After two years, I think that I've finally heard this lie enough times that I've started to believe it. Does anyone else feel like this? How can I fix this mental malfunction?
"Russia hacked the election"
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No, study the kremlin playbook, the Russians have been meddling with american elections since the 50s. They even used the civil rights moved and funneled money through shadow organizations to create division.
People here are brainwashed by their love of Trump to the point where they haven’t realized he is a con man who is working for Putin. Mueller has subpoenaed dozens of people who had direct ties to Russia. It’s a known fact he has worked with the Russian mafia for a long time in his construction business too
uh oh
if an election can be "hacked" over the internet then we truly live in a matrix.
Shit bro you got me phone poster, and my vpn bounces a lot. Honestly my computer is a bit garbage.
nope sorry it was me, angelina jolie, that guy from13th ghost, and the faggot shitskin from con air.
"Russians rigged our elections by hacking servers and revealing to the world how we rigged our election!"
~ Democrats
Whew lad...
Cyкa, кaк жe я opy c eбaльникa Пyтинa
Pretty much this. Not to mention, I've yet to see any primary source for this shit.
>the Russians have been meddling with american elections since the 50s
So it's not specific to Trump but brought up now as a political attack on him when similar accusations would have been as valid for every president since the 50s.
The more troubling thing is Russia is one of the smaller meddlers in US politics like the leader of the liberals Noam Chomsky says. Israel is by far the leader in illegal US election meddling and lobbying, excusing that because they're your "allies" is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You think it's fine that your allies are conducting covert operations to shape your government?
Trump is known to collude with other wealthy businessmen. *shocking* But there has been no credible evidence of election collusion. What meddling was done was not done in ernest to achieve actual change in the outcome of the election.
The statement implies something which literally did not happen. Start with that.
they don't mean they literally hacked a computer to change the results, they mean they issued propaganda that changed how people voted
which is funny since america does this to countries constantly but it's also obviously true in this case since you can trace twitter handles that pushed certain fake news directly back to a specific company in russia that does astroturfing
"Hacked the elections" has not meaning. When you ask what is meant by this you find out there are alegations they got some voter registration information from a few states by apparently hacking their servers. What is not mentioned is that most of these alleged hacks were of information that is freely publicly available.
The non classified report, which i bothered to read, provided no evidence other than showing some russian IPs were probing some US ports, in among a list of countless other IPs from all over the entire world. Indeed their 'evidence' was just the constant background noise of the internet, if this is evidence then putin is right now personally trying to hack my printer and your phone.
Everyone tries to meddle with everyone elses elections, the US are pro at it. They meddled with the USSR, chile, egypt, ukrain, to name a few.
They "hacked" it by posting facebook memes.
So how long does this Mueller investigation go on? Indefinitely?
>issued propaganda
This was a russian advertising agency.
There are in fact russians being paid to go around the internet, by a private russian advertising agency. They start arguments online about topics they think people care about, arguing against each other and throwing links to sites and blogs in the argument. This is to generate clicks.
Its not very profitable compared to other advertising methods, its ran by a russian oligarch who keeps doing it because he finds it hilarious everyone is freaking out about it.
putin die in 2008. his brain was uploaded into Temple OS. he control the system.
screenshit this
>issued propaganda that changed how people voted
You do realize that every single nation on earth with a semi descent intelligence agency does this, right?
If there's even the slightest vested interest then there will be some form of lobbying or propagandizing going on through ngo's and the like.
Even the smallest countries have hundreds, if not thousands of foreign as well as domestic organizations vying for the "right" votes.
Seems legit.
Obama himself, said; "Our Elections cannot be hacked!" As a direct rebuke for Donald Trump saying they could.
Does that register with you on any level?
You fell for the Russian propaganda. You see, the Russians were the ones who started the rumors about Russia still being relevant enough to hack the US election. They wanted the ego boost of being the cold-war Evil Empire all over again. So, they colluded with the Democrats to start the Russian narrative floating around the media.
If it was significant meddling it would have been exposed by now...but it fucking wasn’t so it is obvious bullshit but they won’t let it go..disgracefull.....i’m still waiting for whats on weiners laptop
Don’t be fucking retarded
you have to scrensht it!
You're weak.
>How can I fix this mental malfunction?
Wait around long enough and a Muslim will be around to run you over.
Did you see it yourself?
Isn't that called a election? I'm confused.
I mean if an American political group said Trump rocks!
And then another group that is backed by Russia says the same thing but only on a much smaller scale...
That doesn't sound incredibly weak to anyone?
I mean if that counts as "hacked" then the only way we could stop it is by nuking every other country on the planet.
Everyone meddles in everyone’s election. Amongst some this has always been known, they are just now using this as propaganda to fuel their narrative.
Russia paid $50,000 for some FB Ads in Key states. They probably paid another $100,000 in States that didn’t matter and they probably spent $1,000,000 on pro Hillary Ads. Their job is to divide and conquer with as little money as possible.
The Dems are handing it to them on a silver platter because they are mouth breathing social justice warriors.
America is fucked desu
No, but I didn't see the holocaust either.
It was already proven that Drumpf is Putin's cock holster and that Drumpf had Russian hookers pee in his mouth in Russia. They hacked the election because they knew Drumpf would be their slave or they'd release the pee pee tape.
go in the archive and look up "internet research agency". The group that was indicted in Mueller's investigation, we have posts on Jow Forums regarding their presence here going back to 2014. You would have to be a complete retard to not see what actually happened on Jow Forums during the election.
Russians don't come up with the shit on their own, they just copy america.
There are many groups that have tried to use Jow Forums. The ones that are successful are the ones that align with the majority here anyway.
If Russians made Jow Forums elect Trump I made Jow Forums into nazis by posting hitler memes.
Obama was wrong. It’s obvious if you’ve been paying attention at all that mueller is about to dump some major dirt on trump
Even if they did they did us a favor