About to watch this. What am I in for?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do you have a torrent link?

isnt the whole thing on youtube?


>What am I in for?
Your about to find out that "internationalists" were the aggressor in that war.

Redpilling doco, really changes perspective.

I loved it.

will change your whole life

That Hitler was put in power and promoted by the Jews which sent millions of white people in a war that would be impossible to win.

Fuck off faggot

Cool soundtrack

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That fat traitorous Anglo bastard

a rude awakening
prepare to be mad for about two years straight
come back and post results tho

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It's true though.

I got it from PB

This is the first banned in my country video I've found.

Attached: greatest history told banned.png (1055x892, 65K)

>this content has been blocked in your country

New Zealand YES

that's how you know it's all true


Maybe these work

The desert of the real.

Attached: saupload_Desert-of-the-real-300x225.jpg (300x225, 10K)

No, that's how you know BBC doesn't want anyone outside of the UK to view their content


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The greatest story never told will someday become the greatest story ever told.
Probably some time next year actually.

the more I look into this the more sense it makes. Just look how the mention of his name alone insites so much divide and conquer between the peoples of Europe.

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Increased GCHQ and NSA surveillance.

>Girlfriend found Jow Forums folder
>So I ask her to give me 6 hours to explain
>Make her watch The Greatest Story Never told
>After about 1 hour, she starts complaining because it seems like cheap propaganda
>After about 2 hours, she begins asking if any of it is true
>After 3 hours, she needs a break
>During break, she starts asking why none of the shit in the movie is taught in school, etc. The usual bluepill questions
>Back at it
>After 4 hours, she seems in disbelief
>After 5 hours, disbelief mixed with rage
>After 6 hours, the words "what the fuck?" comes out

Obviously I had her fact-check everything that she might have doubted, because she'd be a fucking idiot to believe something just because it's in something that portrays itself as a documentary.

Needless to say, it's sufficient to pull most bluepilled libshits out of their coma.

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Good documentary. But the muh christianity crap in there is disinfo. The fact is that the NSDAP had to pander to the Christcucks.


He’s not wrong. The truth has always been dangerous, and society has always attempted to silence, exile or kill those who spoke the truth, whether it was Socrates, Jesus, or A L E X J O N E S.

This. The FBI didn’t start fucking with me til I started posting heavily on Jow Forums.

They back off after a bit.

>Implying roasties can concentrate for 6 minutes, let alone 6 hours

She found 3GB worth of pic related.

She wanted that explanation.

Attached: 1533389881593.jpg (898x671, 149K)

Anger. Depression. Tears.

>not saying lulz
>Inb4 gf was Idf

Can I get a quick bogdown on that pic, Anders?

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That is such a horrendous shop

The man who said it is jewish. End of story.

change your country to swiss country, captain goyim's channel is viewable on the swiss flag no problems.
mostly with anything that's sencorred the swis flag helps with that

You will weep for Uncle Adi and for the future that was stolen from us.

watched it months ago, I still get 88 sperg moments every now and then.

Pretty much this. Makes you especially mad at Russians.
Me and my dad we're wondering about what really went down with Hitler and ww2 a few years ago and we binged this in a day together. Gives you a brand new perspective.


So by his own logic, Hitler did nothing wrong. I thought snipdicks were supposed to be clever.

alex jones censored?

The part about Czechoslovakia is pure bullshit.

>What am I in for?
A lot of redpills. Take notes. More info here:


Honestly, greatest story never told is like wafting smelling salts under the modern bluepill sleepers' nose.

Even if it's not 100% accurate, it presents 'the other perspective' that nobody was ever shown or allowed to explore. What was done to Germany, and what's been done to our civilization since WW2 is nothing short of heinous and criminal.

Fuck off. TGSNT will change your entire view on the world. I sank into such a deep rabbit hole after I saw it.. That's essentially how I ended up here. It's the most essential viewing for anyone who considers themselves redpilled.

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They've never been particularly clever, they just parasitize a larger white society.

find it somewhere else and watch it. it's interesting.

Yup this
And when you're done watching check out the Hellstorm documentary. It's about the Dresden terror bombings.

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It was a biblical act to execute all firstborn babies to make sure the Messiah wasn't born.
That's why Jesus was born in a shed.

should I watch this doco or the new blade runner?

it's 100% one-sided pro-Hitler, but it's so different from the one-sided view we are taught that it really shocks people

I was disappointed with the documentary because I knew 99% of it already just from casual reading. It's not exactly deep. But if you don't know much about actual history, it's probably very redpilling.

>YouTube Playback error - not available in your country
I shit you not.

Consequence of still having to oblige by EU censorship rules :^)

>I can access beastiality, Isis beheadings, any amount of porn
But not a documentary. How dangerous is this programme?

Fucking kikes.


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>still couldnt finish it because it hits so hard

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>Hitler larped his whole life

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Weird I started it and was sold by hour 1. Then I stopped. I should watch it again and finish it this time. But I guess I already knew Hitler was the good guy going in, so none of it was a real revelation to me. I just finished the first hour and needed sleep, and was like 'yep, sounds about right', and went to bed.

oswald mosley europeans documentary is gud too youtube.com/watch?v=Isq6YltjRRU

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just type it in google full documentary. not that hard to find

nice try kike he hated masons

Why don't you go and ask on /his/?

This except Alex Jones is retarded


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Have you read any books on what it was really like during the Weimar Republic? Some other German anons said that you never really went in-depth during school, but only focused on the economic parts.
Reading about just how degenerate things were was fucking mind-numbing, even by todays standards.

A little quote from pic related;
>I saw pimps offering anything to anybody. Little boys, little girls, robust young men, libidinous women, or animals. The story went around that a male goose of which one cut the neck at the ecstatic moment would give you the most delicious, economical and time-saving frisson of all, as it allowed you to enjoy sodomy, bestiality, homosexualiy, necrophilia and sadism at one stroke. Gastronomy too, as one could eat the goose afterward.

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I learned about Weimar from Jow Forums.

Holy shit mate, I knew it was bad, I did not knew it was that bad.

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It's biased, but nothing compared to the bias of Hollywood and the mainstream.
It's a good eye-opener and starting redpill.
IMO it's best to do your own research and look at both points of view and decide from there.

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you could order child prostitutes like pizza today.

Found a torrent