Holy shit guys i think i am an NPC

>holy shit guys i think i am an NPC
wat to do?

Attached: lil uzi displeased.jpg (400x400, 16K)

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Enjoy a chill life, join the fascists in your country if they ever get some power

Attached: FB_IMG_1535408161239.jpg (500x495, 34K)

come up with an interesting quest line and incentivising reward

This. And get yourself a good catch phrase that you dont mind repeating over and over.

Kys shill retard with your NPC shit threads

Stay out of my way.

Attached: 1534497212923.jpg (1074x1177, 725K)


>wat to do?
keep forcing this npc meme until it catches on

>i think i am an NPC
Sound like an oxymoron to my.