What are we gonna do about the "whiteness problem", Jow Forums?

What are we gonna do about the "whiteness problem", Jow Forums?

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kill anyone and their families that said being white is a problem.
Problem solved


Eliminate all other races and ethnicities so everyone can be white

Just about every problem America faces can be fixed with a tool that is available at Home Depot for $14.

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There isnt enough, that's the problem

The biggest mistake anyone could make is taking advice from a liberal woman. They think they have knowledge and wisdom, but it’s all false imaginations of grandeur. If society collapsed, they would either starve or come to their senses and marry a man to take care of them. They are the product of excess luxury and good times.

Most blacks have only black friends. Just something I noticed when I started looking at Facebook pages of blacks I had to spend time around.
A civil war is inevitable at this point. The lines have been drawn and nobody on the other side wants to negotiate.

they're 16% of the US population, it won't be a war but more like a racial cleansing.
Hey, hire Servs to do the job, they need work and love to slaughter

Personally, I think we should take all the whites and quarantine them in North America. Get all the other races out so they aren't affected by problematic whiteness.

I think you're onto something user

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Damn it feels good to be a Bankster?

i'd photograph / film city funded events, mostly all white people. organisers would ask me to find any black faces and misrepent who attends.

The "white" in-group is the largest, most tolerant, and most diverse in-group the world has ever seen.

what about if my whole country is white?

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what's the end game for self-hating whites. why don't any of them publicly kill themselves if being white is so oppressive.

Remember this anytime leftists talk about how they don't hate white people but the "concept of whiteness". The end result of this talk is always mass slaughter since you can never get rid of whiteness through any other means

>a civil war is inevitable because not everyone in my country is white
This is one fucking retarded echo chamber at times

Why do they beg to be beaten?

Feels good to be white.

sage these brainless feminist demons

they have no concept of an "end game" it's all just living in the moment for them
it's why they're always surprised when shit goes wrong and suddenly they're cast as the villains
see: leftism, judaism

Is that Brianna Wu?

Why'd you hide the name? It's a jewess, isn't it?

I didn't hide the name I found this image on a forbidden website

Then you will have to pay reparation to niggers and brown people in general for no reason except that you are white, adopt white guilt, turn your sons into women and your girls into inferior versions of men, and suffer a surge of Feminist retardation.
Or you can be just a Slav, unrelated to the pic related future of white people, safe, in peace.

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Force people who have a problem with whites to leave white countries, preferably at gunpoint.


Tbf though, as anyone can attest who has experienced both worlds, a white only event is literally the best possible event to go to, same with a work place, same with friends

Tell people it's OK to be White with posters.
Self-improve so you can redpill people with the amount of prestige you acquired.

This is the Chad's solution to the current year.

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Accelerate it so nobody feels bad about the race war when we win it.

>on a forbidden website
There is no such thing, there only are sites which Mossad disapproves.

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Whites are a virus.

If you go on Twitter and in the search bar write "consists of only white folks" (include the quotation marks because Twitter will then specifically search for that phrase) you'll find her account

AHAHAHAHA! You re not wrong.

Make sure to archive the tweet so she can never delete her anti-white statements

You can't let this happen. You obviously need to invite more non whites in. Think of the spontaneity and diversity!

Burn the jews?

He's right though

OP, why didn’t you at least leave the end of her name legible? Could it perhaps be “berg” or “witz”?

You should include the URL to this tweet.

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I get disappointed when I walk into a room and don't see white people

Here we go, goyim.

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Founder of the dentonite



He totally looks trans, but is he also a kike?

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>two scoops tattoo

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is this a troll account?

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Kek, I didn't notice. I've only noticed those shoulders.

not for long brat

Nope, I guess, she has a legit looking site (dentonite, see links above)
>that basedboy white knight

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negotiate what?

>you bet your dumb black ass I went to college
>account suspended

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Leftist are truly the rejects of society. No wonder they have such a grudge against white, straight, normal America. They're the discarded waste coming back to get vengeance on those who rejected them.

>went to college
>woke, strong independent woman
>can't replace a fucking door
guess you'll have to put up with the opinions of men a little bit longer while we do all the hard work for you, sweaty

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>100 % SÖY based lifeform

t. white woman

By sending these people to help out ghetto folk so I can masturbate to their subsequent rape and/or murder

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Is there a hate symbol interpretation for every number in the real number space?

no she's literally obsessed with race. She read a book or two about race and now wants to 'educate' everyone and argues with everyone

If the organization you're volunteering for consists only of minorities, if all your friends are minorities, IF EVERYONE AT AN EVENT YOU"RE ATTENDING IS A MINORITY- you might want to take a long hard look in the mirror and reevaluate. #MondayFeeling

Why is our existence inherently offensive? These people have no idea how racist they sound.
Ok sure, In a multicultural society it's probably a good idea to expand your social circle to include a variety of cultures and ideologies; however shaming those for only having specific associations is dumb.
What if you lived in a rural town that had only a small population of white people?

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Oy Vey. We must erase these racist numbers from our numeric system!
>12 jumps to 15
>87 jumps to 89

she is lucky it is an older handyman, im nearly 30 and I do handyman crap for faggots like this. I would have buried a claw hammer in her face if she talked to me like that. so sick of cool wine aunt's standing over me asking me what a garbage disposal is then when I explain they then command me to do the very thing I just explained like some kind of princess. one time I took a piss in this one bitches deadspace in between her walls after they asked me to patch a hole where squirrels got in while her basedboy betabux played video game

Yeah, that nose is poking through my screen

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Sure, I'm a big guy. I could probably stand to lose some pounds for sure, and that's a struggle I've been fighting my whole life. But, heh, if you did an inventory on the average person's flaws, I'd come out far ahead. I've got my life together. I clean up well, and I'm, frankly, one of the most well-read guys you're ever gonna meet. I can discuss the theories of Sartre, Hegel, Plato, all the way up to modern day academics like Zizek and Dawkins. I covered all of that stuff back in my university days, and my love of learning never stopped. I may not get the ladies' drooling for me at first sight, but I can carry a conversation with them that almost no other guy can match. I keep my view fresh, and they've been hardened like steel in the forge of online debate, which I engage in frequently with others like myself, who've congregated in the great marketplace of ideas known as reddit.

See this scarf? See my fine pea coat? My glasses that I need for reading only? Well, if it's any sign of my academic appetite, you'd be unsurprised to know that they rarely come off. In fact, I feel they lend my appearance a bit of the intellectual nobility that I stoke inside myself, like the eternal flame of human knowledge that must be kept alive generation after generation by men like myself.

Better question:

What are we going to do about the jewish question?

yeah it does look legit
he sounds rich on parents money probably given willingly to make up for the mess they made of him.

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my next sock puppet account is going to be something like that guy, it's gun be guud

>doesn't pay anyone
>if you bring in money, you might get paid
Yeah, definitely

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There was a black guy on Fox once who explained that all this is white guilt. Kids grew up with jewish teachers telling them whites are monsternazis so when they grow up they think all minorities hate them, so they overcompensate by being a "good aly" and loudly shouting that whites are no good. The logic being that blacks will hear this and (using their internal monologues) approve and maybe not beat and rape them

2 scoops of hate crypto-trans edition.

I have a Vietnamese friend, checkmate.

>Wait niggers don't care about cleaning up their own neighborhoods?
>It takes a bunch of white people deciding to help them for anything to get done

Niggers don't surf.

Many jews in the US live completely sheltered upper/middle class lives and go to great universities then start bleating on about how privileged all white people are while they spend all their time on social media virtue signaling and living of their trust fund.

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>says people are more than the color of their skin
>cares more about skin color than the "racists" she complains about
dumb women


Imagine a world where the utterings of 5 year olds were considered profound and was treated as the moral law of the land; it would be reported on as serious news, and you were expected to change your behaviour and thoughts to match. The largest multi-nationals and NGOs would issue statements echoing these utterings; policy papers would be manufactured supporting them. All of the educated urban boogs would stampede over each other to outperform each other at them

Negotiating is cucking, the only people really into that shit are white.
Even nig nogs get this.

I don't know. Maybe move out of white countries? Don't see them saying this kind of shit about Asians in Asia or Africans in Africa.

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I can't tell if everybody in my club is white, they all have hoods on

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They are litterally just NPCs

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Niggers would rather burn down their neighborhood than clean them up.

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I wish my life was like that, there's always a nigger close by

Why do (((white))) people keep trying to silence us?

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Good that sounds like a nice problem to have

Its prostate is a speedbump in a prolapsed cavern of aids

>17 likes and 1 retweet

why do you give these insignificant people attention

>And then everyone clapped

pasta or not, I kek'd

I agree, white people are horrible. For the benefit of everyone else, some place in the world should be walled off and all white people should be deported there. That way, the good (i.e. non-white) people in the world will no longer have to deal with the problem of whiteness!

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Toll paid

God damn the next last on down on the right. Is that a fucking ogre?