So who won WW2?

So who won WW2?

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The wrong side.

banking jews

Allies won but Hitler has been proven right.




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The wrong side.


The important thing is not winning but taking part

He never said that. In fact Marx was a radical critic of jews you inbred

These rats are still in charge

unfortunately this.

Germany, the Morgenthau Plan should have been implemented to keep those kraut bastards tied to the soil forever and instead we rebuilt it into the economic power of Europe.



We only grow stronger the more you fight us

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japan actually came out pretty well, compared to everyone else except the jews.

no one else has preserved their culture and nation as much in the last 70 years.

none of the western nations even have media celebrating their own history, anymore; it all denigrates or rewrites it, where japan still is innundated with a love of its own history and the romance and fantasy of its people.


The rich jews

they propped up the idea to kill all the jews just the poor ones though so thry can funnel all that wealth into isreal which was conviently given to them before the start of the war

(((Polan))) unequivocally, singlehandedly, decicevely

The Globalists Won and set up indoctrination camps all across the US, Canada, Europe, and Japan. They re-wrote history and have been enslaving and experimenting on those populations ever since.

see here and here here and oh well, you get the point.

Jews won WW2

checked and fpbp

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These people did

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That is disturbing

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stop asking questions goy, we should put the past behind us..... also remember the 6 million or else you're gonna get it

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First time this snake flag posts fpbp since I've been on Jow Forums

Checks out, Bolshevism in Russia and Jew/Israeli planting it’s seed in control of America’s foreign policy. Playing both sides

The holocaust

The machines. Machines won.

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came here to post this.

Soviets, Americans, Brits.

Basically any one else is bullshitting you less they were affiliated with the British crown.

Your 0-2 against the brits, kraut.

0-3 once Brexit.

Where is that text quoted from?

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holy fuck you're retarded, learn to read

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Capitalists and communists aka Jews


The Allies

I won it.

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We're living in the post-apocalyptic world.