Well, why don't you just say it?

well, why don't you just say it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nazis are bad. Happy now faggot?

But... Nazis are the good guys.

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you can't force me to say anything, trannyfaggotchildrapist

Obama is the one shilling for mass genocide of whites

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I can't say it due to a rare bone disease that inhibits my ability to say untrue things. You wouldn't understand, Mr. Obama.


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well if obama wants it now I especially dont want to

How hard is it to say Islamic terrorism?

Meanwhile in the alternate universe where Barry Sotoro is leading the Allies in WW2:

>I think strategic patience is the way to go, let's lead from behind.

How hard is it to say niggers are bad.

Came to post this

>well, why don't you just say it?
Weren't you also called Hitler a lot? How did you feel about that?

I'd take nazis over obama any day of the week but yes nazis are bad, big government is for women.

How hard is it to say communism is bad?

>How hard is it to say Communists are bad?
>How hard is it to say Antifa is bad?
>How hard is it to say Israeli aggression is bad?

I haven't a problem saying nazis are bad, but I think pedocriminals are worse. Nazis killed Jews in the physical form. Pedocriminals kill kids on the inside leaving them as walking corpses. I think that is far worse. At least the Jews didn't know that they were dead.

>could never say muslim extremist
No one cares

>How hard is it to say Nazis are bad

Pretty easy, Nazis are bad.

>If you disagree with me you are a Nazi

No I'm not.

>If you do not support trannies with devil horns teaching preschoolers about sex, you are a Nazi

Heil Hitler.

Attached: heil hitler i guess, ffs i just dont like faggots.png (1188x691, 1.38M)

How hard is it to say anti-white racism has been popularized through MSM?

That monkey should jump off a bridge.

How hard is it to say Islamic Terrorism?


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*ahem* sir it is democratic socialism

No one cares. Saged.

How hard is it to say "radical islamic terrorism"?

Thank you for another pleasant 1 post by this ID thread about a topic that's always so insightful. You're the best OP. I'll be sure to check back in 15 minutes for your next thread of the exact same thing.

it's not, it's actually arguing it for once that's the trick

How hard is it to say giving billions in tax payer dollars to jewish banks is bad?

Everyone in WW2 was bad.


All of them

How hard is it to say drone striking little kids in far away countries is bad?

Nazis are bad. Obama is worse. Communism cause nazism.

the real redpill is they were all good, and were all closer to each other ideologically than they are to literally anyone today except violent, right wing terrorists

Don't respond to the obvious shit post bots. Use "sage" power in the options field.

1450, Pope: How hard is to say that heretics are bad?

>how hard is it to be scared of bad guys and call everybody you don't agree with that?
Oh yes, the plague of nazis America has suddenly.

Nazis are bad but who are we defining as Nazis is why I'd be hesitant?

nazis are good, everyone who isn't a nazi is bad

lol, how desperate are the jews right now?
>n-nazis are still the bad guys, goys. never forget.

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The left has been screaming that nazis are bad way before 2016. People don't give a shit anymore

How hard is it to say pedos are bad?
Think about it, has he ever said that

Niggers are worse

Nazis are pretty bad right now by Nazi standards, they need to goosestep up their game.

How hard is it to say "the Saudis are bad"?

>well, why don't you just say it?
Because it's not true.

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This. I hope americans get their shit together and jail that subhuman in a 5 by 5 by 5 cell

That implies the Nazis had bad motives.

Hitler didnu nuffin'


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cuz i never met a nazi until fake news called me stormfront

Why are they bad tho?

You kike shill.

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Go away nigger




why i need to keep repeating nazis are evil so many times mrGoebbels... er i mean mr obama

The problem is that they call center-right milquetoast republican voters "nazis."

how hard is it to say radical islamic terrorism?

I self-identify as a Nazi and find this rhetoric hurtful and exclusionary.

The true Nazi redpill is that the America should have allied with Germany against Stalin. Jews, FDR, and the British (Churchill) pushed for war against Germany after the outbreak of WW2 and are actually responsible for 60 million deaths and the destruction of Europe. LARPing as a Nazi looks fucking gay and is cringe. Adopt your own aesthetic.

How hard was it for this nigger to say "Muslim extremist terrorists"?

Attached: dd.png (512x512, 84K)

I shall not tell lies like harry potheads bastard. Grande killed mac. HotshotGG of heroin by the dealer of death.

Proverb 7 applies to the whore of babylon who claims God is a woman. Obamanation of gerudo kang nigger caused desecration of the altar boy. He deserves death

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Attached: serveimage (2).gif (400x224, 2.12M)

Can I get an AMen this a.m. for the english qorld domination of the anno domini?

niggers are bad

niggers go to prison

Trump wont say it because Nazis vote for him. This is the equivalent of Trump asking Obama to say “blacks commit more crime”. Its objectively true, but Obama doesnt want to aleinate black voters. This stunt Obama pulled had nothing to do with Trumps views on whether Nazis are bad or not, it was designed to get Trump to alienate a certain percentage of voters. The scenarios Obama has intentionally forced are as follows:

1. Trump adresses the comment, but refuses to say “Nazis are bad”. Trump is seen, and reported by MSM, as a Nazi sympathizer. He loses a large portion of voters who disagree with Nazis.
2. Trump says “Nazis are bad”. A percentage of voters who align with Nazi views see Trump turn against them and Trump loses their vote.
3. (The best possible option) Trump completely ignores a statement that was obviously designed as a trap. He does not comment one way or another, and may lose a percentage of anti-Nazi voters, but certainly a smaller portion than if he addressed Obamas statements but refused to comply. He waits it out in silence until people forget it happened.

Obama gives zero fucks if Trump is a Nazi sympathizer or not. He just wants to take votes away from Trump any way he can.

>how hard is it to say Obama was just a continuation Bush era policies?

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It'd be more fun to hang him from a tree.

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based and redpilled

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Why is this irrelevant has-been even in news?


Autism the post

How hard is it to say "Radical Islam?"

Attached: radical islam.gif (345x181, 1.99M)

How is Trump "pro-Nazi" when it was Obama who refused to deport a known Nazi living in NYC?

Trump, with the help of the openly gay ambassador to Germany, deported this Nazi back to Germany for his crimes in WW2

>Obama, How hard is it to say radical Islam is bad?

This was the most shamefully cringe moment of "the resistance." If this isn't jumping the shark, I don't know what is.

And did anyone else notice that Obama is trying to mimic Trump's energy when he speaks now? Like he's trying to be the literal anti-Trump by communicating with people on the same wavelength with a different message? So fucking transparent.

i dare you to say that in public leaf

>hurr you guys are nazis now say nazis are bad :)

nazis are bad

water is dry

nazis are bad. now fuck off i need to fuck and beat my wife.

nazis are bad! i hate them and think tyhey should all be murdered in the streets and btw anyone who disagrees with me politically (particularly in regards to my warped identity politics) is a nazi. thanks

>you can't force me to say nazi aren't bad hahaha cuck!!!1
>w--why are you calling me a n-nazi symphatizer???


How hard is it to condemn islamic terrorism?

I can say nazis are bad, but if I say why, leftists just get mad again.


not even the most retarded SJW isn‘t condemning islamist terrorism and innocents getting killed

Bingo. People have short memories. Obama and his crew spent years keeping the word Islam out of their mouths when they talked about terrorism.

All very valid retorts. Fuck Obama. Yes Nazis are bad but god dammit so is the Democratic Socialist party, and all other things you listed

That's very intolerant of other cultures.

>ticket to leftists
try it

this tho, you can tell that by doing this he and the dems expect obama-voting americans to flock to social media in droves and show support for him and his message, but that's not happening anywhere near as much as they want. Team Trump has seeded enough doubt about the Obama years and also straight-up out-chadded him publicly such that his legacy is already nowhere near what it was if Obama II: This Time It's A Woman became President.

it just OOZES desperation, reminiscent of the late-game plays the dems made against Trump leading up to the election, such as the limp-wristed "he raped a thirteen-year-old girl!" accusations, "Deplorables," and so forth

this is the equivalent of firing every round you have, then throwing the gun, then taking your shoes off and throwing them, then throwing random objects around the room as the well-armed enemy advances on you. they have nothing, they know they have nothing, yet they stubbornly refuse to admit it, even to themselves

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He has no class.
He should shutup and go away.
His term is over.

Actually there's lots. Obama is one of them. They claim islamic terrorists are motivated by socio-economic and secular political reasons. That islam the religion and ideology have nothing to do with islamic terrorism.

Because it would mean accepting a part of you is bad. Thanks Obama.

Are you joking?


nazis were right about the JQ desu

Far easier than saying that niggers are bad.

This nigger is irrelevant these days.