Don't call the Alamo's defenders 'heroic,' Texas school curriculum panel urges

>AUSTIN — A panel advising the State Board of Education on what seventh-graders should learn in their social studies courses has urged deleting the label "heroic" from a curriculum standard about the Alamo's defenders.

>The proposed tweak to a directive about what teachers should teach about Texas history and the state's most iconic battle infuriated several state politicians, including Gov. Greg Abbott, who characterized the nonbinding advice as political correctness run amok.

>"Stop political correctness in our schools," Abbott, a Republican, tweeted Thursday in response to the story, first reported by Texas Monthly. "Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were 'Heroic'! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain."

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Texas, and Austin especially, is getting infiltrated hard by California communists.

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I dont need to read any farther. When is Austin legally declared a californian territory?

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Aren't white kids a minority in texas elementary schools? It's inevitable no matter what a shill governor says to keep you docile

stopped reading immediatly

>If I surrender entire areas to my enemies that means I can just come up with silly names for them so I never have to confront the fact that I'm a loser

your california problem is really getting out of hand texas.

Quit foisting them on us. We're just as fucked by these idiots as you are.
>t. was a kid when the major gun control and immigration votes that ensured the current situation went down

>Those darn Californians, couldn't possibly be the hundreds of thousands of meztizos!
Enjoy your historical revisionism, civnat lolberts.

I mean on one hand, the whole war was caused by Texan aggression about the agreed border position and Mexico's abolitionist stance, but on the other hand we won so BTFO Mexican'ts.

I grew up in San Antonio and they would take us on a field trip to the Alamo every year and they would show us this movie where everyone dies fucking horrifically at the hands of the Mexicans. In retrospect it was kind of brainwashing, but it was also really badass.

remember when the GOP Chairman for Travis County went off the rails? Good times

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>tfw you realize Californians will continue spreading throughout the country as Cali collapses and infect every state with the same bullshit that made Cali such a shithole in the first place
>even the midwest states will eventually get taken over
>there is no escape

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We can just kill them.

>hundreds of thousands

Whites overall are probably already a minority in the entire state by now.

> tfw escaping cali
> tfw fully anticipating to vote red wherever I go
I am not part of the problem thank god.

What does this have to do with weapons.
>inb4 but id says alamo an dats a baddle :D:D:D
Your not talking about the battle, your here to bitch about muh megsikans muh fuggin libruls. Take it to Jow Forums.

>state is being reclaimed by Mexico via demographics
>wtf they are saying people that fought off Mexicans at the Alamo aren't heroic?

We're discussing the superiority of the Alamo defenders longrifles to the Mexican army's brown bess muskets you massive faggot.

I don't have kids so it's not an issue for me

Lol doesnt look like it.

While I don't think that the overall narrative of the Alamo should be changed, it remains one of the most romanticized battles in modern history. Almost every single bit of lore about the battle is complete fabrication. While the people who did stay and fight were heroic and did overall had a positive K/D (as one should from a fortified position), there's still a lot of unsavory things about the battle that went untold. For example, on the famous 13th day assault, most of the remaining defenders noped out and tried to make a run for it, only to be chased down and killed by Mexican lancers instead of fighting to the last man like the movie would have you believe. I'm full of these facts so let me know if you want a redpill.

Tell me more user

You got it.

So everyone remembers the famous "Line in the Sand" speech where Travis told everyone they were free to run, but that those who chose to stay and fight should join him on his side of the line. There's even a plaque outside the Alamo about it. Completely false. Of the men at the Alamo, only 5-10 were actual volunteers, everyone else was contracted by the Texan Government to fight and didn't really have a choice to disobey an order from their commander (originally Bowie, but transferred to Travis when he became too sick to lead).

Tell us about Goliad user. (the real "Alamo") also how it's a series of unfortunate events.

To be fair you are missing the point there. He was not giving an order, he was saying if you want to leave, leave.

>Davy Crockett isn't a hero and an example of what every American should aspire to be


Yeah, Goliad was pretty fucked considering it happened only 1 month before Santa Anna surrendered. I don't personally know any crazy truths about the battle, but there are some cool stories about it.

For one, the Mexican General tasked with the execution really didn't want to do it out of fear of massive retaliation and spiritual conflicts. Didn't stop him from killing 400+ men like dogs though.

Another Jow Forumsek worthy anecdote is that Fannin, the commander of the captured Texans, was the last to be executed as he had been forced to watch all his men die. As one of his last requests, he asked to be shot in the heart instead of the back of the head, a real badass. The mexicans agreed and prompty shot him in the face.

>when it becomes trendy to move to a "flyover"

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The people fleeing cali are not gonna vote blue. You retards are being tricked into thinking that. California is good for us because it acts as a cesspool for all the other states to drain their scum while simultaneously bolstering our numbers with people fleeing.

>forget about the alamo
get overrun by subhuman spics ruining the entire state
>blame white californians instead of mexicans

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>SCOTUS rules that illegal immigrants have the right to go to public schooling
>school systems refuse to turn down that sweet sweet federal money
>half the kids don't even speak english let alone the parents
>dual-immersion days now commonplace
Enjoy Mexico #2, #3, #4, and #5, Southwest fags.

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Literally doesn't work that way. Californians flee the skyrocketing rents to other states, especially those with a tech industry. Texas and Colorado have been particularly affected. Then they vote the same way as before and wonder why everyone hates their fucking guts.

>out of 185, not a soldier crossed the line

nice weapons thread you dumb asshole

Wow those California transplants have been busy shitting up their new home.

My office (IT in Tacoma WA) just hired 20 new people. About half are from California, from San Diego up to Sacramento. And literally ALL they talk about is LE DRUMPF and how the Blue Wave™ will stop the racist alt right.

Every fucking conversation turns to either Trump, some outrageous thing Republicans are done (complete with NowThis or AJ+ video), or gun control/THINK OF THE CHILDREN bullshit.

I can't speak for Texas or the Midwest but WA and OR have been flooded by leftist Califags fleeing outrageous cost of living and immediately voting in the same shit here

No no no no no no
I left Texas 6 years ago when I went to boot camp and it's just getting worse and worse.
If yall dont secede soon I fear I wont have a Texas to go home to.

hunting of califags when?

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It matters not for what cause any soldier fights for. Heroism is universal.

I will acknowledge heroic feats of my enemy. In tank school we spent a lot of classroom time studying Nazi tankers. The ideology or politics of someone does not matter. IF I saw heroic action from ISIS, or the Talaban, (which I have never heard of by the way, coward subhuman animals) or from the NVA or the Japanese in WWII, I would acknowledge it and think to myself "damn, that dude was a solid warrior, I respect him.

If a man dismounts his vehicle and voluntarily charges into a machine gun nest, kills several adversaries, retrieves wounded men, and goes back several times to retrieve more wounded, you know what? Fuck whatever flag he flies, dude is a goddamned warrior.

All that to say, fuck the education system in America. If you put your child in a public school you should be ashamed of yourself. I was a victim of the public education system and it took most of my 20s to undue the damage through private studying, trade school and the Army.

shoot the back window out of their car with a pellet rifle every lunch break until they leave. Learn where they live and put slightly sticky gay porn in thier mailbox every once in a while. Leave dead squirrels on their porch.

why are those rats attacking a rectangle

Holyshit yes

I moved to Seattle recently and this is so true... People feel the need to bring this shit up in social situations and it's fucking annoying. I went to a party the other week and I get there and it's a bunch of people talking about how conservatives "are insane" and how we need more gun control, etc. AT A FUCKING PARTY, THEY WERENT EVEN DRINKING.

I grew up in California but haven't lived there since high school and it really feels like the most left wing people from there all got up and moved to infect other places...

The Midwest (have lived there) is pretty isolated from this because no one wants to move there and there arent many of the overpaid tech jobs like in silicon valley and Seattle.

It's literally just Mexicans.
That's why they don't have anything nice, the idiots are leaving because they're too stupid to make it in Mexico and they're stupid enough to think it's any better here, at the same time they are trying to make it more like mexico, which is fucked because of the way it is.


>that's CO.
>Califags get their tires slashed in CO because they're literally rats moving on to the next place to completely exhaust and exploit then move on to the next place so on so forth

Spics should be put into camps and gassed.

>the whole war was caused by Texan aggression about the agreed border position and Mexico's abolitionist stance
>haha yeah it wasn't tax hikes, protestant vs catholic shitflinging, or that mexico was shaping up to be a politically unstable country

The US almost annexed mexico but the bastard negotiator got a bleeding heart and did the opposite of what would have worked out better for both countries in the long run.

>the US should have taken even more of the mexican empire and forced the spics into a little slab of land far south of the rio grande and built a fucking wall

mexico is a shithole and it's because it's full of mexicans.

The Spanish are genetically incompetent much like the French.

>especially those with a tech industry.

So what you're saying is this is your fault? Can't steal the jobs that made California what it is from california, and then complain when the californians follow their jobs. Or did you think those companies moving to your state would lay off all their original staff and replace 100 percent with locals?

>Tfw moved to AZ for school (Not in phoenix)
>Tfw have CA plates on my truck
>Tfw all i wanna do is soak in that sweet sweet AZ scenery and shoot gats
>Tfw im afraid some bullshit like this will happen to me

How do I cope with this feel

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Well you won't get your tires slashed.

In AZ You'll get shitloads of speeding tickets for going 1 over.

>Californian company's flee California for obvious fucking reasons
>about 50% of their retarded populace follows the job (based on averages)
>they litterally try to change the place they are in, into the shithole they left

Get a dash cam, if your tires get slashed track down who did it, shoot them in the throat. If violence is the only language they understand, then get fluent in it.

Take the CA plates off your cr and vote straight red for the rest of eternity.

Again, your state's fault for doing their best to attract those companies. Shame you can't fuel your truck with your refusal to believe that anything could ever possibly be your fault, you'd never need to stop at a gas station ever again, unless your wanted some beef jerky.

>window smashed to steal dashcam by passerby who noticed a CA tagged car with 3 slashed tires


We don't like you because you're almost all liberals with VD. In some company you're regarded as satanists, so be aware of that.

My sister teaches in Texas, it's mostly poor Mexicans who don't speak English. Texas is literally becoming Mexico 2.0 and no one will do anything about it. What's worse is the historical revisionism where leftists say it was always this way. That and commies from Cali invading cities.

Depends on the part of Texas, most of the panhandle and north/east Texas is relatively safe from the beaner hordes, but we definitely need a wall FAST and retroactive discontinuation of Birthright Citizenship if we're going to have any chance of staying red past 2030.

>tfw watching your country die and there's no one who will listen to you

I am starting to believe these old baptist pastors saying we're suffering from a lack of Jesus.
These people needed the gospel to keep their minds off of their own self destructive tendencies manifested in their voting habits.

>native population fighting back against invasive species
>invasive species thinks it has the right to retaliate against the natives.

Not only that, but the government was set up in a world where everyone was religious.
When you lose the moral compass and a set of values, either the government has to step in and winds up becoming more authoritative to combat the mongrels stealing and burning things for entertainment, or the entire place ceases to exist....

>some people have to have the rapist beaten out of them by a nun

>act like a nigger to americans as an american
>get put in the ground like one

Guess what you are? A Nigger

As soon as you slashed his tires you violated the NAP, you are now free game.

Reregister your car in new state and get new plates you goddamn retard califaggot. How tf are you in college and this incompetent at being an adult.

He still has to wait for the DMV to make and then give him his new plates. Until then his tires exist at the mercy of irrationally angry faggots with poor impulse control.

So, it had nothing to do with Santa Anna tearing up the Mexican Constitution and declaring himself dictator?

I bet you think that half of Mexico didn't either declare independence outright, or make moves towards doing so, before Santa Anna led an army of loyalists north to rape, pillage, plunder, and completely slaughter anyone who objected to his rule.

Out of all of the states and localities that tried to reject him, only Texas succeeded, because a) it was the farthest north and had the most time to prepare, and b) San Jacinto happened.

And Texans had friends in the government of what was already a fuckhuge military power full of angry rednecks.

Mexicans often state they're trying to do what the US did to Mexico in the 1840s but I don't think they understand how things have changed.
>like most people in the world, they are not exempt from the rule that states most people are barely conscious fuckstupid

You guys keep missing the actual problem, it's not Californians. It's all the fucking liberal fucks that moved here and then are moving to other states after it went to shit from their voting. I guarantee half the Californians you know had their parents move their and then move out. They stayed their for one generation for school and work then left after they ruined the state.