/ahsg/ ATLANTIC HURRICANE SEASON GENERAL 2018: Hurricane Florence Thread #8


11:00 PM AST Sat Sep 8
Location: 24.6°N 55.2°W
Moving: W at 6 mph
Min pressure: 989 mb
Max sustained: 70 mph
>Forecast to pass just north of the Bahamas, moving westward towards the US East Coast.
>Expected to rapidly reintensify into a Category 3/4 Major Hurricane by within the next 48 hours.
>Landfall on the East Coast Expected around Northern FL/SC/NC at Cat 4+ Strength, Max Sustained Winds up to 145 MPH+ by next Thursday Evening/Friday Morning.
>Blocking High pressure to the north will likely keep pushing Florence Westward
>Interests from Florida to Virgina should monitor closely

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Issac!

Don't forget to stock up on water folks!

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sure thing!


>People don't know they can just fill their bathtub with water and have enough to last a week or more.

Cat 5 at landfall.
300mph winds
Pushes fast and hard in to the great lakes
Stalls until build up to Cat3.
Dumps everything on Chicago.

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it's flat

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im in smithfield nc guys, is this gonna be worse than fran and floyd? another F name hurricane gonna kill me


It's literally a small storm, all you guys are doing is creating false information and fear-mongering.

Shush, these threads are peak /comfy/.
And I suggest you get comfy, because there's a conga line of hurricanes this year.

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for any anons that do this make sure you /thoroughly/ clean that thing out before you fill it. seriously. people's asses have been in there.

>a wild memeflaggot appears


T. Veteran Fearmonger

T. Cthulhu

/ahsg/ is only 2nd best. The Oroville Dam threads were the comfiest around

Yup. Fill every basin and large container in your house. Get some good quality filter for semi-potable H2O, and some survival straws for when it really SHTF.

You'll have electricity back before you truly need food (weeks). Without water you're quickly DOA.

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>You'll have electricity back before you truly need food (weeks)
I went without power for 3 weeks after Ike hit Houston, and a week after Irma hit last year. My SHTF prepper gear is a bit overkill at 8 weeks of supplies, but #yolo

Hurricane Jeb happening confirmed.

you must be out of hurricanes' paths.

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>Panic in NYC as hurricane Adolf approaches category 6,000,000 and head's straight for the city

Attached: hurricane.jpg (1400x569, 178K)

Reminder. There's still time for everyone in the potential path to get something like this. They're all over amazon. Well worth the ~$30.

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>Not spending all hurricane money on .45acp

For now

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Hey, It's better to pay once for preparedness than twice.

b-but i already spent my hurricane ammo money on 5.56

Ahh the good old, .45/9mm discount.

I'm in Charleston, I'm 31 years old, I survived Hugo(picture related).

I didn't even hear about Florence until yesterday when my phone went off telling me to prepare for a hurricane. I really don't care. News media always freaks out about this to keep people glued to the television. Matthew was a joke, Floyd was a joke, Hugo was fun.

Attached: Hurricane-Hugo-Hits-Charleston.jpg (860x485, 83K)


I thought NC would eat shit guaranteed but these noodles are oodling all over if Savannah to Edisto gets hit my bootyful Charleston will get BEACHED

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That's ok, user, while we prefer larger exit wounds for shooting looters any takedown is ok

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I've got two boxes of 7.62 X 54R.

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>Survived Hugo
>As an infant with no recollection cared for by parents

>something will be the same intensity now 4 days later
Possible, but in this case that goes against literally all forecasting.

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good, we need a hurricane to get rid of all these fucking yanks
REMOVE YANK remove yank

The weather patterns are making this one very difficult to predict. Its slow speed dont help.

Alright, I'll down my first looter with a 1oz slug just for you bros.

Technically 32, my birthday is soon.



That better be 2 spam cans. Otherwise that isnt gonna last you the first few days of a disaster.
I got
2k 5.56
400 .357
800 .308
300 x54r
300 .300blk
350 9mm
5k .22lr
And i need more

yep been through dozens of hurricanes and they're all just fun. shelter in place and bbq/drink ppl.

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>MFW I live in NC and do not give a fuck

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Buddy I'll be strapped with gats on a kayak providing "assistance" to transplants

I just don't want all my pretty tropical plants to get wiped out again, oh well

Rick Scott is one weird looking motherfucker

Matthew would have been one hell of a ride if it had tracked 30 miles west of where it did

You freak out if a tropical storm grazes you like I graze the cheek of miqo'te girls.

Meanwhile in SC.

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damn, he managed to steal a lot of boats

redpill me on (((isaac))), bros. What are the chances it shifts north and hits south florida, or is it too early to tell?

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GFS has it going even further north.
but NAVGEM paints a different picture....

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So lads how many of y'all going to be on /stormteam/? I just got a call to start packing to get going to NC.

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Latest Isaac NOAA pic.

Its too early to tell realy.

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it is a nothing burger.

might travel to do assessment and coordinate tree crews. hopefully they just take northern crews, in case isaac hits florida. stay safe /stormbro/

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yeah, that's kind of what I was figuring. wasn't sure if any anons here had any further info. dank je

>that webm

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According to latest recon Florence is now a Hurricane again.

Good. Have some OC my guy.

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11:00 AM AST Sun Sep 9
Location: 24.4°N 56.3°W
Moving: W at 6 mph
Min pressure: 984 mb
Max sustained: 75 mph

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excellent meme

I'll update when I make the new thread.

>That better be 2 spam cans.
I fucking wish. I've been trying to get my hands on two spam cans of 54R. They are becoming harder to find.

I am glad it is one because that region is still recovering from the pegging sessions of Irma and Maria.

If you want to know the past progression and what you can reasonbly expect from Isaac, you should look at this:


That brings back memories. Thanks.

Realistically there are 2 options left.
1) buy Tula, its still relatively cheap
2)buy PPU brass cased and start reloading

Ayy, I'll be doing storm assessment my dude then afterwards just sit at a gate tapping my id.
Feels good mate.

Are there 2 more out there right now?

Because he's thirsty, dummy.

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12Z Spaghetti Models
Only a matter of when and Where exactly now

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please dip more south.

go more north


Here's hoping it goes more north and hits DC or NYC and kills a million niggers and Democrats

Digits say it hits VA.

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NC seems like where it's going. Now's the time to prepare.

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Fuck, coming right for me

She's getting THICC now lads

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Didn't they say it was going right for charleston a few hours ago?

It's almost like the (((News))) media wants to make sure everyone on the east coast is giving them ad revenue.

FLO is going straight up the Chesapeake.

And another cell coming off the African continent now

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Still 5 days out so track will continue to do a wind shield wiper kind of movement. Expect more certainly by tomorrow

It's so everyone from New England to Florida will go out and buy up all the bread, milk, plywood and duct tape they don't need.

This, post hurricane Charleston is always max comfy

>go to the store because out of protein bars during matthew
>shelves are empty
>go to the pharamacy where protein bars are
>no one looks there for food
>tfw getting Swole during Storms

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>Most of the area will be uninhabitable for months
Hopefully Florence goes right for the nigger Slums

>category 1 is VERY DANGEROUS
Maybe if you live in a shed.

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Being this glowing. Why don't you want people prepared? Probably big insurance hoping people perish so you don't have to pay out property damage claims.

But it never bursteded user.

>well-built framed homes
lmao if you're on the coast and not living in a concrete block house then what the fuck are you even doing?

How fucked am I
Dominica btw


Would be glorious. They have ruined my home (Mt.P). Moved to Moncks Corner, is comfy here, but they are full steam ahead in ruining this place too. Hope all the wankers from the north leave and decide to never come back. Was 19 when Hugo BTFO Charleston. Remember well. Had to get to work on IOP by boat/barge until bridge was back up. Very comfy indeed

Kek, that's smart. Everybody assumes the pharmacy only has drugs and meds, but nope

Damn, that's pretty badass actually

>How fucked am I
>Dominica btw

Not realy, Isaac is a weak hurricane/very powerfull tropical storm. Just make sure you clean up your yard, cover all windows, get a weeks worth of groceries, get some fresh batteries and fill up your car. That should cover the basics.

Also, rare flag, thanks for posting, it allows me to fill up my flag collection!