Why are people, especially the roasties, obsessed with "travel"? What does it even mean?

Why are people, especially the roasties, obsessed with "travel"? What does it even mean?

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stupid tourists think theyre enlightened and belong there because they believe brown people should have everything they want.
watch my dinner with andre

travel is bourgeois hobby, they need to make selfies

their vapid lifestyles are unfulfilling at home, so they think traveling will magically give them more of sense of purpose and identity

An ultimate manifestation of spiritual emptiness. They think superficially acquainting oneself with different places can bring some mirth and meaning to their lives.
>Socrates made the same remark to one who complained; he said: "Why do you wonder that globe-trotting does not help you, seeing that you always take yourself with you? The reason which set you wandering is ever at your heels." What pleasure is there in seeing new lands? Or in surveying cities and spots of interest? All your bustle is useless. Do you ask why such flight does not help you? It is because you flee along with yourself. You must lay aside the burdens of the mind; until you do this, no place will satisfy you.

In my experience (when it comes to roasties) "travel" means wanderlust, or literally just lust.

Nothing worth exploring inwards. This shouldn't surprise you

Travel is actually very good, but people only use it as a vapid excuse to fill their instagram with random photos. Travel to a location and never lift their heads from their phone.
You use it to see how various cultures live, how different they are to you, what interesting story and history they can tell you. You appreciate that your country is yours and theirs is their as this way you can both shine and ahow vastly different lifestyles. Ir maybe similar with key differences?

Ofcourse that would be the case if not for forced glibalization. Now all western countries feel the same, eastern countries are westernized, western are easternized. Losing more and more colors, losing actual diversity in favor for a faux diversity in the name of muddling people, culture and history. Becoming harder and harder to appreciate or care.
Its easy now. You go from a starbuck in US to a starbucks in Korea and not feel like youre seeing a different culture. Plus when these people travel they always look for whats the same, rather than whats different. Just so they could say they drank a latte in another side of the world.

>find life boring because Jews have brainwashed you into the idea that having children before 30 is bad
>find books and searching for inner truths boring
>Ooo look endless positive social media attention for spending money on zero-effort excursions
>also can easily sleep with the top 5% in any non-western country because they want to move to the west and will do anything to accomplish this, so there's much more power

Basically, travelling is degenerate and enables low-consequence immaturity, so of course it appeals to women

tell me, what do you think if a Roastie shows her pretty face and disgusting, tainted vag in Saudi? she will get the ''corrective''. Pajeets are good at this too, 17 on one bus rape

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