New discovery: Mankind begun in Europe not Africa

New discovery: Mankind begun in Europe not Africa. Most specifically:
> Two fossils of an ape-like creature which had human-like teeth have been found in Bulgaria and Greece, dating to 7.2 million years ago.

I don't wanna hear about "b-b-but evolution theory is nah true" and sht. Better look at these scientific facts and btfo the africans instead.

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>Two fossils of an ape-like creature

Ah yes. The Anglo.

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two lineages simultaneously rose from the apes. niggers and europeans.

Sides = orbit



honorary aryan ape

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I don't believe any of "der fröhliche wissenschaft" their speculative hogwash anymore.

>in Bulgaria and Greece


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I feel really weird saying this, but I am convinced we had convergent evolution where we had at least 2, probably 3 separate races of modern human that had not interbred. There are bones in South Africa that pre-date the first boat making but they are human.


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lol ruined

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>The Balkans
aren't we desperate

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Bravo, the Jewish man on the team pulled you into his hoax.

This is much more logical than the 'Out of Africa' theory.

>we wuz Youropeanz
A ruse to steal European lands from the natives.

the only thing new here is (you)

old story

>linking mainstream news site

22 MAY 2017 • 7:00PM

greece is an african country

out of apefrica is just kike propaganda

>7.2 million
I think they all get those dates out of their asses.

t. brainlet


>Mankind begins in Africa
>We have to let in these refugees! Don't you know we're all Africans!

>Mankind begins in Europe
>We have to let in these refugees! They're just as European as we are!

None of this shit matters

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What is radio carbon dating. That said theres possibility for variance due to external forces but your a nigger so theres not much to explain.

I read about the cases of radiocarbon dating, when one half of the mammoth was older than the second by 10,000 years, etc., and that if you measure the same object in 10-20 years, other dates are obtained.