/ESG/ /SIG/ /NSG/ - let's go my brethren. It's time to fight back

welcome to the /esg/ /sig/ /nsg/ combined thread.
This thread is for discussion of a white ethnostate in the United States, a homeland to be carved out for the hardworking white man.
Discuss the possibility of said ethnostate here, and how it should be ran. What type of government would we have? What laws should be set in place?
My personal opinion is that all white children of the future must have a home away from the toxic cultures of the other races, and a good work ethic and a set of important skills must be instilled into them. Laziness will not be tolerated, and an exercise regimen is highly encouraged to keep us prepared for any attacks on our peaceful way of life.


- Inspire our people
- Create/Contact groups like NWF (northwestfront.org/)
- Donate to the projects (building supplies, food, tools, etc)
- Acquire land (countryside/rural)
- Meet up and prepare for settling

>A Message From The Underground

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Other urls found in this thread:

libgen.io/search.php?req=Ewart Oakeshott&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white

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Mmm checked. Kek wills it

Can you faggots sort yourselves the fuck out and stop bitching about white women?
It is your duty to marry one, have white babies and le save the huwhite race.
>inb4 but she will divorce me and take all my stuff and force me to pay alimony.
Firstly, this will only happen if you are not truly alpha, and don't lead her properly.
Secondly, so fucking what? This is such a selfish perspective. By taking care of her financially, you are essentially investing in the huwhite race. If she doesn't have huwhite kids with you before divorcing you and taking your money, she will probably have them later on down the track. Your money is making that possible, and hence you are contributing to the huwhite race.

White women are goddesses, and we should worship them as such. You MGTOWs are fucking faggots and you are shills trying to divide the huwhite race.
Marry white women and financially support them to continue the huwhite race.

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This is what the kikes took from you. It's time to get it back

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Here is something most of you probably didn't know.
The goal is 'replacement migration'.
This is not the first time niggers and sandniggers fled their countries by the millions.
From 1980 to 1991 more that 6.5 million Afghans left Afghanistan.
The first wave left after the Soviets invaded. The second and largest wave, left after the Soviets withdrew in the late 80's.
You know how many of the 6.5 million Afghans ended up in Europe?
Pretty much none.
Approximately 3.3 million Afghans went to Iran. About 3.2 million went to Pakistan.
To this day Iran has the largest Afghan population in the world, outside of Afghanistan of course.
You know how much it cost the UN to shelter, feed, and clothe 6.5 million war refugees?
Less than $200 million.
Just for comparison, Germany alone spend more than $25 billion to take care of their rapefugees in 2016.
What is going on today is 100% replacement migration.
The UN population department issued an essay/study regarding the low birth rates in Europe, especially in countries like Germany and Italy.
Everything is public. They just know that most people won't bother reading the reports, let alone react to them.




You can also fool around with this very informative UN online app to see who left from wherem and where he went:

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/esg/ - Ethnostate General


Thread for discussion of a white ethnostate, a homeland to be carved out for the hardworking white man.

Discuss the possibility of said ethnostate here, and how it should be run?

What type of government would we have?

What laws should be set in place?

All white children of the future must have a home away from the toxic cultures of the other races, and a good work ethic and a set of important skills must be instilled into them.
Laziness and slacker mentality will bring about a downfall, and an exercise regimen should be highly encouraged to keep us prepared for any attacks on our way of life.
(Goldblattsteins, Negroids, Beans, The Government, Commies.)

Northern Midwest
Oregon, Washington, Idaho (NWF)


- Mobilize our people
- Contact groups like NWF
- Donate to the project (building supplies, food, tools, etc)
- Do your share of work, No slackers.
- Acquire land (countryside/rural)
- Buy gold, but take care that (((Goldstein))) doesn't come around trying to steal it.
- Meet up and prepare for settling
See you on the boards, Hail Victory!

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The United States had always been intended to be a white ethnostate

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I've come to the conclusion that the indiscriminate bashing of white women in this board is a kike tactic and hurtful to the white race.

Any argument against marriage or against making a large family with a white woman is hurtful and should be avoided.
Creating resentment against white women and blaming them solely for their current state is not the correct stance.

The main reason why feminism has taken over and is ruining our women is that we are letting the jew do this. We are not being strong or combative enough. So stop hating on our beloved women, instead think of ways to tackle the root of the (((problem))). And do your part, white men, by marrying a white woman and having 7 children with her. Even if you live in a SJW, feminist infested country.

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Even if social collapse doesn't happen, and the volunteers don't get the opportunity to fight for their own land, having thousands of nationalists gathered across the Northwest... breeding... infiltrating the states systems.. raising children correctly... laying the foundations for the true future of white america is the most desirable choice of action for any serious pro-white in The US.

And I want to point out, you don't need to directly contact the NWF... you could form your own NWF within the Northwest OR the northeast
BTW I'm not going to reply to mutts who say "NOO GOY STOP LARPING YOU CAN'T DO THAT" but I am open to talking with people who disagree with what I've said.

>The Butler Plan


>The NF Program


>Principles of Migration


>Our Constitution


>Why the Tricolor flag?

Tricolors had their genesis as national flags in Europe in the nineteenth century, when flags were hand-sewn by women, and when the secret police or king’s soldiers came calling the stitches could be quickly pulled out and all you had were three strips of cloth.

The color scheme for the flag is simple:

"The sky is the blue, and the land is the green. The white is for the people in between."

>Radio Free Northwest


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The kikes are pushing white hatred very strongly. Fight back my brethren

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No matter who you are, you can improve your life. Take control. Move forward. Dreams keeps us alive, fighting for them makes us feel alive.

Self Improvement information here pastebin.com/3Qv9B4r1

and here (boards.Jow Forums.org/fit/thread/47226511)

How is your Self Improvement going ?

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What level are you? What do you have to do to get to the next level? What is holding you back?

I'm between 9 & 10. I need to read much more and work on communication, particularly inspiration. Also I need to work on patience.

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Stop listening to degeneracy. Listen to things that are good for you.

youtube.com/watch?v=Isic2Z2e2xs [Open]
Prepare yourself for The Big Happening. Do you have enough food and water to survive two weeks in total isolation? Do you have enough toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, etc to survive total isolation for a month?

Respect yourself and your race. Dress well, and face the day. Wake up early and meditate at the beginning or the end of the day. Make your bed every morning. Do the dishes every evening. Tend your garden every afternoon.

And read at LEAST 500 pages a month. That’s 125 pages a week. The book can be anything. Ideally it should be non-fiction and historical literature, but if you want to read nothing but Nancy Drew novels and old diaries you bought off eBay, you’re still miles ahead of most other people you’ll ever come across in your life. Read 125 pages a week of anything.

Stop watching any kind of pornography. That includes soft porn or erotica. That should be the ultimate goal for you. You should understand that nothing in life is for free. Watching sexually arousing materials teaches your brain an easy and free way to satisfy one of the strongest needs: sexual need. Watching porn not only damages your brain but also supports this whole degenerated industry run by Jews. It is made for the sole purpose of destroying young, white males. If you have a strong sexual urge just use your imagination and masturbate. But remember: Don't do it more often than once in two weeks.
> youtube.com/watch?v=u4j2d7iLWsw& [Open]
>youtube.com/watch?v=njU4pROL9rM [Open]

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To defeat the Jew IRL, you must defeat the Jew within yourself.

How to better yourself:

Go to the gym at least three times a week, and fill the other days with physical activity as well.
Take up one of the following physical hobbies to do on off days:
>Competitive Intramural Sport (soccer, football, basketball, lacrosse, etc.)
>Competitive court sports (tennis, badminton, racquetball, jai-alai)
>Natural activities (hiking, trail-building, rock-climbing, kayaking)
>Endurance/Conditioning (swimming, running, marathons, sprints, 5Ks)
>Combative sport (martial arts, wrestling, grappling, Jiu-Jitzu)
>Game sports (golf, skeet shooting, disc golf, archery)

If you do not participate in at LEAST one of these activities, you should start. Many of these are easy to pick up and have a thriving social community about them. Stay active, develop hobbies, and make friends at the same time.
This is the very good Jow Forums Sticky. Skip to the exercise section for some good starting routines if you’re new.

Stop consuming unnatural foods. Fast food, shit packaged food like potato chips, Doritos, candy. Instead, your snack food should be things like beef jerky, pistachios, almonds, raw spinach, carrots, cheese.
Eat fruit. Eat steak, eggs, nuts.
Eat veggies. Eat veggies that you grew yourself, if you can.
Eat fish. Eat fish that you caught yourself, if you can.

Stop drinking $8 craft hipster beer. There’s a reason they’re big right now, and it’s because the ATF doesn’t make them put nutrition facts on the cans. All those IPAs and Doubles and Stouts and craft shit usually hover around 30g carbs and 300+ calories each. Although the social benefits of drinking occasionally with friends does drastically outweigh the negative effects, you should still keep your drinks to one or two, whiskey or gin only.
Do not drink soda, ever. The only acceptable drinks are water, coffee, wine, and whiskey/gin (occasionally).

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Feeling down after a 7 days streak relapse.
How do you guys deal with porn and masturbation? I have a NoFap emergency tab always open, but sometimes it's not enough. Religious tips appreciated as well.

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Bump for Bashar al Assad

Death to jews, hohols, gipsys, kurds, wahabbists and takfiri

Glory to the white race

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Take a walk outside
Can't masturbate in public, unless you enjoy spending a day in jail.

Good morning folks. Gonna go get a short lift in this morning, then maybe a bike ride or walk in the afternoon on this beautiful Sunday. I got a pretty good Mark Twain quote for any of you that is thinking about homeschooling their children
>I never let my schooling get in the way of my education
Have a great Sunday people, we're all gonna make it

Bumping based bread, hail victory bros

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When the urge comes, pray to have the urge removed and then go do something else. Occupy your body, mind, and spirit and you won't fail. The porn Jew is insidious

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Never forget that Americans destroyed europe by defeating hitler. America was created by Jews and serves Jewish interests only. Supporting America or American allies is the same as supporting the Jews.

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Let's get this thread started, dumping infographs and /nsg/ OC

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30 days for 300 Pages? What the fuck?
You should be able to read 300 pages in 6-8 days.. at the LEAST.

What's a good book, podcast or video on this subject?

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some people just don't enjoy reading
i spend like a year on each book i read


how does one go about detoxing after years of heavy substance abuse


See also:
>'Rise and Fall of Anglo-America' by Kaufman
>'The Origin of the Late War' by Lunt
> 'Authentic History of the Klu Klux Klan' by Davis
>'Black Slave Owners' by Koger
>'The Transformation of American Law I-III' by Horwitz

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>home schooling
>2 years military service
>strict food regimin
>no female involvement in politics
If this is forced into law in any white country today North America and Europe would be an ethno state within 5 years

Would everyone here agree that National Socialism has to be tailor-made for every European nation, and that a single version of it probably isn't ideal for everyone?

Technically true, but the core of National Socialism philosophy is universal. Every nation can be "national socialist", but they must value and retain their unique ethnic character and sovereignty.

What would you say is the core of NS?


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Pic related. Their economic philosophy is also universal.

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man i was doing so well last week, no fap whole week, working out ect but yesterday just lost it and spend the whole day inside jerking off.
feel like shit now

What is the economic philosophy exactly? I know part of it is not allowing usury and other Jewish practices.

>i spend like a year on each book i read
Wew lad..you'll never get anywhere at that rate.

Can someone tell me how to exersise? I'm thin and eat well but I absolutely fucking hate standing there counting reps. It's the most mind numbingly boring activity I can think of and no force on earth can seem to make me want to do it. How do people learn to like doing this semi-painful, horribly boring simple-minded activity?


Do you work out every day?

>What is the economic philosophy exactly?
The restriction of investment banking in favor of small scale, medum sized "merchant banks". A preference for producer-centered capitalism. A currency based on a labor standard, instead of a debt or gold standard.

卐 - NATSOC Philosophy and Economics

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>tfw swedes are more hated for political views than mutts
all the luck! fight the good fight sven!!

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Can't be asked to tell you how to exercise, there are enough tutorials on youtube. But for morale boost before a workout I usually think 'would I be able to defend myself' etc. Plus bitches love athletic looking lads ;)


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Here's some advice:
1) Get a workout buddy. Running for me is a lot better when I have someone to run with.
2) Play music while doing reps. I start my morning with push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, and pull-ups.
3) Start taking a martial arts class.
4) Try yoga.

Most people who list weights do it for the "high", and because its most efficient in keeping bodyfat under control, and being strong. Kettlebells are a fun alternative. Martial Arts. HEMA. There are lots of ways to "work out", just find something you like.

Speaking of HEMA, it doesn't get promoted enough here. Here's a list of resources.

Swords and equipment

libgen.io/search.php?req=Ewart Oakeshott&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def

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Other than monday and tuesday which I work 8-5, with the commute im out of the house 7-6

Eh I'm hitched so snagging bitches isn't really a motivator. I did run when I was single. Also I carry a gun so not really concerned with defending myself with muscles of kung fu. Fuck. SOmetimes I wish I was vain so I could just become fascinated with watching my own body become buff, but it's not something I ever really admired in others and can't get myself excited about it.

Bolognese books
Antonio Manciolino
Facsimile of his 1531 Opera Nova from Robert J Lord collection:
Translation of first half of the same work, by Jherek Swanger:
Transcriptions (in Italian):
Published by Nomos Editioni. possibly out of print
By Il Cerchio

Anonimo Bolognese
Originates likely from around 1550.
Transcription (In Italian):
Giovanni dall'Agocchie

Translations of book I and II (swordsmanship and jousting):

Angelo Viggiani
Viggiani wrote a work on swordsmanship (among other subjects) in 1555, and the work was published posthumously in 1575. Viggiani was not a master of the Bolognese school, and subjected the art to a little bit of revision, but his work is compatible and has useful inisghts on body mechanics and timing that are crucial to a proper understanding of the style.
Online translation by Jherek Swanger (of Viggiani's book III):

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Italian school
Fiore di Battaglia (the flower of battle)

German/Leichtenauer school
(Anton Kohutovic, best longsowrdsman in the world)


I.33 Arming sword + buckler

Polish Sabre

Random stuff

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>Can't be asked to tell you how to exercise, there are enough tutorials on youtube.
Yeah that's part of the problem. I set out many times to find some routine, or learn some method and there are 50000000 humorless assholes who live in gyms bickering about the RIGHT WAY to do this or that. One guy says 'this is all you need' and the next guy says 'youre wasting your time if you do that'. its exhausting and just makes me want to say fuck this meathead world instantly.

>Speaking of HEMA, it doesn't get promoted enough here
It still gets promoted way to much. Both HEMA and ARMA are bullshit McDojo type styles. They are not based on the actual german and italian traditions (at least the german ones still exist, though we went underground from the 1920s to the 1950s due to NS and allied persecution of any paramilitary activity).
Now normally, I wouldn't care to much if a school actually has a lineage as long as the techniques are alright.
However in HEMA, they teach many things which are outright stupid (such as blocking with the flat of the blade) and founded only in mistranslations of medieval fencing manuals and the attempt to incorporate traditional german techniques into french (olympic) fencing, even though those two styles are nothing alike. even Kendo (Which is a sportified game hardly resembling sword fencing) is closer to what Lichtenauer and Talhoffer describe than the shit HEMA schools teach.

This is everyone's experience too bro. Its something you just have to absorb over time, like learning anything else. THere are a lot of know it alls who are just crackpots. Do a lot of reading. Study science journals. Find textbooks on training and nutrition online. Youtube is a great resource, but educate yourself with credible sources too so you can tell nonsense from sound advic. Dont be discouraged, just do your best and stay consistent. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep your routine. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Improve over time.

>It still gets promoted way to much.
I NEVER see it promoted on Jow Forums.
>Both HEMA and ARMA are bullshit McDojo type styles.
>They are not based on the actual german and italian traditions
No, the opposite is true. They're based entirely on historical texts. Purists won't even use techniques that people discover through competition, its that autistic about adhering to historical sources. Besides there's something valuable about trying to curate and revive these aspects of traditional culture. Eastern martial arts went through similar "being lost and reconstructed" periods, but westerners don't realize this. A lot of moderns schools are either based on guesswork or made up to fill in gaps in the history.
If you expect to be using a longsword in every day self defense, you're missing the point of HEMA

Is there any benefit to nofap if im already married? Anyone else in a committed relationship do nofap? If so, why?

I have sex with my wife every day, I've never had to jerk off except on the rare occasion that I travel for work.

my wife is almost 37 weeks pregnant so there has been a bit of a dry streak

Can you have a NatSoc monarchy state?

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ahhh makes sense now. umm, if its for short term to deal with that situation i dont see it being that much of an issue. Just don't get addicted and keep doing it after she gives birth or it'll fuck up your relationship

Theoretically, maybe. Fuhrerprinzip is a sort of monarchy in many respects, except he appoints a successor and its not a position that one inherits.

Can't wait to move to the Northwest

Get into competitive lifting. Go join a pro weight lifting club. Not just any gym. Just google competitive lifting clubs near me or something along those lines. Even if it’s far you can go once a week and then work out at a normal gym near you the rest of the week. This will just give you a goal. The clubs are really friendly and happy to have noobies.

never heard of this, thanks user

I recommend Olympic lifting. It's much more about innovation and technique, which you can apply to yourself, rather than just eating as many calories as possible and putting up a couple reps with massive weight

RIP Bob Whitaker. he did so much for us in helping to shift the overton window and allow our ideas to breathe and become injected into the greater population, and likely no one knows about him the way they know about Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, or David Duke
also czech'd

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Check out Pavel, kettlebell is fun too.


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holy shit ...there's a 'barbell club' 4 blocks from my house. I can just waltz in there like a skinny nerd and just say 'hi tell me what to do'?

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"If military training made a man out of you, then it failed. Military training was supposed to make a dog out of you"
-Bob Whitaker

Fuck the roll - I'm on one.

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Does anyone actually own a physical copy of the Stalag edition Mein Kampf? I'm aware that it's the best translation, but I'm still thinking whether I should acquire a hardcover copy. Could not find any photos sadly.


I did not read the thread but I am a white male in Miami Fl. Let me second the idea of bringing back racial segregation. Most schools automatically do this through AP, Honors, regular, remedial classes with Jews and whites at the top, Hispanics in regular and blacks barely doing anything in remedial. But it would be much better if whole schools were devoted to a race. You have no idea how bad very Hispanic people can be to deal with. Most parts of America have very few but working in Miami has exposed me to a lot of Hispanic and I wish to prevent this happening to the next generation. We must figure out a way to segregate them and then expel them. Black people sometimes claim they do so poorly in school because they feel as if the system is oppressive or against them. This is good for us we can use this to push for the creation of all black states either in the southern americas or better Africa.

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god this board is so fucking gay

imagine being convinced that you could ever achieve any kind of a white ethno state

it's just pure LARP

within a few short decades, genomics and genetic engineering will allow anybody to choose whatever race they wish to become, thereby rendering this entire racial supremacist ideology redundant from the outset

enjoy wasting your life forever debating and pushing for something that will never ever fucking happen

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lmao speak for yourself you worthless loser.

Sure thing, let me know how far you get into your political conquest beyond setting up a wiki that gets 100 views a year.

Nobody needs you and you don't have anything useful to contribute to the world apart from this gay ass fantasy that's NEVER GONNA FUCKIN HAPPEN

You alright there?

Now this is rollworthy.