For those who don't know, the Witcher is being made into a TV series on Netflix. They cast a white gentile/goyim to play Geralt, but are casting black/brown women for all of the European women's roles. What Jow Forums has missed about this is that when (((Hollywood))) casts a white gentile male for the lead role, he is always portrayed as an incompetent, bumbling, fool, who has to be saved constantly by strong powerful womyn. In other words: this show is going to be a fucking disaster, BUT this will be a win for us. Here's why:
>White men have been ignoring mass media since the 1920's >On the few occasions white men have ventured into mass media they have created boring Christcuck bullshit that no one likes, like Little House on the Prairie and other Christian cancer to turn whites into mewling cowards >White men haven't fought back against the Jewish dominance in Hollywood in any way at all this entire time, short of terrible WordPress blogs and shitty infotainment YouTube videos that looked like they were produced by a 10 year old with a budget of
You know it's against the rules to announce a sage?
Jeremiah Jackson
Yep. This whole shitstorm is a the ultimate red-pill. Normies are waking up. I wonder if it will be a painful enough event to get white men off their asses, out of their shitty blue collar existences, and start building real companies again?
Thoughts? Shut your fucking whiny mouth, woman. Take your conspiracy theories to /x/. Men are talking.
Well, you know how it turned out the last time they touched videogames.
Most normies are just drones that want a distraction from their shitty existence. When they start attacking what they love, they make enemies.
Julian Evans
yes, but is funny that they are totally 100% racists, and they don't even hide. The important is to offend whites and delete whatever is white, and they have no arguments to debate and justify their intention, everytime they are going to fell in contradiction (they do everytime) they ban.
Brandon Barnes
>Search up The Witcher on Twitter >Nothing but hate and backlash from the idea of making Ciri black
I don't respect people who watch TV these days. If you're white you should be reading books instead of letting yourself be brainwashed. I don't care how smart you think you are or how good you are at spotting the obvious propaganda, the mere exposure to it is altering your thinking. If you hang out with niggers enough your going to eventually start talking like a nigger, so why would you watching leftists on TV be any different?
Charles Murphy
Just wait, soon they will do a Netflix warhammer show, probably Fantasy. Dark Elf’s are not pale skin, but blacks, who raid The old world for white slaves. Sigmar is black, and had sex with the everchosen. Wood Elfs are all transgender people, Dwarfs are now all played by real life midgets, High Elf’s lose every engagement with the Dark Elf’s, and their women keep sneaking off to get “drowed” while the High Elf men happily raise the children. Vampire Counts are all played by the Twilight actors, and they will sparkle in the sun. Bretonnia bombs hard on the entry wars, and so now Telia, Estilia, Border Princes, and southern Bretonnia is moored, and that’s a good thing. Kislev will not exist, fuck not Russia for still being Russia. Norscan warriors will now be turks, mongols, and asian as a whole, with only their women being blond white women. Chaos Daemons are the true good guys, and as for the rest of the factions, they either will not exist or be shown, outside of a few ogres who are refugees, only 18 year old men who are seeking shelter, and will teach the men of the old world how to wipe their own asses with tp, instead of using their hands.
Matthew White
Is this a thread about vidya games? May as well be talking about nigger ball. I don't care. I don't consume Jew media.
Tyler Nelson
This was the last IP I gave a shot about, and they’ve ruined it. Oh well, guess I’ll just have to focus on hobbies that can’t be made “woke.” Like poker and bodybuilding.
>my show about elves, gnomes, werewolves, vampires, dragons and whatnot can't have black people
Logan James
>I don't use it so it's of no importance Try to see the bigger picture here pal. Like saying "I don't go to school anymore so I don't care what's being taught there to our children"
Jonathan Moore
It's a little more complicated than that. Once you have that much money their intelligence agencies will try to get you under their control. You'd have to attain wealth in a country outside of jewish control in order to defy the jewish power system.
Alexander Jackson
Source material is 14th century Poland and surrounding countries. Kys
They could've gone the easy way and introduce a new character, but they retconned an already white character to a black one for political reasons like they are doing literally everywhere in all the entertainment medias right now.
People are getting sick of it.
Samuel Robinson
Sage nigger
Angel Lee
I have no interest in making or watching the white version of jew media. I'll stick to my 'shitty' trade job and help keep the world going.
Alexander Adams
this will be the event that finally wakes white people up #99999999999999
Samuel Taylor
There's no such thing as a sage nigger, they're all lacking the wisdom to be called sage.
Luis Young
It's not enough to hate. I'll be more interested when white men stop whining on the internet and start doing something productive.
Cameron Perez
There are already black people in the universe, but it doesn’t make any sense to make the heir to one of the nordling kingdoms nonwhite when she’s mostly northern human with some elf in her. If they’re actually doing this, then it’s an easy way to guarantee their show just dies in the first season
Alexander Kelly
>It's a little more complicated than that. Once you have that much money their intelligence agencies will try to get you under their control. You'd have to attain wealth in a country outside of jewish control in order to defy the jewish power system.
All of the white countries are under Jewish control. White men are going to have to unify and fight like hell if we're to survive. Good post though.
Carson Robinson
You'd be surprised, Netflix is working at a deficit for years now. They're only riding on the promise of "tomorrow will be better".
Jose Brooks
What I mean is they might keep that thing alive artificially even if it flops. Giving up on it would be like admitting "the ebil racisss" are right.
Elijah King
>Americans will ruin 40k within your lifetime Gas the mutts
Sebastian Richardson
>white men get a little closer to finally getting off their fat asses and doing something about it Nothing will happen until the economy dies.
Luis Lee
go stink up a call center and pray to your god of public dedication that we don't decide to ruin your literal shithole within your lifetime pajeet, you dumb ugly smelly faggot
Asher Green
also >white conservative men are like the Koch Brothers You're an idiot.
Nicholas Evans
It was a shitty game anyway. I don't know why Jow Forums is getting so triggered by it. Let it get BLACKED
Nolan Thomas
>resetera >totally crazy Well no shit.
Carter Evans
Do you just read and post a comment when you disagree without finishing the whole post?
That just sounds like an ADHD and undisciplined way to go.
>created boring Christcuck bullshit that no one likes, like Little House on the Prairie and other Christian cancer Complete. Faggot. Pleb.
Adrian Rivera
No, I posted the first comment without finishing it.
Jonathan Gonzalez
I am happy because it means more people get to enjoy the witcher now. Black girls will be inspired and this little thing we call race will become less important. I am going to buy the ultra HD blueray edition for all my african friends.
Henry Martinez
You're delusional OP. Think of all the great films and TV series that have been sodomized by the Jew, from Marvel, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, the list goes on. But you somehow think THE WITCHER will get whites off their asses to fight back. No, Witcher is getting BLACKED and nothing will be done about it. Serious shit has to hit the fan to wake the majority of whites up, and like another poster said, that will probably involve a massive economic collapse or some other catastrophe.
I only fear for Amazon series based on Tolkien. Now nigger elves don't seem impossible. Oh god I hate how leftists are killing the culture.
David Perry
Everytime they do that to a series, they make enemies of their fans. Everytime, the disgruntlement grows, more people get pissed off by it.
Eventually, there will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back. Probably not the witcher, but it's tipping the balance.
Parker Taylor
>Oh god I hate how leftists are killing the culture.
You don't hate enough apparently. Funnily, you are exactly the type of person I am talking about in my original post...You whine like a woman and still don't even have the courage to even suggest a solution, let alone actually do anything about it.
Caleb Green
no, polish cinematogtraphy is garbage 98% of polish actors act like in the theater , you cant see character , its feel like you in theater on some drama, pol fag here
Jack Lopez
no, polish cinematography is garbage , and polish actors are even more, waching 98% of them is like siting in theater cos they act like that(over the top and too serious)polish wicher tv series are very weak too,
Isaac Richardson
>White men have been ignoring mass media since the 1920's What? All the young retarded cucks watch netflix, you don't get it it's about brainwashing the youth, middle age and old age people are the last barrier that jews and communism must overcome and since we can't be brainwashed as easily as young dumb people that don't know better they will just wait for us to die or to be overtaken by young brainwashed clueless fucks. Some years from now you and me will be the old lunatic idiot that "doesn't get with the times".
Create something new faster then (((they)) can subvert it. They cannot create somthing themselves.
Julian Bailey
Who gives a shit about a series that are fucking garbage anyway? All talented, smart and artistic Slavs were either killed off by Stalin or gassed by Hitler, what's left now are obnoxious nationalists thinking they're better than anyone.
Logan Scott
This. Cristian culture is not ressiliant to subversion, cause it is a subvertet culture in itself. Dig your roots, call your ancestors, create somthing powerful unable to be subverted.
Zachary Ortiz
Idk why you look to Netflix to take history back. This was guaranteed pozzed from the start and everyone knew it. Try not watching trash or giving extra publicity to mediocre productions.