China is going to start releasing more and more emissions and suffer at the consequence of global warming and it's own hyper-polluted state before overtaking the United States, desu.
Also the entire world is going to turn on the US and China after global warming kicks in.
Jonathan Smith
China past and future is like a Chinese escalator. It rise, then it eats itself.
After the Opium Wars China has been in direct control by the sabbatean-frankist jews. Their 100 year plan is at fruition but some real estate guy from new york won an election and fucked things up for them
Connor Morgan
Global warming is ok. Don't you want to live in cannibalistic desert wasteland? Fucking basedboys.
Isaiah Scott
>Do you believe my country will surpass the USA one day no. your fake low quality country will collapse long before the US declines.
Ayden Flores
Chinas history comes in cycles of unity and disunity. Name a calamity and China has been through it and at a greater cost.
Search for histories most major wars and list it by death count, all the top major death counts have been in China; name a war and we've been through it, we've been through many people that genocide us.
150 years ago one of us thought he was the brother of Christ, and ended up 40 million people die; hardly anyone knows about it, it was purely an internal conflict.
China is not a nation, its a continent, its a civilization state.
Isn't your country one of the most vulnerable to global warming?
Millions of people dislocated, monsoons, etc?
Elijah Perry
But OP is vietnamese you burger faggot
Camden Nguyen
Absolutely destroyed. Looks like his spinal chord got severed.
Jaxon Jones
What the flying shit.
Nathaniel Lee
America is a declining nation. I do not see your country being as powerful as it once was in 20 years time.
Sure, your military will still be formidable, but your soft-power will wane and your economy will not be unipolar.
In a way, it makes sense why you will focus on military; since you are isolated by two massive oceans, all major trade in the world is done through the Eurasian continent, you are shut out of it.
So yeah, you'll end up being still relevant, in the same way how that violent man in the distance is relavant.
China isn't politically stable. They're stable insofar the government can provide rapid growth, but that will slow down as it did everywhere in the developed world (diminishing returns from industrialization). Then the wealthy will feel like the government should start to have more consideration for their individual interests. The authoritarian superstructre will be too static to do that and instead rapidly degenerate into a pay for play nightmare of corporate control. This will not just bring economic stagnation but regression. We will see a bourgeois revolution and a governmental reaction which could lead to the first real world implementation of a high-tech totalitarianism. It's difficult to predict what will happen from there.
Adrian King
nah, then he would go limp. he has a seizure.
Jose Thompson
chinks are so afraid of having another civil war they're willing to suck the dick of anyone to keep the peace. what a great bunch of no-soul NPC slaves
William Rodriguez
You're a fucking idiot, shut up.
Wyatt Gutierrez
>throwing kicks in a street fight lmao chinks are fucking retarded
Elijah Brooks
Noice and rekt
Wish I could've done that to my bullies
Benjamin Jones
I dont want to click on the webm. It has a fucking escelator.
ironically it was the train that kept him alive, when they tried to get him out the weight of the train that was keeping his blood under pressure as gone, he died of blood loss.
Not that I'm really a defender of China, but I think that the boomer anti-China sentiment is a just a distraction to keep them from agitating against demographic change and degeneracy in their own countries.
For example, I've never understood why people like Steve Bannon have always been so obsessed with muh China
Angel Barnes
What actually happened to that guy? Did he just land badly and fuck up his spine? Would he even be able to breathe?
Parker Brown
Third chink solved the problem smart, without slowing down and while looking cool. He wins.
You seem upset. I'm literally saying they can replace all of the Canadians with Chinese. They're doing to anyway, but still it's better to know they're welcome to do it, especially when the locals are too stupid to do anything about their replacement.
Evan Brooks
Safety cost money.
Joseph Cruz
hong kong is a british ancapistan vietnam is one of a handful communist countries
Christopher Walker
Wtf did he expect tho?
Bentley Cook
>chile flag
iam not surprised
Joshua Williams
US slow decline became a death spiral when they invaded Iraq and Afganistan.
Nathan Smith
Nice. T-Rex arms at the end
Tyler Garcia
>paki flag I am not surprised
Carter White
A simple safety grating shouldn't be that expensive in a cheap as fuck country such as China. Or are the chinese truly the jews of Asia?
Samuel Sanchez
To be fair, Americans treat everyone's kids like sex toys. Just look at what they were doing in Haiti.
No. Chinks were a slave race forever. First for their government, later for foreign conquerors (mongols, colonisers). They're forever doomed to be underdog.
Carson White
Literally what is wrong with these people?!
Logan Jenkins
>be piss drunk, retarded and impatient >kick open elevator door because you can't wait for the door to the elevator to open >but the elevator isn't there yet >go inside, but since there is no elevator to step into you just fall all the way down the elevator shaft >remove yourself from the gene pool
Henry Ward
there's no way this is real. chinese people never go out of their way for anyone
>Athens is still around today No it isn't there is just a city called athens that is full greek speaking turks. its seppuku Didn't mongols rape you guys too?
Michael Taylor
There will be no oligarchs controlling the government, although there will be people who delude themselves into thinking that this constitutes their existence. The corporations themselves will do it. Souls will not be involved in determining the direction of policy. All education will be dictated by corporate interest, as will who gets into positions of power. They will select the very thoughts people are allowed or even capable of holding. The same thing is happening in the United States, it's not a larp it is the fundamental problem of modern economies/states. The difference is that democracy, balancing of power and the rule of law are a major obstacle to this process. In China the production of culture, education, law and politics is highly centralized and you only need to replace a small number of people with these drones in order to stir policy. It is ripe for the taking and you know that what I described is already a major criticism people leverage against the regime. After 50 years of capitalist development it is already difficult to tell wether it is the party who controls the corporations or the corporations who control the party. But all this is just in infancy, just wait until you see the first generations more deeply programmed in the education system to advocate for the interests of concentrated economic power. China will teach us the value of democracy.
Kayden Flores
He was just knocked out. He was displaying a fencing response to head trauma. No spinal injury and there's a good chance he'll be totally fine when he comes to.
Adrian Bell
Again, read the filename and consider if you want to watch this