Thoughts on psychedelics?

Thoughts on psychedelics?

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Inviting demons into your temple. If you're corruptible(which you are) It will only make you more easily influenced.

MDMA did wonders for improving my state of mind.
MXE also pushed my state of mind from one where I was anxious and introspective to a more positive frame of mind.
Neither are psychedelics, so cannot comment on them - sorry.


I've grown up with depression, meaning my brain is mostly negative.
I stay away from psychedelics due to it being impossible that i work would enjoy it.
There's no way it wouldn't be terrifying demons and clowns harassing me until the drug wore off.

Mdma is considered a psychedelic
The absolute STATE of brainlet posts
LSD cured my depression after I did a massive trip and went through a powerful ego death
The world is still shitty but at least I don't hate being alive anymore

Awesome. They will show you the answers to life but when you come back down you better do something before you forget everything you just saw otherwise it's just habitual drug use. Get 2-3 tabs of LSD, 150mg of MDMA split into two capsules 100mg and 50mg respectively. Write down things you want to think about and a playlist of music, have all the food and prepare a safe space for the next 24-48 hours. If you can find a tripsitter they help but aren't required, just read up on erowid what to expect. Set an alarm for 5 hours after you dose the LSD to then take the 100mg MDMA pill, and 2 hours after that take the 50mg pill. Things will get weird until you peak but whatever you do don't go outside and don't use your phone. No matter what happens you'll be fine and you will come back to baseline a new man. Also DMT is gay and overrated af.

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Nature provided us with incredible substances that allow us to see nature's intrinsic relationship with human beings.

Psychedelics are not for everybody as most people fear experiencing the world from a different perspective.

Npc's can't handle them and will fight them so no one can use them.


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You're retarded and sound like you just do
this shit for amusement. Dropping acid alone in your basement is stupid and ruining it with mdma even moreso.

If you're going to do psychedelics then go on a camping trip or something and do them with your friends in nature. It's impossible to have a bad trip on a nice sunny day down by the river

And DMT isn't overrated at all, it just only lasts 10 minutes or so. You usually have to take several hits to really break through

>he doesn't candyflip

They are indeed made to be taken outdoors.
Best experienced I have had was during camping

Have you ever sat down and approached combating your depression the same way you would combat a difficult school assignment?

I took acid and mushrooms once and microwaved my friends pet turtle. Pushed a whole bunch of raw meat up my arse and took a shit in his blender.

No you didn’t

I havent done them for a long time. I miss them. gonna go shroom hunting soon

Literally the only thing that can save humanity at this point.
t. psych grad student, tripped almost 2 dozen times

just give bread and potatos

Not real. People can’t tell the future.

>people can't tell the future
Bro, pls learn what psychedelics are before posting

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user chill out my dude, you apparently have learned nothing from your trips. That DMT must have scrambled your brain like it did with McKenna.

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Been thinking about doing shrooms for a couple of years now.
Only tried weed and I like how it affects my thinking for a while.

where can i buy mdma ?

Get ready for a wild ride...8hrs+ of intense experiences. Take outdoors if possible.

Dream market, it's cheap af too I have enough to last the rest of my life, just be sure to read the reviews and pick a vendor carefully.


I think your brains fried. No i know your brains fried. Have you ever had a dream? I doubt it. Because your brains fried. Dreams are just as good and hallucinations. Better in my opinion because i learned how to lucid dream. Drug are for braindead losers.

I thoroughly enjoy them but they aren't for everyone, my brand of autism just happens to pair well

I can't even count how many times I've tripped. When i was 18-20 i took acid about every 3ish days with my then he, then I grew shrooms for four years after that so they were always on hand.

Did it fry my brain a little? Probably. I've never had good recall but I'm sure the acid didnt help. It did however help me reach a point where my anxiety and depression are manageable. Oh and i constantly perceive everyone around me as angry unless I explicitly know they aren't. I'm pretty sure it's from the acid because the feeling is extremely similar to that "everyone can tell im tripping and they hate me" feeling you can get whilst on an lsd adventure

Also only people who have tripped will get this but its super hard for me to watch tv/commercials/movies now without getting that weird "I can see every over done facial expression and emotion and its freaking me out" type feeling that you get when you try to watch things while tripping

I've dosed a ton by myself and have never, in my life, had what you would call a "bad trip". Sure ive taken too much and been uncomfortable (never do a thumb print btw, not worth), but I've never "freaked out". It's pretty easy to just tell yourself hey this'll be over in 12 hours just enjoy the ride, but for some reason most arent able to do so

Tldr faggot

Try hippy flipping instead of using a meth analog to improve your lsd experience you mong.

don’t be retarded. i had severe depression for 7+ years and was suicidal and took anti depressants at all until i took shrooms. one high-dose shrooms trip will change your fucking life for the better. strongly recommend. you don’t even hallucinate on shrooms.

Average day in Australia

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holy fuck yes. do these outside but have a warm room and bed to return to. looking at the sky on a high dose of LSD is indescribably beautiful, especially if it’s high enough so that you are hallucinating (4+ tabs). i remember looking up and realizing that this same moon was the same one at which billions of people across every continent were looking. and it was smiling back down upon me like God


You couldve dealt with your anxiety and depression by lifting, having a social network, and inputting meaning into your life you fucking retard. It 100% fried your brain, reap what you sow faggot. People like you are despised by folk here holy shit kill yourself loser

unironically true, but it needs to be done in a spiritual setting and not how retards do it now at nigger degenerate (((music))) festivals

>everyone can tell im tripping and they hate me" feeling you can get whilst on an lsd adventure
>Also only people who have tripped will get this but its super hard for me to watch tv/commercials/movies now without getting that weird "I can see every over done facial expression and emotion and its

haha i get you on both of these. especially with DXM for the first one. i’ll be in a house with someone else a couple rooms a way and be 100% convinced that they know and will march into my room any second know. delusions are really common on these drugs. the second one i’ve felt on ~200ug of LSD. i was watching the beginning of 2001 a space odysssy and it was just stunning to me how fucking fake the set and the monkeys were

Its not for everyone. Namely NPCs. Humans can try it with great effect.

Seems like you could use some lifting/social circle yourself, seeing as how youre so upset over my life

I'm happy, relatively successful, and dont regret any of it. You do you and ill do me, my man

>the exercise can cure your depression meme
back to your room, jordan peterson. 1 high-dose trip on shrooms will benefit you infinitely more than exercise every could

Did them heavily when I was younger, i believe they benefited me, especially my state of mind.

No desire to do them anymore though because now im a weird mother fucker

>did it
>have a awful trip
>now stuck in a rut
>every day is exactly the same for me
>except for the various threads on 4chins

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is truth

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Yeah now extrapolate the feeling of watching that movie to almost all media even while sober, it's pretty weird lol

The people being angry thing is fairly detrimental ill admit. My base line my entire life was feeling as if everyone hated me, so I'm sure the fact that I way over did the tripping has exacerbated it to a degree. Even stone cold sober, if i hear people talking say like in the next room or kids playing down the street it always sounds like theyre angry/fighting unless I can hear the words

Is what it is lol, i had this as a baseline forever so im sure I would still have it to some degree even if i had never tripped

Godspeed brother!

Exclusively for the delusional and weak-willed.

Took 3 tabs and could feel my essence transform into a massive flying swastika made of burning energy. Solved all the problems of the Universe then promptly forgot them when I came down. Also it’s really hard to jack off while tripping.

A therapeutic quasi-spiritual setting would work best. Believe me, those of us with higher education that are into this stuff are busting our balls to make it happen.

t. Pussy

I did this for a few months after my most recent trip. Your life is waiting on you to do something, and it'll take an extended effort like really extended

Did you shit the meat into the blender?

My shroom trips are absolutely infested with bugs. I turn into a bug, my audiovisuals are all bugs, I meet pandimensional alien visitors who also just so happen to be big fucking bugs. Mantids (foremost), centipedes and chitinous arachnids are the big players. Sometimes there are caterpillars and ants too. I've tripped on shrooms about two dozen times on doses from 2 -10 grams and not a single one of them hasn't mostly been about bugs. Don't get me wrong, it's fucking awesome. But why bugs? As fun and trippy as other psychedelics are, none of them are consistent in subject matter the way shrooms are. It's always bugs. Twisted, gleaming, shifting, ornate, hissing, buzzing, bejeweled, impossible creepy crawly fucks. Frankly, they're fucking sexy. I think shrooms might end up turning me into a entomologist whether I like it or not.

Does anyone else meet bugs while on drugs? Or meet any particular entity with super-consistency the way I meet bugs on shrooms?

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If you want to "open your third eye" you can do it without use of mind altering drugs. You can achieve highs like you did on these drugs naturally (your body naturally produces them). You just have to unlock the lifestyle that actually achieves such a feat

Elephants! I always get jewels and elephants, and often Hindu imagery.

t. this guy

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Nah you're just a fucking loser who can't get these highs without using cheat codes.

What a reach. Your "spiritual experience" simulator is basically the life style equivalent of using video games as a source of masculine achievement

Projectionist Edgelord. You know no ones social status but your own. You’re like an Internet Tough Guy but with self righteous “morality”.

a quick way of seeing the source code and pulling the interstellar HTC vive off for a quick moment

It can be useful. Psychedelics were in widespread use and mushrooms particularly pre modern-man, and are responsible for all religious development on the planet

However if you have demons and unvisited issues they will manifest and it will be terrifying. The point is that you should be flushed of your issues and ego naturally thus you will have a good "trip". The demons you almost certainly have will take hold of you and blackpill you if you aren't careful. The apple of eden is almost certainly a mushroom, and I dont think a higher power would much appreciate its ants pulling the veil back.

religiously, morally and personally there are many pro's and con's.

I will say, you will eventually see truth in the end. You could take em, or just live a normal life. Both will lead to the same thing.

Kind of like how you replace your social competence with insulting strangers on the internet?

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I wasn't projecting into your social status. I'm calling you a loser for settling for drug use as a means of getting your highs. Now you're projecting.
If you're serious about the experience you got from drugs, then you would seek them out in the world rather than a manufactured experience

That is why the natives of Brazil take ayahuasca, to remove the "evil" spirits that attempt to disrupt their lives.

The purge aspect is to rid yourself of the negative energies so your vessel can receive sacred knowledge/wisdom.

I think all far rightists would benefit from the use of psychedelics. MW is on record ranting against their use, but I don’t think he would have come to his ideological stance, without them. I think that’s true for a lot of the intellectual vanguard of the AR.

Someone's afraid to step outside of the box

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I don't use this place as a replacement for social interaction, I use it to quickly disseminate information on an active and organic platform. Is it perfect? No, but I'm actively cultivating a group of like minded individuals to fulfill the niche that Jow Forums does. I'm striving to ensure that the echo that Jow Forums represents becomes a reality

I've tripped at least 6 times.

You want to know what happened last time I took psychedelics with friends on a camping trip? A fucking mountain lion stumbled upon us in our stupor and we had to lock ourselves in the car for hours while tripping.
That was not a good time.

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that is where you went wrong. Take psychedelics should not be about tripping or getting high. It is one of the means at our disposal to explore the unknowns of the mind.
It is about reuniting two of god's sacred gifts...our mind and nature.

Sooo....You went into legitimate woods that is home to cougars and bears and whatnot? You should have made a route through a park that is known to be free of any predators or something. I am sure it was terrible.

Now I know you're a manchild.

They're fun, but nothing you experience in them is real. You still have to go to work the following day.

True and redpilled.

>acid and mushrooms
At the same time? How retarded can you be?

>you don’t even hallucinate on shrooms.
Do you know the meaning of "hallucination"?

You did took Psilo and not random shrooms in your momma's closet, right?

I think that is the problem....people don't know what hallucinating means, they think you lose your mind.

>back to your room, jordan peterson. 1 high-dose trip on shrooms will benefit you infinitely more than exercise every could
Well Peterson does talk about how lifting things up is good for serotonin, the SSRI does the same stuff. If you're depressed for chemical reasons, it's very good to start exercising.

He also talked at length (in the Bible series I believe) how a single high dosage of psilocybin or DMT had "cured" the fear of death or depression on a lot of occasions, and we don't know why.
He do know about psy drugs.

Tripped a lot on shrooms, acid is impossible to come by where I'm from (sadly), done a lot of DMT, I've hallucinated on high doses of MDMA before. I've had a tiny dose of mescaline (all I could find) but didn't get a lot out of it.

Good times.

DMT is strongly believed to be produced in the pineal gland (according to recent studies). Stimulating the pineal gland through the use of DMT will cause a person to have a sense of a greater energy.

The native of the amazon basin call the main DMT plant "the vine of souls" or "vine of the dead". They believe that it brings human beings to the other side, allows one to communicate with their ancestors.

as for its use (ayahuasca) to treat depression and addiction it mostly has to do with stimulating a very important gland...the master gland that regulates major brain functions.

Mescaline was really not for me, made me feel like I was extremely drunk, in a dream like drunken state.

I enjoyed the experience of mushrooms but find it lasts way too long.

Iboga...never the fuck again. Too fucking wild for my taste. Spending 72hrs in an alternate universe is too much.

Ayahuasca was the best I have experienced. Powerful experience, lasted 4 to 5 hours and the come down is quick and clean.

Took a trip to Costa Rica for an ayahuasca trip. You learn a lot about your true self when removed from your ego. Probably the most pivotal moment in my life in terms of finding joy in the balance of life and letting go of baggage. Would only recommend it to those who seek it.

As the native of the amazon and ayahuasca find each other if it is meant to be.

It really is quite spectacular as a psychedelic.

how does DMT scramble one's brain exactly, or you just making unsupported claims

That's exactly how I went into it. I had a good experience. I learned, however, that drugs are a synthetic means by which we achieve these amazing states. It's using cheat codes to get the high without the work that's makes us worthy of such a feeling. That feeling we get from psychedelics is real and can be achieved through directed path, the same way the feeling of achievement you get from video games can be achieved from real life.
Your drug use is simply escapism, I don't get what you degenerates don't understand about this.

Literally not an argument

This. They break us all down but if you're too rigid in thought, it's gonna be extra painful.

last time I took acid I could see every plane in the sky at night. the sky was full of planes, it was really cool.
everything is so god damn beautiful and your sense of hearing is enhanced so much.

I have done lsd 3 times. It's literally just tripping.

Your mind is short circuiting in it's own way.

No magic.

No god.

Just a monkey short circuiting.

that is the biggest nonsense I have ever read.
There are many ways to achieve the same goal; Just because most people don't want to meditate in a cave for 20 years somewhere in India does not mean that their way is wrong.

that is probably because the guy making the LSD cared more about profit than supplying you with a rich experience that would free you from the constraints of your prison (senses)

If you take really small doses it can help you re-write your depressive habits but you won't be full on hallucinating demons and shit. Maybe you'll go cry in a field for an hour and come back a better person.


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No you're literally fucking your life over by giving it a big reward without doing the work. Your experiences to that respect are completely fake and without depth. You're taking the blue pill happily to stay in the simulation of spiritual enlightenment.

You have obviously never taken ayahuasca.
It is a rite of passage, it requires you to face your demons head on. Not a party drug but sacred medicine.

If you think it is a joy ride, you are sadly mistaken.

Great to jolt you and open the mind significantly. Be careful, don't overdo it, don't make it.a habit

MDMA if you are anxious/depressed can be 1-use cure. 2cb is most practical - as in you are in clearheaded state of mind (despite visuals all around) and can solve your life issues with great deal of self-love and understanding.
Those are tools like most things in life - if you can use them for your own good, that's perfect.

A rite of passage comes with years of Traditonal preparation, an unbroken chain of initiation that has been passed down for generations combined with wholistic living that encompass every action before and after the ritual. These are things you have not and never done.

If your body naturally produces them then why is it a bad thing to introduce them externally?

Ayahuasca has been used for more than 10,000 years for that very purpose.

Because people are led to believe that their view on a given topic is the ultimate truth. The often envy people who have the balls to try something that will remove their sense of superiority.