Space politics is wrong. We need to put all our efforts into space, not shitty TV shows and Snapshat apps.
Space, the final frontier
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only the white man can take up into the stars. First we need to enslave or genocide the genetic trash consuming all our precious resources
This is what I’ve been saying for years. If your countries had made a couple of different decisions during Barbarossa, humanity would be in the space age by now.
the earth is flat stop listening to kike lies
Are you flat earthers get paid for posting the same idiotic posts in every space topic?
pretty sure some of the globetards are getting paid to post.the kikes are tryin to shut down the truth
This is why you faggots get genocided
Agreed. Now how do we make that happen? Rather than run out of resources here and have to limit population, why are we not turning Mars into a farm planet and mining the asteroid belt?
Or of terraforming is too hard lets make Earth a Farm planet/wildlife refuge and make Mars our home.
Lets do anything that doesnt involve killing off half our species and risking extinction.
Well moving into soace would be a great way to prove the Earth is flat.
I want to honestly know if a single flat Earther actually believes in the flat Earth theory... I doubt it. It is one of the lowest levels of trolling
>Now how do we make that happen?
Only thing I can think of is somehow uniting humanity through a threat of global inihalation.
We need a combined Space and Arms race. Two things that have happened just not at the same time. If they were to happen simultaneously(seems like it may be with the Space Force) our level of space technology development would accelerate quite a bit.
I say we need to conquer the world before we I’ve on to space. Those South Americans and Africans do literally nothing we could use them for something, maybe slaves. Or just take their land and we can actually make use of it.
yes i belive it
it makes total sense
you belive the ball fairy tale and have never done own research, you think everythink makes perfect sense when it makes no sense at all
Reach into the heavens and something might reach back...
Long-term human space travel beyond Earth orbit is a delusional fantasy. Without very special technological assistance, man can not venture too far away from the Earth-Human system noosphere and corpus of biosemiotic meaning.
You literally lose your mind in outer space.
Governments cover this up. This is why there has been no human spaceflight progress for decades, this is why breakaway civilization secret space program uses disposable slave crews.
We can do both at once. No time can be wasted. Every effort to become multiplanetary as soon as possible must be made else we risk a technological reset at best and complete extinction at worst.
and how do you plan to convince people to do that?
You think the greedy bankers will spend their money on it?
Or you think the proletariat will stop bitching about more healthcare, and pensions, and social issues, and agree that it's more important to focus on space exploration?
If not them, then maybe the politicians, they will go against both the people and bankers, risking their positions for the greater good?
No? Then who?
>well i was thinking dozen of us on four-chan could
We will be ready when thy day comes.
fun fact:
mir had fungus infestation, it smelled pretty bad up there
Nice try kike but the SSP has men lining up to give their lives to the greatest venture humanity has ever embarked. I for one would die happily serving to further our extraterrestrial reach. In fact it is my lifes mission to do so.
Long-term human ocean tragel beyond our known shores is a delusional fantasy. Without very special technological advances for stearing, man can not venture too far away from the European shores and corpus of biosemiotic religious temples.
You literally lose your mind on the ocean hearing the sirens of Knossos.
Sea people cover this up. This is why there has been no human ship progress for decades, this is why breakaway civilization secret spipping lanes uses disposable slave crews.
Keep people busy, thats not a bad idea to do both at once, the US has basically been at a war time economy since the end of world war 2, it is possible to do both at once. With our huge military industrial complex and man power reserves.
>and how do you plan to convince people to do that?
A. put nukes in space
B. set space exploration goals
C. if goals are unmet within 5yrs nuke Asia and Africa
A brilliant rebuttal in its simplicity user.
Bent over the counter and fucked.
>expecting space travel in the age of cultural marxism
Top kek, keep dreaming. The only space research you'll get is NASA claiming they're about to finds ayys every couple months when they need to beg for money.
>do what I demand or i will shoot someone other than you
shoot, im off to buy icecream.
Yes this is the hope I have for the Space Force. I suspect it will be a decade before we see any serious development, and that is assuming it has not been secretly well on its way but that is a long shot. If not the case we have some serious work to do, most of which SpaceX seems to be taking care of. If BFR is a succes things will accelerate rapidly.
You defeatist faggots are worse than the Marxists.
Haha very funny,
but of course from your uneducated perspective you misunderstand, that the function of human cognition itself is seemingly tied to the presence of the Earth bound corpus of biosemiotic meaning as its reference frame.
You can not compare Earth bound ocean travel (which happens within the corpus of biosemiotic meaning of Earth) with deep space travel.
For space travel, you would require a technological synthetic corpus of meaning, that you can take with you as an implant for each crew member.
Otherwise human minds just break down in space.
The fact that humans know more about the Universe than we do about our own ocean bottoms is quite fascinating. How did this happen?
> hasn't ascended to the metaprogramming circuit
imagine being this much of an NPC
But it's already over, it was decided before my lifetime. Now the planet is overpopulated with dumb trash people and western civilization is a farce.
The universe is easy to see. There's a fuckton of saltwater between us and the bottom of the sea
too dark and nothing to see there (they think)
but I guess we should go into the deep sea and deeper into the earth crust first before we go into space
It’s not overpopulated, there is plenty of space on earth. However there are too many subhumans for my liking. A single black is overpopulation.
Nice means of rationalizing your laziness. Get off your ass.
This and this and this. Also anyone who agrees better be studying engineering or astrophysics or something useful or else you get the rope too.
He's not entirely wrong though. The Human body is made to survive on the Earth and struggles in space.
When astronauts go to space their bodies almost immediately begin deteriorating, this is why they have to be in great physical shape before going into space and why when in space they spend half their day just combating the effects of being in space on the Human body.
Humans are not made to live in space. It fucks the body up so badly in so many different ways that we just don't know how to deal with this in any long term way.
We cannot survive on the ocean long without a ship. We cannot survive in space without a ship. It is just a question of time until death.
You mean this ?:
That is not how human cognition works.
You are the NPC, thankfully I am one of the real players.
I’m studying physics and astronomy right now. What about you user?
Space is a chanceless effort meant to distract from real problems in a way not unlike those shitty TV shows.
Even if it can be done the prospect is currently limited to useless dead rocks, emptiness and unpractical resource costs.
It's a high-horse hobby.
Hah, not going to happen unless China announces a plan to militarize space.
Even with a ship, you cannot survive long in space.
The moment you enter space you start going blind, your muscles deteriorate, your bones become brittle, you produce less red blood cells, your immune system starts shutting down and more.
Space is fucking lethal to humans, even if you're in a protected environment.
the problem is that we don't have a command economy. Space generates 0 revenue, its just impossible to operate under such a huge loss in our system. Communism is fucking shit but its good for space since nothing worked for profit and engineers were paid the same as toilet cleaners. That's why they were winning in every regard except getting a man to the moon. They had the first probes travelling to other planets & the moon, they had the first launches, first human launches, they had the first space station, they had a better space shuttle, way fewer deaths. Every eastern european nation was winning in this regard also. The US spent a shiton on the moon mission and it was unsustainable for them, NASA budget shrunk soon after.
basically until it becomes profitable, we're stuck on earth
>never done own research
anyone who doesn't believe flat earth, this is your problem
if you actually try to prove ball earth you will find 0 evidence of it
We haven’t bred enough feral savages to go into space.
National Socialism would have been even better for space exploration
Who the fuck thinks the world is flat?
Pseudo intellectual babble from a timid fuck who got rekt.
Give it up.
>there's plenty of space
You do realize all space isn't living space?
Jack of all trades at a keyboard, studying math and physics on the side out of fascination and future necessity. See you up there.
> That is not how human cognition works.
It really is though user, you're just gay.
>space generates 0 revenue
Asteroids with trillions in materials? Zero revenue? What?
It's not a question of laziness, my generation is fucked out of any future because of all these decrepit old fucks' death grip on power. We can't even participate in the economy without signing away our freedom and taking on debt slavery.
We don't need the masses. Only a critical mass of those who have unfucked themselves, which you seem to have done aside from your shitty attitude. Not to be a dick, I want you to be optimistic if for nothing else than your own benefit of a better life. Its better to embrace the shit surroundings than resist. Once you are there mentally you see the possibilities for changing your surroundings.
any theorgies norbro?
i meant right now or in the foreseeable future
nobody knows if its possible or even worth it
Okay fair, but its worth a shot. Pull some asteroids into orbit a few planets away and create a zero-g shipyard.
also, most precious metals are so expensive not because we need them but because they're hugely leveraged by investors who assume that their price will always increase since they're rare
as soon as we are able to get precious metals from asteroids, their price will plummet to lower than that of steel
That sounds great but I'm only human and find myself asking more often, what am I getting out of this? Dealing with bluepills and their bullshit every day is really tiring. They're like fucking energy vampires trying to bring you down.
they had a space shuttle, the silbervogel
It was a suicide bomber.
The Silbervogel was intended to fly long distances in a series of short hops. The aircraft was to have begun its mission propelled along a 3 km (2 mi) long rail track by a large rocket-powered sled to about 800 km/h (500 mph). Once airborne, it was to fire its own rocket engine and continue to climb to an altitude of 145 km (90 mi), at which point it would be travelling at some 5,000 km/h (3,100 mph). It would then gradually descend into the stratosphere, where the increasing air density would generate lift against the flat underside of the aircraft, eventually causing it to "bounce" and gain altitude again, where this pattern would be repeated. Because of aerodynamic drag, each bounce would be shallower than the preceding one, but it was still calculated that the Silbervogel would be able to cross the Atlantic, deliver a 4,000 kg (8,800 lb) bomb to the continental United States, and then continue its flight to a landing site somewhere in the Empire of Japan–held Pacific, a total journey of 19,000 to 24,000 km (12,000 to 15,000 mi).
Postwar analysis of the Silbervogel design involving a mathematical control analysis unearthed a computational error and it turned out that the heat flow during the initial atmospheric re-entry would have been far higher than originally calculated by Sänger and Bredt; if the Silbervogel had been constructed according to their flawed calculations the craft would have been destroyed during re-entry. The problem could have been solved by augmenting the heat shield, but this would have reduced the craft's already small payload capacity.
>you lose your mind in outer space
Jokes on you people already lose their minds on Earth
This is the most reddit post I have ever seen
Once we discover and dominate every fraction of this world, cross the oceans, populate hostile environments, transform and adapt to nature, we must take the next step. New worlds, to be submitted to our will.
Besides this small and correct rebuttal,
the technology has been around for decades. We can build - given the availability of resources - mobile cities to cross the skies and orbit any celestial body of our choice. Once it is adapted, it is a mere matter of transferring our presence there.
The key challenge for celestial expansion is the operational cost. It is horrendously expensive to remove objects from the earth's surface. Thanks, however, to private entrepreneurs efforts - which should have already taken the lead for a long time - this is slowly changing.
The problem has always been zero gravity. Zero gravity is a disgrace to our organism. But this has a solution - at least in part. Using centrifugal force at constant velocity, it is possible to simulate in part the effects of terrestrial gravity, without causing actual damage, as observed in the current astronauts.
you are wrong. flat meme is dead.
you suck at larping.
This old book from 1922 debunks the heliocentric fantasy
> what am I getting out of this?
Your bluepilled faggotry is tiring. As not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your county. Be grateful for your life however difficult and the struggles you are presented with, life is meaningless without struggle. Accept and overcome them, or lose with dignity and get back up for the next one.
what are satellites?
You should be more nice to other people.
Love is the answer.
Space is fake and gay
youre fake and gay
>Space politics is wrong.
With Trump in charge everything will be fine.