>Red - /ourguys/
>Blue - Cucks
>Yellow - Literally Jeb!

What results are you hoping for? What are you expecting?

Attached: swedishelection.png (1000x1000, 226K)

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Interested to see if AfS gets more than 4%

hope AfS get 4%
hope SD gets huge win. idc if they’re “cucked”, it’s still important that moderate right wingers can at least begin to fight back.

Overlay this with population map

Attached: 76-population-density-administrative-boundaries-map-of-sweden-.jpg (320x762, 92K)

Hopefully SD becomes the biggest party, and AfS gets into the parliament as well.

is it completely inhospitable in the North?

It is livable until winter, when the moose come out of summer hibernation and consume everything in their way.

Good luck boys, we all have our own fights

Is the left ones from the last election, and the right one from current polls?

Completely? Not really, it's just shitty, long and cold winters especially.
Cities are most concentrated on the coast for good reason and not many live permanently further inland, looks pretty much like this pic for miles.

And the closer to the polar circle the "worse" the day-night cycles get. Far enough north and you get weeks with no sunlight and weeks with no proper nighttime.

Attached: bild13.jpg (960x360, 84K)

Is it to cold for trees
Is there a decent road network up there.
Is it possible for you guys to get a little cabin up there to get away from it all

are u dumb
of course it's liveable up there

>is it to cold for trees?

have you ever taken a look at google maps?

only in the super far north
beyond the arctic circle there is tundra
otherwise it's full of trees

Most be really nice in the summer, going camping on long bright days.

Dude I live north of Sweden, we have trees.
Few pine trees though, mostly birch, due to 3 months of pure darkness there is no benefit to evergreen plants.

>Few pine trees though, mostly birch... no benefit to evergreen plants.
Pines are evergreens, Birch are decidious

Nevermind I'm an idiot, I misunderstood what you meant.

Exactly what I said you southern.

That's where the forest-moon of Endor is, of course there are fucking trees.

Attached: 1491122408647.png (650x400, 645K)

that's what I thought, just the picture he posted looked like tundra

Is iT COmplETelY InHosPItabLe in tHe nOrtH?

Attached: 1536229942833.jpg (600x600, 44K)

>Is it to cold for trees
They have trees at the max northern extent. It's not murder cold like Northern Canada or Russia thanks to the ocean.


Attached: nigger going full super saiyan mode.jpg (1280x720, 38K)

Anyway sending positive vibes for massive AfS gains and an overall SD victory.

Attached: 1492861880549.jpg (584x584, 34K)

It's not that dumb a question. The Canadian North is about as hospitable as Antarctica, for instance.

ourguys? is NRM running for elections?

Im North of Canada.

All swedish election posting is being moved to the official /sweg/ thread

Attached: sweg logo.png (676x676, 48K)

Yes... You can vote for them

Attached: Canada-Hardiness-Zone-Map.jpg (2592x1729, 1.97M)

Technically, but it won't amount to anything. NMR is tainted beyond repair in the eyes of the public. They're seen as nazi larpers and hooligans.

good, at least they are sticking to the principles of national socialism, would join the nordic freikorps when they win by elections or other means

Even if they get like 26% they still wont be in the government right? Nobody will want to be in a coalition with them?

This is the only reason I'm half-assed paying attention. Godspeed Svens, and God Bless AfS


realistically, can SD actually win?

May not be happening, but I just voted and I saw that the NMR had actual ballots at my voting place. No idea how they got there, since Skövde doesn't have a very strong NMR presence.

Attached: 1536446371336.png (866x1024, 249K)

actually whats most likely to happen is all the leftiest liberal parties will just form a coalition to make it impossible for SD to win, of course.

This is not a democracy.

Attached: Hearty_kek.gif (346x244, 3.59M)

That looks a lot like Montana. Looks comfy.

sweden is and has been for a long time, a demotatorship (demokratur)
the illusion of free elections where the jewish ruled elite and media control how the country is run

Just goes to show that people who choose to live among lots of people are mentally ill.


>tfw I voted for NMR.

Attached: 1536420582724.png (713x611, 26K)

good boy

I want headlines full of elitist fears!

Fucking Jeb

Attached: SmartSelect_20180909-092722_Chrome.jpg (1088x1382, 461K)

Someone snuck them in there most likely. I'm almost certain they aren't allowed to have their ballots in official voting locations. Parties under ~1.2% or something don't get ballots distributed by the state and have to send out their own or tell their voters to write them in on a blank ballot.

They should get speaker if they are the largest party and if the moderates want any chance if forming a government they need SD support, otherwise we will be like Belgium with no government for several years.

If we had the system you have they would win in landslide but we have proportional representation so we will see what happens.

This is the correct attitude. I'll go vote for AfS in a while and hope they make it to 4%, but if SD gets 25% and above it's still great.

can someone give me a quick rundown?

Will there be any black news paper headlines this go around with the % of the vote that went to ourguys?

Svens, get in here:


Cool video. Shame about the thirdies flooding in.

Men jag vill inte hamna på någon lista, farbror SÄPO.

Not as inhospitable as London, Achmed.

Attached: stateofuk.jpg (1024x768, 67K)

>Looks comfy
And then winter arrives

Attached: winter.jpg (3968x2232, 2.95M)

Do you guys get ice storms that knock out the power grid?

Attached: icestorm23gm.jpg (489x333, 48K)

It happens but it's not common, Sweden generally doesn't have many storms.

They don't always knock out the power here, but anything East of the Great Lakes is at severe risk if it's a "mild" winter.

Attached: Ice storm 98 car.jpg (776x582, 57K)

We rarely get storms strong enough for that, especially not large metal ones like your pic. Smaller poles in rural areas might get knocked over by trees though, isn't too uncommon. Luckily urban power lines are overwhelmingly underground so it isn't a worry where most people live.

>Luckily urban power lines are overwhelmingly underground
You guys do heated sidewalks in cities too, right?

should i go vote? why/why not?

Yes because your apathy further enables those who would ruin your country if you don't.

Theyll get 0.5%

I don't want to read news, so, generally, what is going on there? Are you guys gonna get uncucked?

SD will get 19%, AFS 0.5%
The left will rule for another four years
Prepare your anus for more brown people

i don't even know where the voting location is

Not as much as we should, but it's common in larger cities. Especially mainstreets or outdoor malls

Looks comfy Ragnar

Look it up on Google, can't be that hard.

Rurals schould shut the chitty cityzens off the food supply.

Vote! It's the greatest impact you can make as an ordinary citizen on the future of your country.


>han är inte med på listan redan

Yes ffs, your country is the first that will go sharia dumbfuck, it will happen before you die if you live for 40+ years and you'll be weak and dependent then. Only way to not be dependent on the state during old age is having 3-4 kids. In that case you should think of the children and go vote.

Googla. Du kan be om att skriva ut ett röstkort när du kommer fram. Glöm inte Identifikation.

Holy shit what a shithole


In all seriousness, aren't SD basically fucked now?
AfS are the only true nationalists, and they might not clear 5%


Godspeed anons. Retake your country, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Attached: 1519394274175.jpg (1024x683, 127K)

the ballots were out in the open with a line behind, making boomers scared to grab the sd ones

Attached: 1459982738553.jpg (600x424, 27K)

Attached: Stefan Löfven.jpg (858x429, 45K)

It's fake.
The original text is about not listening to loud music on the train and some leftists anarchists put that one up as "art"


hopefully OSSE will give us hell. cause this is not ok

Ameribro here good luck ousting the liberals. Id like to visit sweden some day and not have it be an sjw nightmare

Reverse image search it, you get links to news articles about it.


>no pictures of "real" campaign
how is that establishment cum tea tasting?

That's a banksy you retard

There really is no hope.

AfS getting a seat in the parliament would do way more damage to the (((progressive agenda))) than SD gettting a fuck ton of votes.

Good god that is a beautiful country

This. If AfS gets any political power then it's going to be a huge overton window push and win. I hope SD does well too, but AfS really does need to do well (4%) for maximum damage and pushback against the current system.

Is Sweden's salvation imminent?
Well, bad thing is we can´t genocide the feminists now.

Attached: birdwithhat.jpg (336x336, 17K)

Too bad Democuckry has occupied her. Fascist liberation is in order.

They are allowed to have their ballots there, they are running after all.. they, however, have to put them at voting stations themselves.