Some people seriously need to develop risk-aversion

Some people seriously need to develop risk-aversion.

How do people even make it to adulthood without any?

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Other urls found in this thread: account for&oq=pitbulls account for &aqs=chrome..69i57.3104j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 popularity&oq=pitbulls popularity&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30k1.5933.13174.0.13431.

The dog is not even acclimatized to the family.
It has already learned to kill anything that threatens its place in the pack.
This can never be changed.

will be OK if the Dog was raised properly and got owners that know what they are doing

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i feel bad for the child and what will happen but it needs to happen for the greater good

no it's a genetic thing

They are NPCs

>rescue Dog
>It has already learned to kill anything that threatens its place in the pack
reading comprehension, do you have any?

liberals have brain damage

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i would leave me wife if she was that fucking stupid.

You new here, Achmed?
Breed of Peace is eternally feral.
Lurk a little before posting, mkay thanks

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Rescue means from the pound, which means either discarded or stray. Not a good animal to have by a child, Ahmed.


Not everyone speaks your circle jerk language where you create labels to pat yourself on the back

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I almost feel bad for the child until I realize the parents are putting their kid in danger for social media goodfeels and that it's probably best if all of their offspring are mauled to death.

sometimes cold darwinian contentment is the only way to escape the rage.

Prove to me its 100% the dogs fault and not the owners that simply have no idea how to handle Dogs or properly train them.
Pitbulls, Shepards and other "Attack Dogs" arent more aggresive than the rest, they are however overrepresented because they are popular among retards that never had a Dog before or know how to be the Obedient Pack Leader.

The Dogs become disrespectful, they wont hear on your commands, and most importantly act aggresive even when the Owner dont want them too.
The Chil thing is true, they sense weakness and want to take the place of the pack leader. killing the child makes it easier in their mind.
an Obedient Dog with a Owner that is dominant, would never DARE to touch the Child since he still knows that when he growld at somebody, his owner kicked him.
its harsh but effective, show them you are always the boss, not them.

Where do you think they “rescued” him from, Hans? Cologne on New Year’s Eve?

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that an americn bulldog. not a pitbull. americn bulldogs are little babies themselves...completely harmless.

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>placing German Shepherds in the same category as Nigbulls
Get the fuck out. account for&oq=pitbulls account for &aqs=chrome..69i57.3104j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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>A fucking lobotomy.

Do bull terriers have the same homicide gene that pit bulls do? I want one eventually, as they're pretty rare and look strikingly unique.

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They're feral, only ever loyal to one master, only able to ever bond properly to one person from when they're a baby.

Adopted mutts are extremely high risk of attacking the owner or their kin, or friends, etc/

>ignorant of nigger dogs

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>Being a Keith Urban fan

>How do people even make it to adulthood without any?
They are demoralized useful idiots.

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Ofcourse training has alot to do here but you cant deny the fact these dogs are genetically prone to being aggressive. Even if you do a good job training them, they will still be unpredictable which is the biggest problem.

Thats not my Opinion, they are seen as "Aggresive" here too, thats why I put them in aswell
> popularity&oq=pitbulls popularity&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30k1.5933.13174.0.13431.
you are just proving my point here.
Idiots take the popular Dogs and turn them (by intent or accidentally) into assholes.
go to an Animal Shelter and look what sick fucks do to their Dogs by accident, some can never be given away to a Family anymore because they spoiled them with their """""Training""""""

>nation with organized muslim rape gangs targeting little white girls
>nation with niggers raping and murdering white people for decades and still do to this day

Even worse both of you voted in the "change" and things are as fucked if not worse than before with no real change in sight

I don't care how well trained people say their dogs are. I own 3, and I know that if you inadvertently put them in the right situation, and cause enough fear/anxiety, they will regress to their base instincts.
Every single dog attack has been followed by the owner saying "b-but he never does that usually!"

>don't dangle your kid out the window it's dangerous

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For German shepherds to be seen as “aggressive” in Germany of all places is an outrage.

And that’s a good thing.

bumping for this

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You should also see the people who seem to love pitbulls so much. Usually older moms stuck in their 1980's roadie days who address you by "shug" (sugar) or fatties who burn coal, regardless if they don't live like typical hicks that abuse animals. These are the types of people who'd show an ugly dog and ask "Doesn't he look cute?" when there are objectively aesthetic dogs such as German shepherds or golden retrievers. These are the also the same that would show a nigger baby that always looks pissed and wonder why nobody finds it adorable.

Pit bulls are illegal here and bull terriers are not. Tells you all you need, probably.

it depends on the breeder, since they are rare you need to make sure the bull terrier you re buying comes from a good reputable breeder, or you will end up with a nigger tier dog

I rescued my former pupper when she was a few months old. She was being attacked by coyotes and I killed the one attacking her with my machete. She was the most loyal dog even though she was feral. She would hunt on command bringing back a rabbit or quail. She would never listen to any other human so I taught her to just sit and be still when others were around. She was the kind of dog that would ignore treats and pets from other people as well. It took years to teach her to do what my girlfriend told her to. When we play fought I always won. My girlfriend was timid but I got her to pin my dog and the hierarchy was established. Dog passed 6 moths before my wedding it was really a rough time. Haven't had a pet since.

Not as bad as pitbulls, but very difficult to train either way. Essentially like raising an Australian person that has harsh bantz.

ALL animals are unpredictable, dogs, cats, anything.

The point is you should never have a young child with a dog, end of story. A young child can trigger the dog/cat to attack it, no matter the size/breed.

Its just flat out irresponsible for a parent to let their pets around their young kids.

Oh, no no no...
Wait til you see the f...
Look at his lips !

Prey animal and predators should always be seperated. Same with toddlers and babies. Toddlers will kill a baby through curiosity.

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We should have razed every german town when we had the chance.....

Bull terriers are extremely inbred and not really that similar to pitbulls.

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I like you leaf.

>deny the fact these dogs are genetically prone to being aggressive.
Yeah thats ALL Dogs, not just Pitbulls and Rotweilers.
look around in your or my Country, every Second Idiot has a Dog and the Dog doesnt respect him or react to his commands properly.
they laugh about it nervously with an atached "well hes still learning haha" and in the next second they pet the dog, give him cute names, speak in the "Baby Voice" further showing they forget they deal with an Flesh-eating, pack centered Predator.
Then the Predator sees himself challenged by a Baby or a Child, and he knows what to do.
cant really blame the dog in this scenario
Ban People from having (thisBreed of) Dogs without Training or expierence

>pic related

read above


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I was riding my big dawg on its back when I was a couple years old. You are all just not accustomed to nature.

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Sounded like a real good Doggo mate.

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a bunch of shit is illegal or heavily regulated in your shithole of a country, Nigel

This is natural selection at play. That dog will rip that baby to a bloody blub and those genes won't continue and that's a good thing.

Looks like an American bulldog, the complete opposite personality of a pit bull. They are great family pets.

That's a shitbull amerimutt mix

Yeah, I had a dog that is a gentle breed. The dog never so much nipped at any of us kids, nor any other kid, and rarely even barked. Just a chill, friendly, mild tempered dog. But one day, some idiot kids came up and annoyed him and he felt threatened and nipped at one of the kids. We honestly didn't think it was even possible for that to happen. Not a breed known for being aggressive by any means.

Doggos are the best, I'm sorry you lost yours



He's already got that retarded collar on

yup I have one. loves kids

>women use it as excuse to discriminate against men
I think you mean adequate risk assessment.

I think I understand what you anons mean when you post
>white women

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>You need more reading comprehension in this language my country doesn't even speak.

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Juggle with axes, pay with taxes.
Pit bulls should not be allowed around children

you're retarded, pitbulls have a lower bite threshold and go crazy for the high pitched noises babies make, it makes them want to rip things to bits, while a lab will watch the child and look after it. Your dominance means fuck all to the dog when it hears the baby squeal and goes into dog mode.


>Some people seriously need to develop risk-aversion.

Faulty amygdala. Leftists have this issue.

Such a cute baby. It’s going to be sad when it gets torn to shreds.

How the fuck is his kid white

This is incredibly accurate, especially the coal burner part. Every woman I know who loves pit bulls is a coal burner save one (and she is a vet assistant and dog trainer/rescuer who does know how to handle dogs very well), and given that I'm pretty sociable and know a lot of people, animal lovers especially, that's saying something. They are almost all trashy types too, who drink and smoke a lot. None of the classier women I know can stand pit bulls.

Fascinating how people are so predictable.

Exactly what i thought when i saw it. Thanks

Personally I've never had any cat of mine harm a child and none ever harmed me--we always had cats, my parents loved them. But then we never had dodgy cats, and I've followed that practice. If a cat has major issues I just don't adopt it, etc.

I don't understand people who like animals with huge behavioral problems. I mean, I would adopt a cat with three legs--I did in fact, and she was never anything but awesome. But a psycho cat who scratches and bites and never settles down and begins to trust, just not doing it. Even more so a dog like that, since most dogs are capable of doing way more damage than a cat ever could. Yet it seems like even more people keep babies around problematic dogs than they do around big snakes, cats, etc. It's like not only do they lack risk aversion, they are actually drawn to danger. Crazy shit.

>Toddlers will kill a baby through curiosity
So true. Most toddlers are okay but every now and then I've encountered one who was just weirdly aggressive and no empathy or gentleness at all. Little terrors.

That weird curved snout just looks like a mutation to me. They remind me of the freak baby in Eraserhead, kek.

A friend of mine is giving away czech wolfdog pups, is that a dangerous breed?

>Yeah thats ALL Dogs, not just Pitbulls and Rotweilers.
>look around in your or my Country, every Second Idiot has a Dog and the Dog doesnt respect him or react to his commands properly
Exactly fucking right

73% of dog bite fatalities are by pitbulls

>Pitbulls, Shepards and other "Attack Dogs" arent more aggresive than the rest
How far does the programming go with you guys? It will be interesting when reality will once more be allowed to be discussed among scientists. If you feel like geneticists, evolutionary biologists are not repressed nowadays, look at virtually any of JFs or Alt Hypes stuff.

Virtual signaling about animals is a wipipo thing.

Why do people even give that much of a fuck about dogs and cats?

It seems incredibly retarded especially if you eat meat

That's bullshit, American bulldogs are the closest relative of pits and have a similar aggressive personally, although not as psycho.

The dog in the pic is a recently invented "xl pitbull" that are all the rage for white trash. You have no idea what an American bull dog even is if you think that freak dog looks like one.

>Supporting raising kids pussyfooted and not testing their luck.
How about a fucking soibottle instead fucking faggots. Fuck I hate existential betas. Dog is fine with the baby, if not it is a happening anyway. Fuck it.

only ok bait. I've seen better

Way to prove the complete lack of forward thinking from liberals PNJ.


You can really have a totally harmless "pitbull" (I've seen people name very distinct breeds like this). It requires the dog to be raised since it was at least 3 months old by a very strict male owner, and to make 100% sure the dog knows it's place.
And even then, don't leave it alone with kids and other dogs that don't belong to it's "family", because they can abuse your now very submissive dog, an he can discover that he's able to defend himself and totally rekt the dog trying to dominate him.
Stranger cats are fine tho.

Ruined the dog with that grotesque deformity.

Girl at my work told me about how she let her three pitbulls lick her baby nephew's face when they sat him down on the ground. I was horrified. My only satisfaction is that since she has three of those demons, is that she's three time's as likely to be killed by them.

That's not Pitbull you dumb fucking cunts.

i'd only trust a pit that was trained to have zero hostility towards small things.

one that'd ignore a squirrel in the yard.

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