Are women idiots?
Are women idiots?
yes, women are npcs!
sage 'n' /thread shala bala bing bong
They are utter and complet retards. Why the fuck are even allowed to do things unsupervised?
unironically yes
The overemotional ones are.
But have encountered many intelligent, based, redpilled women. So there's hope.
Yes but i would want the second to the left to look at and observe, quite the aesthetic specimen
yup. they dumb. no doubt. I'm gonna make a youtube video about this soon so if anyone has any good relevant hard info, by all means share.
I've only known one that isn't and I'm old
of coruse they are, they have to love you
they are soulless and unfeeling and unthinking.
i literally view them as an animal, not even kidding at all.
like legit, i dont see them as human beings. theyre empty and hollow
Same, I also view them as animals.
Women are some of the worst I've ever met. They really have no capacity for anything. Every each one of them is a whore if given the chance and will abandon their own children so they can have an orgasm.
With men I can at least excuse them for their behavior but with women I can't find an excuse for why they are so destructive and parasitic.
No, they're wonderful men hence women
Shill thread.
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Yes even the smart ones
theyre so fucking vapid that theyre literally never to be found on a website like this and when there is one lone straggler women who finds her way here she always saying how she wants to abort her kid and says im a female btw and then 10 whiteknights try to get her number in a Jow Forums thread
ya but they're so fucking hot
A group of woman is statistically smarter than a group of men. So...
is the pope catholic
In terms of IQ, no. In terms of wisdom, honour, courage, pretty much any other virtue you can think of except kindness, absolutely yes.
Wahhh I got cheated on wahhh
Oh boy another term fags playing dress up can use. "I'm a wonderful man! I'm a wo-man! ;-)"
>literally just men with long hair
>le theyre so hot i have no self control
They come here all the time
And a majority of those are shills
no theyre vapid cunts every community i visit online is 99% male
one showing up once a day is not "all the time" they literally are retarded they have no reason to debate online
they just fucking sit there and win at life for existing why would they need to debate ideas they dont need to
Yes, yes they are.
>B-but I've met a few that were totally redpilled!
So? I've met a few black men I wouldn't call niggers because they were genuinely good, hard-working and respectable folks, doesn't my opinions of niggers overall and what should be done with them has changed; exceptions don't make the rule.
they need to realize they aren't men. when that happens most of the problems caused by women will evaporate
All the girls at university are massively privileged white girls who've generally grown up in the city and never faced any adversity. So many of them are deeply tied up in victimhood politics tho, its a constant theme and clearly defines how they see themselves. Only a few of them are actually seriously dumb tho, similar smart:stupid ratio to men. The difference is, the stupid men won't be offered high paying jobs by the big companies who are frothing at the mouth to hire more women, regardless of merit.. Oh well, guess I'll just end up unemployed.
Discussing politics with my gf, I can safely say she is underdog an idiot
>but to pay them honour is ridiculous beyond measure and demeans us even in their eyes
This is such an intelligent statement. Women don't like men who like them too much because women know how subhuman they are.
Yes, so what? They're women. They exist to make you happy and give you children. Why would you want to discuss with her about physics and politics? You retards are clearly virgins
Smart women are unattractive to me
Why would I want a smart woman? Wtf
>arguing with your Gf about intellectual stuff like politics
Yes, well the young ones are there or getting there. There is the female that I work with that constantly spouts women wage gap myth. She called into today was late 3/5 days this week. No wonder roastie isn't making any money. Also she is fucking one of the department heads.
>why would you want to discuss with her about physics and politics?
Only masculine men will understand. Masculine men only have sex with women and nothing else.
Even in a place like this, which is supposed to be redpilled, every time that some user feels like LARPing as a girl, without fail, there's bound to be some idiots that completely melt at the concept of being on the same thread as a "redpilled girl" and buy into the bullshit; you'd swear they ran into a unicorn or something.
Something you don't seem to understand or have any experience with; women are terrible at everything. I mean everything. They can't cook for shit, can't clean well, can't fuck well, can't suck a dick well, can't discuss well, they can't do anything well.
They're just mediocre at everything. They exist solely for their ability to give men erections, look pouty and in need, and shake their tits and asses for us.
I could understand if someone would say "well hey, here's a woman that can do anything just as well as a guy can!" but that woman does not exist. She may exist in her head, or by the proclomations of that faggot who is outright lying to both of us and her so he can get some pussy, but in the real practical everyday sense, intelligent competent women DO NOT EXIST.
>similar smart:stupid ratio to men
IQ studies 101, men are either way smarter or way dumber. Averages do not apply.
Promoting women to top positions is pure affirmative action
if any woman ever complains of the wage gap tell them your friend is a lawyer and that we can sue the shit out of the company for doing that. i've done this exactly once and the woman said ok let's do it and then we never spoke again. i brought it up once more when i was passing her in the hallway and she just completely ignored me
the problem comes when women can vote and have normal jobs and have power and money in the real life realm
and these things start to effect everyone elses life and society in general
its not about you just not discussing politics with your girlfriend
women being idiots effects everyone because of the position theyre in , in 2018.
my mom calls in sick all the time so she can stay home and watch HGTV.
meanwhile her 7 year old son is totally neglected, she doesnt feed him, he feeds himself with candy bars and chocolate milk while shes in her room with the door shut.
sometimes ill visit and he will be there totally alone and ill ask him "how long have you been watching tv?"
he will say
"since i got up"
"has mom fed you yet?"
meanwhile its like 4pm.
and then i come on here and see cucks spewing
>1488 the beauty of the aryan woman must not perish from the earth
you stupid fucking niggers stfu
But so are men.
Humans in general are greedy, manipulative, self-centered cunts.
Why? Survival. The tribesmen or tribeswomen who always let the others take most of the resources would die out, and those who were greedy and took with force survived.
The thing people have to understand is that humans are not designed by evolution to function effectively in collectives larger than 50-200 people.
Past that and we lose our connection with the people around us.
For a time social institutions like the Church or the national army was enough to give a sense of community, but those institutions have lost most of their power in the last 50 years.
Mostly, yes. But I must say that our decadent culture accentuates their idiocy to levels never seen before, our grandmas were fine.
theres not enough men about to properly tard wrangle them all.
>There are no men of average intelligence.
Yeah ok.
>watching HGTV
kek she's either masturbating to BLACKED vids or has some shitskin in there railing her milf ass.
>They exist solely for their ability to give men erections look pouty and in need, and shake their tits and asses for us.
women arent for that either because thats perverted and promotes fornication and lust and a lot of evils that god didnt want
your opinion is worse than just saying women are useful for stuff
1 Thess 4:2-5 For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. 3For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:
That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; 5Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God:
Are you a woman? The idea is that the smartest and dumbest people are men. Women are mediocre.
They're pursuing an ideal user, it's not a bad thing in itself, I think, the problem is where it starts to affect their perception of reality and you have anons swearing by their lives that QT virginal, pure and wife-material girls are just around any corner and the problem it's you're not looking hard enough.
Oh ffs. It's not one of those Joan threads again? Yep, check out filename. It's Joan alright.
I've gotta stop getting sucked in. They must love baiting us.
yes but only white women
Spanish women are the biggest whores
Like unironically I was shocked
women are the downfall of civilization
>women arent for that either because thats perverted and promotes fornication and lust and a lot of evils that god didnt want
Look you fucking bible tard verse spewing brainlet nigger, your God does not exist.
Now this doesn't mean you can't have a moral compass because someone doesn't believe in your historically recent christ-cult, far from it. The creation of The Law was something thought up for the sake of civilization abiding by The Golden Rule, itselt not a christian invention either but the basic moral compass for humanity at large.
Seriously go kill yourself you stupid fucking cuckold nigger. I bet your church told your dumb ass to put Christ before yourself, didn't they, and like a good little goy you unquestioningly bought into the fairy tale feel-good bullshit, because it's obvious it is all you know and all your zombie nigger ass will EVER know.
Fuck you you catholic ass
What's retarded is that there probably are some "redpilled" women here, but retards like OP and some of the others in this thread drive them all away.
You faggots are just turning potential allies away with your kvetching.
The point of inciting those kind of things in men is for the sake of fomenting procreation, though.
The institutions we build around said practices for the sake of creating a stable society and keeping fornication in check is another matter.
Homosexual man detected. Women are not your friends, queer. They are for sex only.
of all the Girls in that Group, you have to choose the uggo
>t. shut-in
They're there to give you children and to act as foundation for a Family which a man will support by having a woman who supports all his decisions
>there probably are some "redpilled" women here
This is either some stupid fag hag or an actual faggot.
is the sky blue? stop asking rhetorical questions. this is a serious forum.
She was the only reason I cared about Nogi, after she stopped being the center I was basically done with them. Only watched their MVs to catch whatever glimpse of her I could, after she graduated and that was no more I stopped caring at all.
well, different strokes for different blokes, i guess.
While you queers are drooling over manufactured personalities, I'm fucking a 10/10 taiwanese girl who has already given me my first child.
I'll never understand the fascination with pop idols like you gay fucks. Just go out and meet an asian girl if you want one. They all love huwytu cocku anyways.