Why shouldn't age of consent be lowered to 16, even 15 years old?
Why shouldn't age of consent be lowered to 16, even 15 years old?
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It is in some states if you're married.
Because of pedophiles like you. Just fucking kill yourself you worthless degenerate
most countries do.
Didin't France lower it to 0?
Clean your room, dammit.
>Didin't France lower it to 0?
congratz on believing Jow Forumstard
it was 15 and it's still 15
I think it should be. I think you're right. It's weird that people get so zealous about the government effectively regulating human nature and criminalizing behavior that has been considered normal for all of human history.
>body of an adult woman
kill yourself retard
Why did she do it??? :((((
Does she have a twitter where she is miserable and regrets it?
>dicklets' only chance of getting laid is with stupid 15 year olds
if you have sex with your pregnant wife you are also having sex with your own child.
sex with pregnant women is child rape.
It is 16 in most of Australia, unless the person over 18 has a position of power over the under 18 year old.
Before feminism the age of consent (age of marriage) was 10 years old
Did you fail basic biology? What is the baby surrounded by in the womb?
What? No its not. If anything, they got more draconian with their punishments.
For what purpose? The average age in France is pretty high. I have a hard time believing you cant find any tail outside of minors. Sex outside of marriage for the purposes of procreation should be banned.
Alternatively convert to Islam and then you can make your own fucking rules up
why not 4 years old?
why not baby fuck?
If she looks like OP's webm its not pedo, she looks like a grown woman, you can deny to yourself that she's sexually attractive on ideological grounds all you like but that doesn't change the fact that she looks like prime mating material and I'm going to get a boner if she touches me.
another reason why feminism is a good thing
I need a source.
Why are girls girls name Sierra always big titted glasses
In most places it's even lower than that. Bait thread.
People would call to lower the voting age as well.
Oh please no, College students should not vote..
Now imagine compulsory voting.
It is 16 in many US states, 17 and 18 in others. I'd say they mark it at a point that coerciveness is thought to be a larger issue than autonomy.
It is 16 in some states and there's a strong argument for that given all the estrogen and early puberties
No shit. Now look at per capita.
This is really where the IQ comes in folks. Anyone who think a mid 20's guy being with a 15 year old is wrong is absolutely cucked and barley even alive, pretty much a literal functioning potato.
>"In its bill, the government has written an article 2 in which it recognizes that one can have in France a sexual attack, that is to say a crime, with penetration, that means that one can consider that a child is penetrated by an adult and that it is not a rape, and we do not agree with that," Caroline De Haas, a feminist activist said.
Because no consent or puberty yet you disgusting fuck
that would upset the feminists
It's 14 here and I banged a 15
Sucks to be you
I live in Australia...
It is compulsory
It is why the Greens have power in Melbourne and why I know the College kids should not vote.
I am living through the hell.
14 should be legal within marriage. Debate me (or upboat me).
Dear God, I am swooning.
If serious marriage then yeah, he's committing for a long ass fuckin time
fuck the AoC, make breast reduction illegal except in life threatening cases already
women were a fucking mistake
>In 2018, the French government introduced a law on sexual violence that did not introduce a minimum age of sexual consent, despite earlier assurances that the legislation would do so.
So apparently kids can consent to sex in France.
Cuz those tits might as well be mountains.
Because it foesnt fix the problem.if you want women to stop being degenerate, go through the various media thats aimed at them. Look at the various shows, cartoons, events, school programs and magazines that young children and teens consume. Its there that the longnose tribe starts fucking up kids into becoming proper degenerates that mirrors their design.
Jesus could you imagine if she was your childhood friend growing up? That's the stuff wet dreams are made of.
More like france is filled with pedo
I tried that, but the duster looks like a skirt and I get horny again.
Don't do it Spain, Jow Forums isn't ready for that redpill yet. Basically, if you have some false sense of morality for acting like there is something wrong with being attracted to developed 14+ girls then you are pretty much an NPC soii boiii, faggot, all of the worst things in the world combined (but only the dumb helpless parts)
well if we're at it why not lower it to 10 or even 11 just to be fair?
They're doing it so Mohamed can rape all he wants.
this is hell this is clown world fuck this