mfw Hitler is dead
Mfw Hitler is dead
i hate the resistance
hitler should have wiped those cucks and traitors out
Mfw those retards thought Europe was finally free of le ebil Nazis, only to have their countries flooded with mudslimes, their women addicted to drugs and nigger dicks, their men turned into degenerate trannies, and the jews controlling their central banks and media, just like Hitler predicted
This. Especially considering a Dutch communist started the Reichstag fire.
but I thought that it was a false flag? Any proof that it wasn't?
So far off based it was vanderloe I think was the guys name. Drunken mentally feeble and found in an alley nearby. Clearly he didn't start the fire just a patsy
The most legit trial there was (which wasn't too legit since it was a "people's court") proved that it was a Dutch communist who was acting on his own accord and without tying the action to a specific contact or party. A communist mock trial propagated the idea it was a false flag, however, and there was an account of Goering himself stating clearly that he started it.
What is fact and what is fiction I can't discern between.
wouldn't surprise me if all of those ghouls with the exception of the shitskin are long nose tribe
if only they knew there was something coming much worse than Hitler....
*only to have their countries flooded with hollywood, american and jewish propaganda that poisoned the mind of the europe populace to accept niggers to their nation and embrace american porno degeneracy.
ftfy you disgusting fucking no honor mutt
Killing Hitler and destroying the nazi regim was literally an act of vindictivness to what they considered their superiors. The same way that a loser find happiness in saying the suffering of something they consider their better.
I mean... The whole point of stopping the nazis and the fascists was in theory the meme freedom and now this "liberal" and "socio democratic" bullshit had taken more freedoms away than anything the nazis or the fascists ever dreemed to take.
It's ridiculous.
Oh now I own no home, and i can't express myself and they control everything that i write or say and everything that is said to me. Also i have freedom to consume and to dress myself but everything that is offered to me is completely shit and also shitty trends are impossed on me anyway.
Also the state is trying to convince my son to cut his balls and they will take it away from me if I protest.
Wewww at least we defeated the nazis and the fascist.
Jesus Christ.
Well said, it wasn't just Hitler though.
Keep celebrating Hitler died, meanwhile the far right keeps rising
Ironic in that with enough fortitude and the American Dwemer you can ice Dagoth Ur anyway--trump metaphor?
>get conquered
>fight back against those that conquered us so grandchildren can love as free, proud Dutchmen
>children surrender to the EU and their trinkets
>grandchildren whine about wanting their sovereign Dutch clay to get plowed by a German bull every night
>they think they aren't the actual cuckold
The absolute state of Europe.
This. I feel ashamed that our ancestors helped destroy one of the most advanced civilizations of all time. :(
it is unavoidable, Nietzsche said that the weak, the unsuccessful, and the stupid would survive.
Don't be ashamed. That's cuck worthy. Be aware and don't repeat their mistakes.
>The absolute state of Europe.
40 Million niggers and nigger president. Be quiet. It's getting old.
The Nazis seem more right with every passing day.
mfw he went to Argentina
>that jewess on the right
>it is unavoidable, Nietzsche said that the weak, the unsuccessful, and the stupid would survive.
He said that they WOULD survive?
I don't remember him saying that...
I remember him saying that they will TRY to backstab the superior man. But i don't remember him saying that they will accomplish it.
Your country doesn't even exist. You claimed a bunch of land nobody wanted. The germans almost exteminated the russian faggots. They conquered stalingrad and moscow. And stalin was off hiding like a bitch sending wave after wave of peasants to die.
Maybe that's why they are going full propaganda machine and trying to completely flanderize their image.
The krauts were closer than everybody will ever admit.
>I feel ashamed that our ancestors...
tfw when 6 million jews and 24 million soviets are dead
One of the better Russian contributions to this world.
"Spasiba" or something means thanks, right?
It’s true, the Soviets were on the verge of collapse in December of 1941, we can talk all day long about how germany could have defeated the Soviets but the point is that they stood up to the entire world, and it took the whole god damn world to take them down.
An user posted this book in another thread.
It consists of letters from WWII veterans, detailing what they did and what they believe about the world today.
>I now fear for my children, my grandchildren and great grandchildren
rightfully so
This is exactly what her husband fought for, what did she fucking expect?
>Rudimental Nintendo Switch on the left
>Holding it the sòyboy with an open mouth meme
friendly reminder this is how all your lives are going to end, childless and by suicide
You forget the war. Lol
No u
lol what war? Do you see that peoples eyes are opening? I think not...
Hey man fires all i need.
what do u mean ?
Looks like a warzone doesnt it?
civil wars in the West are unlikely, Mass White flight and miscegenation are more likely. People are too comfortable, they won’t risk their jobs and families for a potential race war which probably won’t happen.
No mention of Urban Moving Systems Inc?
Who needs an army when i got all these demons
Hitler was a jew, the original plan was to round the Jews up and then call for the establishment of isreal, he used the German people's will to accomplish this, but the higher up Jews realized they could kill Hitler and make up a bullshit narrative for the Holocaust and not only get isreal established they would in fact be able to bank roll off of the falsehoods of the Holocaust till the end of time. You all know this is to be true, take this redpill and spread it
where else are the whites supposed to flee to? they cant go to slav nations like poland or russia, any germanic man who goes there will eventually devolve into slavic niggers.
Australia and New Zealand are my best guesses. But then again, the younger generations will be born into a multicultural Western world, so their desire to get away from it won’t be strong. Europe devolving into a mix of Arab-African-White will happen within around 200 years. Eastern Europe won’t be immune to this, Putin won’t be around forever. The cancer is spreading so quickly....And you know what happens at the end.
Yeah, no. It was the NSDAP who started the fire, and they blamed a random loser in order to be able to crack down on their domestic political opponents.
> t.- jew
Fuck off with your forced meme.
Go suck baby penis or something.
>nipping it right at the bud
The eternal nip strikes again. Glorious.
My dads friend (now dead) fought in the Belgian resistance. After the war he and his wife moved to the USA. I wonder what the hell they were fighting for if when it was over just picked up and left.
only kikes hitler post
only kikes nazi post
only kikes deny the holocaust
was a kike op
a eugenics op
they used computers
kikes won ww2
check ur dick
>tfw you realize once WWII started it was over for nationalists everywhere, even though it was a nationalist war
>TFW 50k proud dutchmen joined the Waffen SS to fight communism
((("Dutch" communist)))
more like fucking kike
>the jews controlling their central banks and media, just like Hitler predicted
This was already happening a long, long time before Hitler. Post-WWI Germany rising as an economic power independent of the international banking cartels is one of the reasons why WWII began.
Literally looks like a group of kikes.
just imagine, if you said anything of this in argentina you would be lynched publically and called a nazi
assholes. Same they will have the last laugh.
>dutch resistance
Resisting what exactly? Being part of Greater Germany? Yeah. That sounds awful. Gotta fight that lmao.
It's in the gay science and beyond good and evil noobl
British get what they deserve.
This meme is unironically true since most gamergirls are redpilled
That's a bad figure. There were only 22,000 people in total in the Waffen-SS and all related organizations. Many of these were not volunteers, either.
The total number of Dutch members of main, political/paramilitary SS was 7,000 at its peak.
>most gamergirls are redpilled
if she was, she would have been using mouse and keyboard