Sips whine

>sips whine

>yep... Who needs kids? My pet is my baby!

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Other urls found in this thread:

My girlfriend calls our cat her "fur baby". I never say it, and have told her that the cat is worth less than my car.

Remember, only shitskins don't like pets

>*stays at home, alone, and drinks wine all day*

>*travels to exotic beach*
>*does nothing but sit around, alone, and drink wine all day*

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this board is clearly desperate to fuck a cool wine aunt, you are very obvious

JFC user, sling some baby batter into her womb and make a white baby already! then after that make 2 more!

cats are nigger tier
based, get a dog and train it to be a cat killer

>cool beer uncle

I really don't understand the whole weed uncle/
wine aunt meme.
I mean, they're just gay right?
Is nu Jow Forums afraid of calling people gay?

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They arent gay, they are abandoning biological conditioning cause of propaganda.

She looks like a person that would sue you after having sex with you

I had a wine aunt. So it's not totally bogus. My family is very straight laced so if there was a weed uncle he would have been shunned.

What if I just hate children

Not really I just think the meme is funny as fuck. I work at a resort and constantly see women from America exactly like this.

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I feel like this people are actually really, REALLY depressed. Anyone else feels the same?

You hate them cause they arent yours, or cause you havent really been around them. Or you're 18-25


>Marital Rape is Impossible

>Refusing Sex With Your Spouse Is Fraud

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since we were young we would all love to fuck one though

They are and usually end up ODing on a bunch of pills.

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>Remember, only shitskins don't like pets
Honestly that's not a bad thing. You're average white women values the life of her dog more than her fellow white people

How does Pastor Anderson afford all those kids on a pastor's salary? Really makes you think, doesn't it?

The more liberals that don't reproduce the better.

t. cool wine aunt

yes, you can tell their whole personality is a coping mechanism where they pretend to not care about anything important, most will even openly admit they're depressed since everyone has to share everything now adays, although usually they're too far down the cope rabbit hole to realize why

spoilers: exactly like all the young men on here who are miserable but refuses to change their neet ways and knows they'll never reproduce either

google codependency.
they're free range alcoholics. if you travel alot while getting hammered all the time it goes unnoticed and if nobody gets close to you they'll
never know how much your life sucks.

This idea that kids are expensive is a meme.

Because kids dont cost much

I sent this to my wife. I have fucked a cool wine aunt. It was fun.

They just literally consume your life that's all. If you aren't a degenerate parent, your life ends the second that baby pops out. Everything you do ends up being for them in some way.

Want to have a steak dinner? Better downgrade to a pork chop, want a new car? Gotta be an econobox or an SUV... etc, etc.
Only exceptions are people who are rolling in the cash. Which this pastor is obviously doing.

If you are in your 30s or 40s and don't have kids, you can go through life in an altered state. It is glorious!

I've been trying internet dating and even younger women are like this.
>Filters, filters everywhere
>I love to travel! (+friends/family, eating out, nothing of substance)
>Im such a nerd/I love to read. Harry Potter is amazing lol I'm such a Hufflepuff.
>I just want someone who will treasure me forever and look after me
>'Don't send me messages asking for sex you WILL be blocked'
It's just so tiring, they all think they're different and special. I'm just in my 30s and feel doomed.

I forgot to add
>'You will never replace my dog'. I own cats and they're my babies!

>Want to have a steak dinner? Better downgrade to a pork chop, want a new car?
>steak and cars are more important than kids

>kids are the end of your life
Oh boy, another NEET telling people about their own lives

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Bruh I feel ya

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That self-serving wench didn't think about her son before offin herself!

>your life ends

aka "You grow up"

t. boomer who is definitely a CWU

Yeah, you do have to make a choice between the future of mankind or playing video games.

Children are a fundamental part of the human experience and much more important than having a wife/husband. Parents who tell you they would never go back to not having kids are not just saying what is socially acceptable. My life is fulfilled by my children.

It's irrelevant.
Babies and pets are parasites.
Of course the major difference being that in an ideal society where elders are respected.
Offspring help and honor their parents until the time they die.
Pets continue to suck your retirement dry until you die, then they devour your soft tissues until your corpse is discovered.

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I once dated a roastie that I believe unirinically fucked her dog. It was a large breed un neutered male that was a few years old. She had no plans of breeding it but was insistent on keeping him complete despite the fact that he was chewing everything and totally out of control

>Who needs kids? My pet is my baby
>*sobs internally*

Clearly the Brit roastie who was chomping out in the roastie thread that got shoad about 20 mins ago.

Who needs kids if they'll have to live in this society to please jewish masters?
I would gladly have kids, but I am not going to take a responsibility of bringing life onto this wretched planet. It is only going to be worse and why would I want them to be a part of that?

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Do you know the definition of a parasite? Fucking mong.

How can you ironically fuck a dog?

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>litterally consume your life
lol, weak faggot

Point flew right over your head didn't it?
Let me dumb it down for you.

Your child(s) upbringing is your responsibility, you making the decision between eating expensive steak, and cheap pork chops means you are being responsible because you know this portion of budget in your life needs to go to your child. Same with buying a car, you aren't going to finance a car for 200 dollars a month when you should be financing it for 130, or how ever you purchase it. A portion of your income needs to be for the upbringing of the child.

It's the harsh reality, it's not about you anymore, it's all about the kid. But in the end the pay off is worth it, obviously.

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>they're just gay right?
Absolutely not related. They can be gay but it doesn't matter. They're spinsters and burnouts. They are "cool" in the unironically trying but failing sense.

They are rather easy to bang. You just have to be flirty with them out at the bars or at work conferences and be relatively in shape.

>I am a proud mother of a pitbull (rescue)
>I love tattoos, I have 5
>gym life(even fat girls say this)
>My job is a CNA, retirement home worker, daycare worker

I love my dog like a love my boat. when people start thinking of animals more than just a possession they are fucking nuts.

Who says I havn't?

No shit. That's the point. Thanks captain obvious.
Yup, thanks for letting me know what I already posted.
Got two kids already fagget. Not telling anyone how to live their life, just telling it how it is. If people are to fucking stupid to realize kids become a parents life they are delusional. Until that individual moves out and self sufficient, their success is your responsibility.

you guys laugh but working in a vet office many cat ladies and dog moms are happy and content with thier pets and no kids

this is the same danger as drugs, your brain wants dopamine and serotonin but it doesn't give a fuck if you get it the "right way" or through drugs.

Same with women and their need to give love and affection, nothing gives these women a "mommy high" like rushing their pet to the vet office because it puked and the doc says its nothing.

With birth rates falling off the cliff I think we need to move on from laughing about it to something more constructive.

>comes on Jow Forums to humble brag about owning a boat
Capitalism was a mistake

Steak doesn't have to be super expensive you poorfag piece of trash

If you have to train it to kill cats then you got the wrong dog breed

I work at a hospital and we have so many 35+ year old nurses like this. They walk together in groups and its just a walking ball on negaticity, bitterness and angry. They all have the same raspy voice, a few small little bullshit tattoos, they're still fuckable and you can tell they were hot as fuck when they were younger but pissed their youth away and have no ring. They treat the younger nurses like shit too and try to run them out.

Yes they consume a lot of your time, they act up, make messes, do dumb shit, and bug the crap out of you generally, but it is worth it every time just to hear your kid scream "Daddy!" excitedly when they see you.

t. dude with two daughters and another kid on the way

I actually agree with this sentiment. At least that's how it looks from where I'm sitting. Most of the people in my extended family are married with children. And it seems like their lives are one big compromise after another. Their interests become tuned to the needs of the children.

But then again...they all have nice houses, a cabin at the lake, etc. I suppose if a family and materialism go hand-in-hand, you can get your meaning from the family and the comfort from the materialism. ...but what is the cost?

Don't the Japanese also have the "cool/weird uncle" stereotype? Or am I thinking of Koreans?

It would suck if you started an okcupid account, used a hot stud as profile pics (plausible ones, not models), and then just fill the profile with Wine Aunts and merciless mockery of these whores. Don't do dat

You've been watching too much porn

>but it is worth it every time just to hear your kid scream "Daddy!"

That's the thing, though. I've heard this claim many times. But would you consider it rational to completely and permanently reshape your life on the hope that there is a vague but fulfilling experience on the other end?

still more expensive than pork and chicken. if I can save even 4 dollars to feed my kid healthier food, or even save for the future. I'd give up eating steak. It's not about the steak, it's about the where the money goes, and it's not gonna go to me.

what is that ID

I'm V Suggi?

maybe I am...

>Have you heard the new V Suggi album yet?
>Hey is that V Suggi!? I think that's V Suggi
>V Suggi is a racist!

my future looking good

>reshape your life
hello wine aunt

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Yes actually and for the 1st 9 months of existence show me where offspring are not by classical definition a parasite.
Lives off of host
Depletes host of nutrients required for survival.
You can sugar coat shit till your blue but by definition all offspring prior to birth are in fact parasites.
If this tingles your trendies too bad.
If you want to broaden the loose definition to financial parasite, then yes both are financial parasites.
I obviously needed to spell it out, maybe next time I'll phrase my response like Dr fucking Suess for you.

TBQHF there are worse ways to spend a life than half-drunk on wine at the beach reading.

You know she'll just abort it without consulting him because "her body her choice"

Answer the question. Is it rational to permanently reshape your life on the hope that "it's all worth it"?

Yeah I bet you Chads are real catches yourselves, going on dating sites looking for a proper woman to date, lmao.

Fucking losers. The one guy is 30 and still looking for "the one" on Plenty of Fish or Tinder. How pathetic.

Your purpose in life is to breed. You are reshaping your life by ignoring that duty.
Before you there is an in token chain from microorganisms to apes to your parents, all of whom bred and did not break the chain. Are you going to be the one to let down everything your ancestors did?
I'm not.

>desperate to fuck a cool wine aunt

Said no one ever.


That's just how life is meant to be.

If you're a male and under 25 (maybe 30 if you're behind in life and immature) I can understand why you wouldn't want kids. But as you get older and get more life experience, you'll see why. I know a extremely successful gentleman in his early 40's that has it all material wise, but for whatever reason he and his wife cannot have kids. Told me he would give everything away if it meant he could reproduce.

You're basically telling nature you're a cuck if you don't want offspring.

Laughing at them is constructive younger women are going to look at this and bot become cool whine aunts.

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Hell yes! I love wine aunts.

>Why love a man when you can love yourself instead? :)

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This upsets me to no end. Having a dog is a major responsibility. And dogs are pack animals. If the pack leader is a fuck up the poor dog has no chance at a normal life.

Yes, leaf.

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I'm V Suggi you basket of shit, and she trying on dresses for me right now. Oh mah GAWARD the pictures I could post, I'm talking Lord of the Rings high priestess bitches

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to be blunt it's only not worth it if you're fucked in the head and since deep down you know this is the case for yourself you just pretend its not a big deal since you know it'd be a massive agonising effort to change your personality to be a suitable parent who'd enjoy it

personally I'm fine with some people never reproducing since in reality you'd not bother to change yourself before having a kid and then raise a shithead

My kids will all be adults by the time I am in my early forties. Some rubes don't even start having kids until they are 35. I have lots of time to enjoy myself when they are gone and I have done my duty to society and white people.

Also, if you don't have kids, you won't understand until you do. Trust me on this one.

>arachnophobic eh? You must want to fuck spiders

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They're not gay. You haven't met one obviously. The wine aunt's I know are massive whores that haven't realised nobody will marry them when they're 38 and wrinkled. They spend all their time on tinder

while there is some truth to this. you're fully submitting

Parasite, by definition, is an organism which lives in or on a host while reaping some sort of benefit at the host's expense. If any sort of benefit is gained by the host at all, it becomes a symbiotic relationship, not parasitic. Reproduction is literally the sole most important goal of an organism. If carrying and raising a child fulfills the goal of reproduction, then does raising it really count as parasitism on the part of the child?

Don't try to act all smart if you don't even know the meaning of the words you use.

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Another mistake men are making is they think "I'm a man, I have more time". No. You're at risk for becoming the male version of the cool wine aunt. This is why I tell guys to make sure they have their shit together by 25, 30 at the latest. You see the older you get, the less quality women you can get. The guy that has his shit together (career,house,car etc) at 27 can pull a higher quality woman than if he had the same shit at 36. A lot of you guys are in your mid 20's, no career, either living with your parents or roommates. You have pissed away a lot of time, you might not make it. By the time you financially get your shit together you're going to look around, the women in your age bracket quality has decreased 10 fold. Single mothers, fatties, ex sluts, druggies. Its not pretty.

Get your shit together ASAP and marry the youngest girl you can

>your purpose in life is to breed

Then how come god made me gay? How come I can't get an erection from a woman?

>you're reshaping your life by ignoring that duty

How? My life is this way not by any choice I've made. And now that it is this way, it will stay this way with little serious effort on my part.

I owe nothing to my distant ancestors who know nothing about me or what life is like now. That we're programmed by nature to reproduce is why we're here, but it is a blind, unintentional law. I will not be a slave to my programming.

>*doesn't answer question*

>*doesn't answer question*

How do you figure that's how it's meant to be? If my instincts and programming tells me not to reproduce, by what metric is it "meant to be?"

>no kids
>also no pets
Who /rational/?
>babies shit on your floor
>dogs shit on your floor
>cats shit on your pillow
To hell with all of them.

How does one flirt?

b-but muh white babies

Too real.

They are what happens to people stuck in perpetual youth, who refuse to have children or a family because they are narcissistic hedonists.

The photo

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