California General

>tfw no guns
California anons come here and talk about saving our great state. Even all the shit going i still love this state. Best state in the nation

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LA county is included in real California?

Real California is inland.

California will be the best state once it finishes purging commies, until then California is officially in the cuckshed.

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It's one of the only states that actually makes money, gives more to feds than it receives. Most of the shithole midwest and southern states are just welfare queens.

Keeping LA county in Southern California makes every new state hard blue.

Besides, when flyovers think “California” they think of LA anyway

The state supreme court disallowed the proposition to split California in three from being on the ballot.
>tfw based inland California will never be free

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What you talking bout? I still have my pistol and shotgun and I live in Cali.

Central Valley user here. To be quite honest, when I leave my house to go to work or the store ect.. I rarely see white people, I rarely here people speaking english. It's all illegals and towel heads out here. It's just maddness

I’m surprised at the number of indians and middle easterners in the Central Valley

Nothing truly fun though

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Yeah absolutely. Fresh off the boat and rolling around in new mercs, big houses like Mexicans with 20 people in one dwelling. Temples in some smaller cities. Is California lost forever?

we have a literal arms dealer, blumpf supporter paki who goes out drinking with friends every weekend. weird shit happens here

pic related

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>cucking your pistol grip
holy fuck lmao i bet thats a 10rd magazine too hahaha look at this faggot actually following these shit laws

You got a loicense for that flashhider mate? Get a VG6.

I keep the packaging in the butt stock
Yes, I’d rather cup my pistol grip than cup tyrone’s balls in San Quentin

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>no guns
I live in commiefornia and even I have guns, user. What is your excuse?

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>trading 2 (D) senators for 6 (D) senators

Your father sucked nigger cocks.

how many Californians working in tech or Hollywood or major industries are actually from California? How can you brain drain the rest of the country then complain about muh welfare states?

Dremel tool that grip

>Best state in the nation
>70% non-american state collapsing shithole
>tfw I know one californian couple that moved in my city because the guy has one romanian-german grandpa and the state gave him back property for communism reparations

Save the state by moving to Texas. Let CA implode.

>tfw new york state
>tfw the worst most oppressive gun control in America
I feel your pain calibros



literally nobody i know here follows these gay ass laws. sheriffs dont enforce it unless you commit a robbery or murder with the illegal shit. plenty of people i know even have unregistered full auto shit. so i know firsthand that any and all gun laws dont work, cant work. it would take me 15 minutes to call a friend and buy an AKM with full giggle mode from him.

Guns need to be banned.

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being a nigger should be banned too, yet here you are

Planned Parenthood is for banning kids.

I’m not black you racist prick.

Utahfag here. I hate your state with the fury of a thousand suns. You let illegals run freely, your culture is that of hedonism and degeneracy, and your refugees spread this shit to other states. California would best be served by sinking into the ocean.

No it isn’t.

might as well be, you have the IQ of one

Dremel it how? What would that solve

Mexicans > Mormons

Just legalize filicide

also this is the only proper way to split this shit

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Why the fuck do you faggots keep electing this ghoul to Congress? Common possessions of guns is not common use?

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commiefornia is only about 33% white. thats why. they want to repeat this all over the country.
demographics are destiny

I met a mennonite man who really helped me out one time. No charge. Has a beautiful, modest wife, a modest home, great big bunch of capable white children. Theres a lot of them around here, mennonites are like the Amish but will use certain technologies that allow them to do more work, like trucks and tractors. I'm thinking about converting desu. Great people.

fuck you nigger

Then why do you vote to have federal welfare programs when it's in your best interest to keep it within your state? They're literally voting to give you more money.

Is that a bullet button? Also, get rid of the birdcage... unless you plan to register your "assault rifle".

>Tfw I'm literally a faggot and in this section
Actually accurate.

>How can you brain drain the rest of the country then complain about muh welfare states?
Brain drain isn't the fault of successful states It's the fault of failed states. If your state wasn't a shithole, you wouldn't have brain drain.