What is going on in the UK?

Can some bongs explain this?

>In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, most of them white girls, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men.

>The first group conviction took place in 2010, when five British-Pakistani men were convicted of sexual offences against girls aged 12–16.


>Around 80 per cent of designated suspects are of Pakistani heritage


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women want that so it's fine, these thots even being raped will still vote for labour

The government doesn't care cause they do the same thing. Also the parents are a bunch of fucking idiots for not caring where their children went and controlling them.

The post-war generation didn't give a fuck about anything and sold their own people down the river for short term materialism.

They will be hated for a thousand years to come.

We're going to conquer you. One way or another. Give up right now and some lives will be spared.


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Government does nothing since the Pakis are also trafficking kids to MP's, rich fucks and royalty. So higher ups tell cops to do nothing. Sometimes the police even fuck the girls too.
Almost every town has one of these gangs. When I was in school a class mate of mines sister was killed by these Pakis and when I was in secondary school atleast 6 girls in my year were also trafficked.

That's my town. The sarge at one cop station, Tom Harding, takes bribes from a local taxi company that has 21 convicted sex offenders (all Pakis) working the cars. He's had to change his company name 5 times in 5 years because it's known as "dial a rape".

>"dial a rape"
So why common folks don't start killing pakis or burning down mosques?

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I always ignore meme flags. Didn't even read what you wrote.

Pakis are like a mix between blacks and jews, only worse, plus they’re muslims. We have millions of them, they breed like rats and we’re still inviting them over. We’re fucked.

>What is going on in the UK?

Treason. The UK government is run by traitors.

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Imagine if Whites decided to exterminate you all one day. What would you do?

>Pakis are like a mix between blacks and jews, only worse

They're the untermenschen of India. Converted to Islam to escape the caste system.

Because nobody bothers here. We had an anti child rape march that got shut down. A subsequent march happened but the protesters got given 0 police protection. Arabs showed up with leftists in the town centre to mock them and call them racist. Several Arabs even provoked fights. Police came to help the Arabs.
Nothing meaningful can happen when too many don't care and there's too many hands in pockets.

Why are no vigilante groups going after these pakis?

Because N'Gubu might leave

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Fuck Dane are you an NPC?

The "leaders" of this country have no fucking idea what they're doing. We haven't had a ruling class for over a century now, and it shows by how directionless and clueless our government and institutions are.

You need to chant his name louder m8,make it clear he can knob your wife if he signs a new contract.

Because there's been a total breakdown in the community, and the confidence that comes from that.

Because they're given police protection.
People tried to kick Mubarak Ali and his brothers head in and the police came out as quick as a whippet. Oddly enough, they werent that fast when the pair were prostituting little girls.

They’re fucking disgusting. How far up their own arses are these lefties? Telling us that these devil worshipping monkey people are somehow contributing to our society?

The cheek of it!

To be fair there used to be a lot of racist/far right football fans, and there still is in Europe. Like every other part of society the state purged all the dissident elements. I think the BNP won it's first seat in Milwall.

Why are no police questioning the fact they are being used as political tools to protect paki pedos and prosecute anyone telling the truth? There must be some who are wondering wtf is going on....

Have any police been arrested yet for conspiracy to rape?

They do question it. But soon after they either aren't police officers anymore or they shut up for fear of losing their jobs or having the same happen to their kids.
There's an interview an ex cop gave about it on YouTube. Something like "Masonic peadophiles run the police".

>d-dude i-im just following orders... I DONT DO ANYTHING WRONG JUST TRYIN TO KEEP MY JOB ;(

wasn't there a cop who asked for assistance when he discovered a man with a 12 yo child and the man declared the kid to be his wife.
I mean.. How, do you not just know it's fucked up?

Really sad :(

Why are you bongs not forming lynch mobs?



What City are you talking about?

>Tom Harding


Him? If you have such info you should report it

>report police corruption to the police

I'm sure they'll get right on it.

There are organisations above local police forces only too happy to bring such people to account. Especially now theyre jobs are on the line if they dont, this issue isnt so easy to brush under the carpet anymore

Most people blame the inaction of authorities on them not wanting to seem “racist” but there’s a much higher probability that the elites were getting in on the action and didn’t want the hornets nest kicked.
If you’ve got a spare 40 mins watch this conference by (ex) met vice squad whistleblower John Wedger. He barely mentions Rotherham but in the context of his speech, the Rotherham abuse is nothing. We all know how disgusting Pakis are, it’s far more shocking when it’s the people pulling the strings who commit these vile crimes.

Spakis can’t even conquer their own lands you stupid brown Jew.

>Also the parents are a bunch of fucking idiots for not caring where their children went and controlling them.
Some tried.

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This. Kids here play outside, play games and have done for eons, while these new Abrahamic's don’t. They’re an Alien inhabitant that we’re only just starting to understand.

Ah yes those videos. Giving prostituting parentles kids off to (((Judges))).

You migrants explained it the other day. They/you believe
To get women you must impress them.
They cannot impress the white women they long for. Because .. obvious reasons.
Impressing a 12-15 year old isn't hard.
Therefore they hit on scruffy chav kids near the ghettos they subsist in because they can impress them with cornershop goodies.
There, you can think me or go fuck yourself I'm out of this old news by EUOP

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I hope the British find a way to rid themselves of their traitorous government.

This is a pretty well referenced book that goes very deep - scribd.com/doc/211485752/Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery

99% of the girls are chavs (UK trailer trash) who ask for drugs, alchohol and shit in exchange for sex. Of all the girls in Rotherham, only 2 came from a nuclear family.

Literally a non-issue.

The fact that you think it's a non-issue is as worrying as the issue itself

The army lads are you're only hope.

It’s an issue that nobody else needs to worry about.

This might sound schizo but I suspect this is happening in toothpaste as well based on some first-hand experience.

Nice, consistently Muslims use intoxicants to prey on children not old enough to consent is a non issue to you. Understanding I mean how would you get your taxi home with takeaway if we deported them? Fucken boomer nimby

It’s an issue for us to worry about.

rotherham is completely segregated they have 98.6% white british areas next to 12% white british.
With a tacit agreement nobody would move into each others areas this has only got worse since the last census. This combined with religion and skin colour meant a pakistani man seeing a white british girl in his area knew they were not part of the community , religion or obviously race and they naturally saw them as prey.


Weak, they should have entered promptly, without announcement, and killed every man inside with a substantial weapon like a hatchet or machete.

People who allow their children to be exploited like this are victims, but they aren't worthy of sympathy, because they raised their children in such a way that they were attracted to crack-whore life.

It's certainly a sign of a pervasive social ill though, and worse, high level police officers and politicians were aware of this, and were also using these girls for sex.


I think the only realistic solution is to start lynching public figures, but the British public are a very cowed populace indeed.

They are largely incapable of genuine mass action.

So what are you a pkie, chink or police.

18,500 girls....

not 1,400

Leftists try to push the first findings, but subsequent rape atrocities have pushed that number up to 18,500.

We just don’t need this thread everyday. It’s not helping.

I find it odd that you're worried about people spreading awareness of this issue. Are you a cop that gets paid off? Do you rape little children yourself? What's your deal?

Probably far more than that. All of the 'scandals' that have broken so far have involved smaller cities/towns like Rochdale, Rotherham and Telford.

Imagine what the scale of it must be like in Leeds, Bradford, Birmingham and of course London.

They're just another example of Jow Forums falling over themselves to defend and white knight fir race traitors and mudsharks because they have a sob story.

To all the anons asking "how could this happen", "why arent people questioning" etc. etc.
Super Injunctions.
Read up on them and what they imply to the bigger picture.

The only time we are told anything is if its somthing (they) want us to know.

I’m not worried about awareness being spread, it should be but everyone already knows, this is just another thinly veiled ‘what’s wrong with bongs’ thread with the same image from years ago, at least talk about new cases.

> 12% white british
The poor bastards living in those areas must be overdosing on redpills

Pakis are subhuman. No joke.

who is taking out the super injunctions? It's not going to be the paedo paki taxi drivers.

Also as said it’s probably beyond 1,400 at this point. At least update the facts instead of this literal pasta and same old image.

Ok I understand that...I also understand people that try doing the right thing are suppressed and any vigilante action taken is also suppressed by the "powers that be"...that same shit happens in the US, don't want the cattle getting any ideas afterall. This is a fucking mess that needs to be cleaned up...sick of the constant suffering of our people.

This. Those girls in Rotherham and elsewhere are simply halal fuck meat, not worth saving. They stand around outside paki shops and paki owned takeways dressed like slags because they know they can get some free booze and a kebab for sucking some cock while their parents are sat in front of the TV watching the latest episode of Eastenders.

Anyone who white knights for them is a cuck.

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Not white knighting for worthless whores...want to protect innocent children that are being forcibly raped. I'm certain even anons can see the difference.

That is impossible you cuck

Is not , only the traitors are saving your ugly ass

So depressing :(

The police are in on it man, obviously. There were no investigations, there still is not a public investigation in any of this, and Pakis can still literally rape white children. A country that cannot protect and provide a future for its native children is not a first world country.


In my opinion, all Pakistani Paedophiles, every single last one should be put to death, preferably in the most painful possible way and all police colluders should die with them.

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>comparing white knighting whores to trying to stop children being raped by niggers
Neck yourself Ahamed