literally destroying over 200 years of American democracy and 70 years of american leadership on the world stage.
How could anyone support this racist piece of shit...
wtf i hate trump now
>I just babble out a bunch of random grandiose shit
>t. shitlib
wtf i hate trump now
You say that as if racism is a bad thing. Also, sage, you worthless fat fuck.
How specifically is he racist? How specifically is he destroying over 200 years of American democracy and 70 years of American leadership on the world stage?
Some racist stuff is true. If you live in America, you got to pay taxes and assimilate
Is the memeflag Jew angry. Perhaps that is because his life sucks because he has spent his life in service to the Rabbinical system that benefits only the people at the top of the modern Kahilla.
Find yourself an Asian wife. You will be much happier. Jewish women are ugly and bitchy.
He's okay. I voted for him. Still proud to say he hasn't gone off the rails yet.
That would be something.
But so far, so good. Despite the tide of opposition, he gets it done.
>70 years of American leadership on the world stage
Apparently by not sucking other country's cocks essentially, according to shitlibs. If we aren't getting ourselves into a major war with Russia to appease diplomatically ultra-bitching Saudis, Europeans, and Jews, that's not "leadership."
If we're not paying 8/10ths of Euro and Jew's way in national defense while they nummy-nummy welfare with the cost difference, that's not leadership.
If we're not funding muslim extremists to knock out Israel and Saudi's enemies, then turning around again in like 10 years to kill those same people we funded to knock out Israel/Saudi's Assad, that's not "leadership."
If we aren't accepting bad trade deals and letting any asshole pinprick on the globe to tariff us whenever They want to, that isn't leadership.
If we aren't taking in muslim niggers like these little crying bitch Euro Idiots, as if their love for nigger's cum in their shithole is our fault, that's not leadership, either.
Essentially, if we aren't everybody's favorite rich and powerful cuck to go get fucked in the ass, and fight every Jew and Europussy weakling's battles for them against this half-decade's sandnigger o' the week, that's not properly leading the way.
The current leftist is a vile, two-mouthed little bastard, that stuck interventionist neocons into his gaping faggot-loving asshole and melded entirely with them, despite Years of bitching about George Bushes while playing his phony bullshit hippy lie. They're morally bankrupt because their mothers were whores, and never taught them to stop talking out both of their faces.
America has lots of other pieces of racist shit who support that asshole.
nice evidence you got there, Chaim
Im a fucking leaf and I’d take a bullet for him.
Sometimes I get choked up when I think about him.
Because if he's good then we have god emperor of mankind and if not we have irl sheev palpatine controlling every side
>1 post by this id
>uses the word "litterally"
Fucking hell, stop replying to these bot threads.
You're not a democracy.
>complaining about racism
>on Jow Forums
fuck off nigger
go fuck yourself kike you can run you can hide but the ovens are coming and you know it
You’ve just made Jow Forums‘s 1,000,000th obvious anti-DRUMPF post! This is a special honor considering how many came before you and have made this exact post or some small variant thereof, to have reached such a mighty count of shillposting.
We have informed David Brock, who will be buying you and your fellow nerd virgins an extra pizza and 2 liter of Coke to enjoy in your cubicles during the long shift ahead. Stay the course, and you could hit 2 million in 2019!
Racist is just a dog whistle word used by anti whites to shut white people up.
every one is biased towards there own race thats what racism is
Eat shit & die leftist trash.
Best election ever !!!
>How could anyone support this racist piece of shit?
By supporting him, you dumb fuck. That's how you support somebody - by supporting them. It's not rocket science.