The Daily Beast Calls For The Termination of Red Ice TV

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*FED Ice

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Kek, how much of a paranoid schizo aka. Amerimutt conspiratard do you have to be in order to create that imgur?

It proves absolutely nothing.

>all this proof isn't proof at all!
KYS you glowing tranny

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Red ice is pretty based desu. Im amazed they are still up.

t. Kike

Finally someone sees it!

Fuck off...they are legit and doing god’s work

>mutt meme
freedom don't come fear muzzie piece of filth

they're called shills, bro

It's moarpheus. He calls every single right wing media figure a Jew or CIA.
If we think all of the people who represent the right can't be trusted then we never get anything done.
A simple tactic they have been using here for years.

>aka. Amerimutts.
It's always Amerimutts posting such conspiracy garbage and claiming everyone in our circle is a Mossad or FBI agent.

>hurrrdurrr dick spencer fbi agent
>hurrrdurrr david duke secret israeli agent

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you're a fuckin nigger

beat me to it. if you fed shills want people to swallow your load, why don't you give your stooges logical backstories? the two are each others beards for sure, look at that faggot. how did they meet? where did they come from? what were they doing before fed ice tv?

they're not real people, they are shills who are paid to sow discord and bad jacket legitimate actors to spread unease towards those figures.

>chelsea clinton calls for the terimination of bluddy blah
who cares

>It's moarpheus
The CIA Spencer shills are still here attaching themselves to everything that has nothing to do with them.

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This. Red Ice is a psy-op and a branch of MK-ULTRA

Back to your hellish abyss you twisted, maniacal abomination of God.
You gibbering, animalistic goblin.
You affront to nature.
Back to your pile of slime you hastily glued together clump of genetic trash.
You fucking amerimutt.
You wretched, cursed creature of the dark.


Thats slightly odd. They usually only target the basic civnat stuff they thing might have entry level appeal for bans. Did they fall afoul of some EU hate speech laws or something?

1. we need right wing archive squad back nao
2. daily beast have a channel to flag

they talk about JQ a lot, promote greatest story never told, had holocaust revisionists on, kevin mcdonald

God this place is full of Commie scum and shills now.

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ps anyone use a vpn they recommend? want to archive youtube but not have them block me

>Constant infighting in this thread
All this proves is that the right needs a leader

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faggot moarpheus

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Now that Infowars is fucked, everyone else is next.
Its like when you take away guns, the next step is to police what people are allowed to say. Like in my shithole or Britain.

Red Ice existed long before you CIA Spencer shills screaming morpheus

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>Banter and memes are communist shills
r/the_Donald was a mistake.
We are stuck with these boomers forever.

>oh you had david duke on?


Alex wasn't a gun, he was a virus of Leftist Commie Zionst paid pawn mislieading propaganda doing a RightWing nut impression you fucking retard.

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Red ice used to have loads of alternative thinkers from all fields, it only started being called CIA when they endorsed that white genocide is planned/happening.

damn they are just slowly rolling up all the alt-right outlets one by one

David Duke was on what retard? I'm talking about YOU and your orginization, the Natbol alt-right. Everyone is morpheus to you fags

t. Spencer for hire

>shareblue memes
pick one race traitor

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>David Duke was on what retard? I'm talking about YOU and your orginization, the Natbol alt-right. Everyone is morpheus to you fags
>t. Spencer for hire

kek what the fuck is this cuckboi faggot talking about?

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>still butthurt at the amerimutt meme
I bet my house you came here during the election.

>Red ice used to have loads of alternative thinkers from all fields, it only started being called CIA when they endorsed that white genocide is planned/happening.
I know but look at the paid shill here >damn they are just slowly rolling up all the alt-right outlets one by one
Everyone knows both Alex and Red Ice weren't (((Alt-Right))) but they're trying to attach the idea.

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Blackedmericans will get the bullet

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See these are fucking faggot shills who speak in scripted responses. It's almost like AI but stupid because they only misdirect and then respond like generic chan posters, no creative ability, memes always tired data-base meme.

CIA Alt-Kike ARE ALL IN THIS THREAD trying to attach themselves to Red Ice.

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>tfw not autistic enough to understand this random collection of images
feels good man

Seems like a shitty CIA job to have to be hatred by everyone and your family threatened/cut off from society.

I am an avid Red Ice supporter

Still a coal burner. Fuck and dump.

This, red ice reeks of glowniggers by trying to make white Europeans want to keep their countries ethnically homogenous it will make the people hate them so whites will be divided so the globalists can take over

It's funny you only show up to try and discredit effective leaders of the "alt-right", why is that?

member's section well worth the subscription fee.