The age ‘ol question

>Without sweating profusely...
Is Jow Forums a Palestine board
...or an Israel board?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Neither, they can both bomb the shit out of each other for all I care, neither of them have a right to exist fuck them both, fuck your thread, and fuck you.

Nuke both cunt.

Nuke em both and let god sort it out.

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Who the fuck cares about semites?

calm down

Palestine. But no one has the right to a country. Rights are a myth. You only have what you can protect through power.

Read this:

Fuck you kike. Get raped by abdul.

Go nuke yourself, kike larper.

There is nothing contradictory about wanting to gas them both.

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need a hankechief?

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Jews are the reason for immigration and wars. So Muslims I support.

Without Jews the goatniggers will stay in their own sandbox and bomb watch other into extinction


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>see buttons
>don't touch anything and just walk away
>sage this copy-pasted slide thread

>la nieve sheila

Explain the hypocrisy, retard.
You can't because there is none and your meme is shit because there's no truth to it.
I hope you other shitposters are saging this shitty thread.

Palestine and Israel? I've never heard of either of these places. Are they in Canada or something?

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deep breath

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she's our girl, user.

>jew larper talking about deep breaths
The gas jokes write themselves.

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Wild aesthetic

as long as you keep calm and smile greatest ally :)

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False dichotomy. They are the two faces of the same bad penny.

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Neither, they can do what they want in their own playground for all I care. I don't want any of them here though.

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Palestine. Also Christ this board is edgy.
Fucking 15 year olds

neither, but I choose white jews over shitskin terrorists any day

I hate them both. But i hate israel slighty more.


Israel is bad because Zionism has fucked up everything in the post colonial Western world.

Palestine is just Palestine and I can give a fuck about what happens to them, but for the sake of hating Likud, I will say nice things about them sometimes.

I side with...

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How is that even an ultimatum, you sneaky jew?

Jow Forums has always been a Zionist board. Too many shills try to derail here.

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Yeah there is, Israel has nukes. Supporting Palestine is the pragmatic option because they are anti-Jew.

Let's find out:


We must retake the holy land

Needs a "White people" option, fag.

if you don't care about the conflict, ignore it

Edgier than you mohamad

this retard again
sure i'm very conflicted and don't know what to choose. if someone told me to eat shit or eat vomit, and I said I don't want either, then I'm a conflicted idiot yes?

Palestine, they are less intelligent so easier to neutralize.

How about leaving both of them alone and let Charles Darwin sort them out?

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They are both enemies of the west.

>oy vey you HAVE to pick a side, inshallah

The whole lot of you need to die in the sand


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None of them are European and arent in Europe so i dont care,they can bomb each other for all i care

No they won't.

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amerimutts are dumb, edgy and unreasonable

Newfag doesn't get the meme represents hypocritical beliefs, not just a choice between two things. how embarrassing

Just for that, I'm supporting israel.

Get fucked muzzy shit. You get the rope first.

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You must be new, shill.

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>Two-State Policy
>One-State Policy
No-State Policy


>No-State policy
Ahh goyim now you're talking hehehehehe

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That the weak should fear the strong.

>6 Grillion..
>Please western Nations save us.

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