NPCs can't handle having a newfound inner voice

NPCs shouldn't be made aware of the inner voice theory or they'll go haywire. They've never had it before in their life and do not know how to perceive the concept.
>After the Navy Yard shooting, the media speculated that Alexis had appeared to be suffering from mental illness. The media reported that Alexis had filed a police report in Rhode Island on August 2, 2013, in which he claimed to be the victim of harassment and that he was hearing voices in his head.
Similar experiences were reported by Dennis Rader and Jared Loughner.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I haven't been on Jow Forums a lot recently, can you guys update me as to what an "NPC" is?

I think niggers just aren’t meant to have inner voices. 90% of them don’t

A study found that 1/4 people don’t have inner speech. They’re basically humanoid animals who just act on intuition and instincts but don’t have any self reflection or internal dialogue with themselves

it's not a new concept newfaggot

Apparently some Jow Forumstards have autism that requires them to think their thoughts in words, like having an inner monologue. They can not think in abstract thoughts of concepts. They think that this is normal human behavior and claim that not hearing your "inner voice" means that you are unable to do anything out of free will. Therefore the term NPC (non player character).

tl;dr literal autisms

This thread will also be deleted. Jow Forums mods are literally prohibiting the discussion of the most significant find in human history.

Because this thread is even mentioning the recent threads or "NPC" is will get pruned. 20 fucking threads about women's tennis but this is too much for mods.

If you guys are going to keep talking about this npc shit, you should google bicameralism.

maybe you should go the fucking science board and not discuss this crappy meme in a board that is dedicated to politics.

Nigger primate criminal?

you don't know what an npc is, nor how to use google? npcs are more clever than i thought :^)

NPC's are necessary.

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Having an inner voice doesn’t mean you can think abstractly. Not having an inner voice means you’re on the same level of consciousness that animals are on. If you had to think exclusively with just an inner voice you would have to actually think “Ok, I should grab the door knob now so I can open it” and shit like that. And having an inner voice isn’t an autistic trait. It’s a defect not to have one

>like having an inner monologue
No, it's way more complex than that. People who cannot think in an inner voice at all or have debates with themselves literally have to be some kind of sub-human, if not an NPC.

It's not just this topic, it's the 20 fucking threads of fake news, the other 20 of female tennis and other totally non-political stuff.

It is political. This is as political as it gets. Politics is just talking about the world and people

Jow Forums found a 2013 study that found that at least 50% of people don't conduct inner speech. Which is basically arguing with yourself and being able to change your life "filters" on a whim.

Since all true Jow Forumstards are borderline schizos (including me) of course everyone just fucking ran with it.

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Also, this seems significant.

What if NPC's who "hear voices" actually are just NPC's who suddenly developed a consciousness and can't understand/deal with the constant stream of thoughts? Meaning, the weird stuff the mind produces when you're angry at your boss etc.

In short the "hearing voices" as a mental illness may not actually be a thing. Just a NPC who was unprepared for consciousness.

He was a victim of targeted electromagnetic weaponry. ELF weapons. They drove him insane. This man was a victim before he became a murderer.

They were doing this all over the place to cause shootings to initiate a gun control agenda.

You are obviously overestimating things. Words are literally just a means to categorize abstract concepts into something that is easily understood. If people can visualize or otherwise think about complex matters, then they are above animals. Voice or no voice does not matter in that regard.

According to your theory, 1/4th of people could never give an intricate speech. If you are able to write a speech, then you need to think about the words that you will use. Literally impossible if you can not think in words. If you hear the actual voice or not is irrelevant.

Same shit if you work with your hands. To make a chair you do not need to voice out the measurements of the wood or the settings on the powersaw. You visualize and you do. No inner voice needed. The NPC meme is complete garbage.

Breaking News: Jow Forums only rarely talks about actual politics

>only thinks on abstraction
>calls other people autist.
user I...I have some bad news.

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The disorder of hearing audible voices when no one is around is not the same as having an inner voice. That guy in OP is really just fucking crazy.

Parrots talk. Beavers build complex dams. You proved nothing.

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>According to your theory, 1/4th of people could never give an intricate speech.
The real number is probably even higher.

You don’t need to have an internal dialogue to use speech. 4 year olds can talk and do shit but they never think any thoughts to themselves. If you don’t have an inner speech you’re just dealing with the world on a very basic level. You can’t think deeply or have self awareness with just abstract thoughts that spring to your mind and let you decide on how to do things. Without words you can’t package information and ideas and build on them. Thinking with language is what separates people from animals and NPCs

Utilizing society built constructs that have been drilled into you and having an inner voice are two different things.

So it's actually a spectrum of no inner voice to hyper inner voice which is schizophrenia.

This. Dyslexic ppl don't think in language but are top tier intelligence

Holy shit.

I once took LSD with my ex-girlfriend many years ago. We were having trouble communicating and felt very isolated from each other. But at some point, our inner voices synchronized into one single voice. This synchronization would come and go and I remember her saying, "There's a voice in your head too, isn't there?" It wasn't telepathy, it was more like we had the exact same thought-wave and were able to communicate abstract concepts nonverbally. It shook me at the time and it still shakes me today.

That inner voice is very pronounced on psychedelics. And as you approach a phenomenon called "ego death", the voice starts getting scared and tries to cling on to everything external, as if it's holding onto the physical foundations of reality like a man on the edge of a cliff. But once you let go, you escape the Dyad and become united with the source of all things.

Whether it's God, the Tao, Brahman, I don't know. But there is something higher than us, and that inner voice exists as an opposition to "It."

If these studies are true and many people don't have that inner voice, it leads me to believe that those who do have an inner voice have a duty, a responsibility, to lead the "NPCs" like a flock of sheep. To pave the way for a better world. Also, if this is true, the NPCs cannot be blamed for their stupidity, for it would be like getting mad at a dog for not rationally understanding why he can't have your steak.

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>only thinks on abstraction
Found your mistake.

Beavers building complex dams is hardwired into them. Same as suckling on a mothers breast is hardwired into newborns. Animals are born with behavior patterns. There are some wasps out there which live in tunnels. They close off these tunnels with small rocks. When they some back they remove the rock and perform some movements. If you move the rock during the movement, the wasp will repeat to reposition the rock and will repeat the movement pattern. You can literally starve the wasp by setting up a small gadget that keeps moving the rock every few seconds. The wasp can not break the behavior pattern that nature has intended for her.

You can not do this to a human (and some other animals).

>Utilizing society built constructs that have been drilled into you
So these NPCs just stop working when they don't know what to do? Nice try. I guess that they will just drop dead on the spot if something around them changes and they can not comprehend what happened. LOL

People not knowing what an NPC is, look up the term P-zombie. They are thought about in philosophy

Most of the time I just have a monologue, although I don't think it's always the same neural networks informing my thoughts. When I try to break a problem i will engage in a dialogue with what I believe are different neural networks communicating and trying to see a problem from multiple perspectives. What keeps you from being schitzo is the fact I experience all the thoughts as coming from my mind and not an external source.

A philosophical zombie or p-zombie in the philosophy of mind and perception is a hypothetical being that from the outside is indistinguishable from a normal human being but lacks conscious experience, qualia, or sentience.[1] For example, if a philosophical zombie was poked with a sharp object it would not feel any pain sensation, yet could behave exactly as if it does feel pain (it may say "ouch", recoil from the stimulus, and say that it is feeling pain).

Yes some people think only in abstraction, what is so hard to understand? Can you hear music when you feel like?


niggers are actual NPCs

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My guess would also be that if the same study would be conducted in Japan, there would be literally 1% NPC tops.
Just because of this:

They literally are trained to articulate their thoughts in voice. It just comes down to habbit and practice.

Oh and as a side note, this inner voice is a burden. We may laugh at the NPCs for lacking this component of being, but realize that we are able to suffer on a far deeper level than them as a result of having this voice. This voice, like I said, exists as a fundamental opposition to God, Brahman, whatever It is. It's the reason why some African tribes don't even have a word for "I" because they do not perceive a world that is external from them.

And maybe the homogeneity...

Like most things, there is a plus and minus

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You can't pray or speak to god if you lack an inner voice

>The wasp can not break the behavior pattern that nature has intended for her.

Yes, just like how a NPC can't act outside his programming.

If you watch this it makes sense.

care to cite any of this?

a forced /v/ schizo meme with a poor confirmation based upon questionable science

You're either retarded or trolling, I didn't mean it literally you fucking bot. Your responses and what you "create" is pre determined from whatever you've seen in society, you just naturally conform to what is widely accepted without thinking.

t. NPC

How can this be possible? Wouldn’t these people be incapable of reading silently?

Philosophical Zombie is the formal term.

That's called schizophrenia, you fuckwit. Does your inner voice harass you?

You can just it's hard to hold information. There's a guy who has this who wrote an article about it. They aren't dumb people by any means

Schizophrenic here. Inner monologue and the voices are not the same thing.

Ever had the teacher say to some kids to "whisper" when reading? You see some kids mummer as softly as they can when reading, unable to read anything in their head without speaking it.

Haven't you ever met someone who always reads shit out loud?

That's something I'm trying to grasp. If they're reading dialogue I guess they could still have the characters speaking in their mind, but otherwise they're using images and emotions to think and react to their environment.

I think they move their tongue and throat a little bit while they read

here, have this pity (You)

Yes but we must regain control of them

In every thread there are several people who out themselves as NPC's by claiming they are incapable of linguistic thought. It's not a question of whether they exist, but what we should do with them. There are perhaps BILLIONS soulless husks masquerading as real people. This has huge political implications.

Which makes perfect sense. Children do not have the same mental capabilities as adults.
also somewhat makes sense. Children only start to perceive themselves and the outside world from a certain age onwards.

Your picture reminds me of some lewd chinese drawings about a guy who is getting sucked into a video game and starts to fuck all the NPCs because they are hot. Time to look that one up again. Thanks user!

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> Dyslexic ppl don't think in language

Yes we do.

Interesting meme. I think some people are slower and maybe use less percent of their mental capacity but not full on NPC.
They are just weak consciously, or uninterested in free thought.
Sheeple if you will

NPC detected, finding these guys are becoming more easier.

>So these NPCs just stop working when they don't know what to do?
Yes, I have experienced this 3 times I can remember. I've tried to go just a little out of an acquaintances' comfort zone of topics and they literally shut down.
>TV shows commercial for show with trannys celebrating being Free in america "This is what America is all about!"
>Me: Wow, they're really raising up the strange and wierd behavior these days
>Conservative acquaintances: Yeah, that's amazing that they're doing that, really tearing down our society
>Me: Heh, maybe this is what Osama was talking about (With a sarcastic edjy grin)
>Acquaintances: but they don't look shocked
>Acquaintances: Did you see that last score at the basketball game last night?! Amazing

Pick one, and for love of god don't pick niggers.

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t. retarded shill trying to disinfo the theory


I think it more of people trying to steer away from your comment. A onions boy’s way to cope

This projection is so hilarious. This whole meme is one big deflection of your own insecurities and autism.

You need to under what auditory hallucinations are. Our brain makes a lot of shortcut assumptions. It usually only makes very reliable ones. We fill in patterns based on what we already know. Hallucinations are errors where we fill in too much information with too little stimulus.

When I am very tired I get mild visual hallucinations. They're usually very simple - I see a roughly human shaped object and mistake it for a human. I literally see a human shape and perceive one there, but then I blink and realize it doesn't resemble one at all.

I will sometimes here sounds and think I'm hearing something I've heard before - a song, someone speaking, etc. But then I realize I'm just "hearing things."

This is normal and happens to everyone, but for schizophrenics those hallucinations caused by little stimuli grow and become exceedingly complex as the brain fills in more and more information, until you get complex hallucinations (like conversations with a non-existent person).

Basically I think your NPC hypothesis is wrong

Come on fin, people in America of all backgrounds can read. That doesn’t mean they arent niggers.

Koko and other intelligent animals probably have inner voice though likely more primitive.

t. NPC who can’t comprehend the subject

Its just daydreaming but the autists here made up some new definition by stealing a gamer term.

take an anti-histamine, then the voices will be gone. magic :/

A fucking leaf holy shit

They just didn't want to spend more than a few seconds of their time talking about trannies and Osama bin Laden, which I know is a shock if you spend a lot of time on Jow Forums. You being the victim of awkward silence because you steered the convo to an edgy place doesn't necessarily mean they're all NPCs, user. Any examples of them showing a lack of inner voice?

What’s a better term for them? They have no self reflection or agency of their own. But why I am telling this to an NPC

I cannot believe people like you exist. I have never been able to understand why people are so stupid until this meme.

You have no idea what you're talking about. How about actually trying to understand a topic before interjecting your retarded opinion.
This isn't about daydreaming. Everyone can daydream. However, some people cannot think linguistically AT ALL. Several out themselves in every thread.
How do these people deliberate the best course of action? How do they formulate coherent arguments? How would they pray? If these people form a sizable portion of the population, what are the political and societal implications?

Got some strong ones I'll try tomorrow and I have a prominent inner voice. Will report with a thread if I notice anything. Talking long term dosing to eliminate or a strong one time dose will do it?

My inner dialoge is basically "wheels in the sky" by journey

Sheeple, its not that they lack conciousness or an inner voice. They are just uninspired and weak minded.

anyone notice that the npcs dont have any positions on anything that doesnt directly affect them?
they always seem to be high time preference too

They need to do another study on NPCs by race. I'm sure that would be interesting.

It's a forced meme that some faggots on here are shilling hard for, just liked the 30yo boomer faggotry.


nice try glow in the dark nigger

I think NPC is still a better term. Only the people who think the meme is about simulation theory will take them as literal NPCs. Sheeple has kind of been ruined by atheist fedora tippers

>forced me
NPC meme is hilarious. You’re just an NPC

non-player character
It's a vidya analogy

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Take a step back and have a sip user

no just above krautfagging. A high level user.

The meme at its core is that minorities can't internalize any cognition and everythng is just surface reaction to their surrounding. Daydreaming deeply is the opposite. Besides nobody has explained it effectively so even if I am wrong whatever, its shit any ways.

hydroxyzine works and helps get to sleep 25mg at night, but wont stop an inner autistic monologue and deep thinking. if you want to live a blunt zombie like existence quetiapine should do the trick kek

Holy shit i remember a specific time where a teacher got crazy with a kid because he couldnt stop reading aloud when told to read in his head and he couldnt stop

He was black btw


26 percent of people cant think with words
Theyre the minority
They are the autismos.
They are you.

It's not. It's stupid faggots looking for another reason to feel special. This NPC shit is one of the most embarrassing obsessions I've seen Jow Forums develop.