Model Citizen Killed By Jealous Female Cop

>avid Church goer
>youth pastor, choir singer
>works for a major accounting firm in Dallas
>lives in an upscale apartment complex
>most of his friends are white; he was their token Black friend
>bangs a white police officer and bags her, she gets jealous
>wants more BBC but he won't give it. she's upset, angry
>in a fit of love and rage, she kills him in his own home after he finally opens the door for her

She needs to be publicly hung like in the Middle East. The fact that a judge still hasn't signed a warrant for second degree murder at the very least tells me a cover-up is going on. They trying to find dirt on my man but he was literally a model citizen. There's nothing there.

Attached: RIPBotham.png (480x379, 511K)


Plow the snow, breath no mo'

Quit being a faggot u retard commie. Give her a fair trial you anti American queer faggot.
But ya what's going on why hasn't she been sent to da slamma

Black on black, who cares.

This. Toll paid and processed


Is this the thing where she went to the wrong house. So that was spin then.

>i-i thought it was m-my apartment
kek is this the most fucking ludicrous excuse for murder in history

Attached: 1536408400484s.jpg (125x125, 4K)

Which one in pic related killed him. That gypsy looking bitch?

He could have blacked all of them. A great loss.

>Fair the USA
I chortled heartily.

it's not Black on Black idiot

The Dallas Police already released the woman's name retard. Amber Guyger

Attached: AmberGuygerDallasPolice.jpg (780x439, 50K)

I'm telling you bros, these bitches love the BBC and will go batshit crazy if you try to deprive it of them. I only hope my brothers stick to the sisters, because atleast they are easier to read if they are crazy.

Nice larp

If you value your life keep AWAY from female mutts with access to firearms (or any form of weapon).

Attached: knoxy3.jpg (640x360, 59K)

Blacks sure do get the ugly whites.

if you cant tell you dont belong here, faggot

Good she killed the nigger and proved the lesson for tramp white women that even if they dispose of the coal you can never dispose of the toll
>Toll status: Paid

what fair trial is needed?

it's clear what happened.

she tried to get in and when he opened the door to HIS home, she shot him.

any other circumstances don't matter. she wasn't investigating a case. she literally was at the wrong door (for whatever reason she had). He didn't do anything except open his own door. A trial isn't needed except for being just a formality.


Attached: Botham-Amber-Dallas.jpg (1140x641, 155K)

Pastor, Avid Church-Goer, sings in choir

treats sex like casual activity

Blacks get all kinds of whites. I've seen Blacks with the fat white whales, to the tall super models, to thunder thighs

Let's just be 100% real here. Everyone mixes and matches.

Muh dik

This is the best outcome possible, nigger dead and coal burner in prison.

this isnt just a regular nigger. this is a guy from St. Lucia with well connected family