>in recent years several bird species have lost their fight for survival. And sadly, one of those species is the beautiful Spix's Macaw. The species is now considered extinct in the wild, although some of the birds survive in breeding programs.
>While the vast majority of bird extinctions in recent centuries have occurred on isolated islands, five of the eight highlighted by this study occurred in South America – four in Brazil alone – a tragic statement on the impact of deforestation in that part of the world.
Brazilian's kill another species. Less than 20% of the original Amazon rainforest remains.
Blue macaw parrot extinct in the wild
they've been endangered for a while so I'm not surprised
In that period of endangered > extinct, deforestation has increased, corrupted has increased, and a large number of environmental activists have been murdered in Brazil. Brazil's populace literally doesn't care. There are now more government-subsidized Brazilian trannies than there are Spix's Macaws.
Does south America or any 3rd world country even have national parks?
today blue macaw
tomorrow white people
This shit makes me angry as fuck
It's pining for the fjords!
You remember now that the white African rhino got extinct last year due to chinks killing all of them. Even several in captivity in africa by bribes. All for their voodoo penis enchantment.
I first read about the bird years ago. It was endangered then. Now news comes out it's extinct. In that time, the Brazilian government has done nothing. Then they have the audacity to come to my country and "hue-hue" in public. I was on a bus and there was a large group of them (no idea why the congregate in numbers) and they wouldn't stop laughing. Even in their own language, they couldn't maintain discourse without huehue-ing every second sentence. All the other Canadian's in the bus were appalled. Especially burned into my mind is the First Nations native looking me sullenly in the eye as I stepped off the bus, hue-hue laughter loud in the background.
kill yourself filthy nigger.
Empathy for animals is a shitskin thing.
OH my fucking god this is the funniest leaf post I have ever fucking read.
Also they congregate in packs because they are animals dude.
They have national so-y crops and palm plantations. Look it up, Brazil is a top producer of s_oy. Funny thing is, none of this money makes it back to the populace, because farmers are greedy and corrupt. They literally burn acres of Amazon rainforest for nothing. In effect, they're destroying their natural habitat and land for temporary economic gains for a few certain corporations and individuals. A literal waste.
t. gook
It's almost like being in Quebec, eh?
As long as the tiger is left alone we are somewhat fine. As we expand we need more trees.
They have 130 as part of a breeding program, it should be a recoverable setback.
Emphaty for animals is literally a white trait . Niggers and chinks have soul
Dumb virtue signaling liberals screeching about deforestation by niggers.
Honestly it would be better for earth if all those pardos/mestizos and niggers in South America were just wiped out. What do they do besides cut down the rainforest and eat each other?
If it dies in the wild, how is it recoverable? Especially considering a social species.
Makes me laugh when an endangered species is listed as recovering simply because it numbers in the thousands. Meanwhile, humans alone number in the billions. But one measles outbreak and it's a nationwide disaster. But yeah, a couple thousand whales suffering from mercury poisoning and unable to hunt in their natural habitat due to sound pollution from industrial tanker traffic are "recovering".
So when I take down your mom and mount her over my mantle I expect no bitching from you hicktard.
Because you're a faggot. Birds are gay and 99% of species have gone extinct in history, do you cry about that every night imagining a world where death doesn't exist as you suck your sippie bottle?
>yt clear-cuts forests for economic gain
>remaining forests only exist because yt got kicked out before he could get to them
>man of color wants to make his life a little less worse
>no, you must remain poor and not cut any trees
>and rot in your country while my industries make your warm climate more unlivable with each passing day
So, Jow Forums isn't white?
Canada has renewable softwood lumbar industry. Canada has the largest boreal forest in the world. Canada's species aren't dying despite extensive logging (visible throughout the country).
But Brazil doesn't even try, but rather practices slash & burn in a non-sustainable fashion to grow foreign export crops. It's sick.
>Murdered land activist adds to rising death toll in Brazil's Amazon
>Almost four environmental defenders a week killed in 2017
You don't deserve the land you stand on.
>Jow Forums is one person
The overwhelming majority here have empathy for animals.
Tell me, if you saw a nigger in need of assistance, would you help?
Niggers are demons not animals.
This. Can we annex the amazon on the grounds it is a global utility?
Oh alright
It would depend on the situation and the appearance of said nigger. I wouldn't jump into some obvious gang fight or something stupid like that.
>less than 20% of the original amazon remains
What a load of crap.
Brazil has several...the nicest is Fernando de Noronha
You are talking out of your ass.
Norway give Brazil many millions of dollars a year to protect the Amazon.
Have you ever been to the Amazon?
Australia is causing desertification of its rainforests according to the permaculture people.
why did we let global warming faggots take over environmentalism? most "environmentalists" these days are probably vegans who eat s*y grown on farms where forest used to be.
Why the fuck is there not pairs of these in refuges?
Empathy for humans that give in to any of the 7 deadly sins is a degenerate thing, you greedy degenerate.