Are you living life correctly?

Are you living life correctly?

You have found a good woman to marry and are ready to settle down and start a family for the white race, right?

Attached: life_milestones.jpg (634x2662, 394K)

>Get engaged at 25, earn 40k at 37
>Start earning average wage at 30

This chart is a whole lot of incorrect

Not even close

Attached: 1536428819239.jpg (624x2672, 693K)

>first full time job at 19
>pass driving test at 20

Attached: 1504730587102.jpg (488x671, 67K)


>Driving test at 20
>Move out at 22
What country is this guide for?

I got my driver's license at 16 and I moved out at 18.

Is this the European guide to a wasted life


Yes goy, if you're a bit behind the chart don't you worry, we can help!


You're not alone. It'll be alright bro.

Who the fuck doesn't pass their driving test until they are 20? Do their parents drive them to work and drop them off at college?

Looks like the "serve a kike" starter kit

Seems more accurate.

pathetic capitalist propaganda even a child can see through


Is this boomers 101?

>tfw 25
>never had my first kiss
>shitty construction job that I hate
>no driving license and no car
>no friends
>will probably never have my own house, get married and have a family
I know this chart is a meme but I actually am failing at life and should just hang myself.

>goal of earning 40k per year at almost 40 with 2 children

Shooting high, I see

What the hell are you supposed to do on a holiday? Everything is closed.

Nope. Plan B is to amass as much wealth as possible then leave it to whatever organization will help white people the most.

>all the incels on this board who haven't progressed past stage 1 yet

Attached: 124565432.png (399x385, 233K)

*jewish propaganda


>Are you living life correctly?

Not really, my health failed me. But i still have one or two aces up my sleeve.

Still working /sig/. Graduating with a degree in hard science in May. I've lost 35 pounds since last may. Going to knock up the first redhead I see after I get a real job.

If you live in a european megalopolis, car is pretty much a hindrance, since its faster and cheaper to use a subway. Car is needed if you have a family though.

Attached: maryina_roshcha_station_moscow_metro.jpg (2000x1500, 820K)

Did a boomer write this?
First kiss done and I'm moving out at 20 because of my job, can't drive and don't really have 'off work' friends. No set predictions for life five years from now

pic not a's a documentary

Attached: really.png (1248x1272, 260K)

>first kiss age 15
>first full time job age 19

Attached: 255169.jpg (898x628, 116K)

Attached: Sensible Chuckle.gif (250x250, 993K)

Yes. I passed the academic portion of the test at 14 but not the driving portion until 20. I failed the first time because I couldn't parallel park. I could do everything but parallel park so I failed.

>Earn 40k a year as a 40 years old
> have two houses and holidays twice a year with 2 children on average wage.
Wow this level of delusion is impressive

I'm autistic so i'm not really compatible with life at all, probably gonna be dead by age 30

Attached: mmmmmmmmmmmm.jpg (657x527, 50K)

This. Bought a car in early 20's living in Moscow and even though it was a cheap shitbucket it's still a waste.

top kek, 24 level here most things are spot on expect flunking out of college, if there won't be happening to end all happening there is rather grey, bleak future ahead of me...

Attached: 1454861154557.jpg (427x640, 40K)

I thinks it's british pounds and not dollars, but still seems questionable. Hell, you can't afford 2 kids, a house and 2 vacations a year even in Russia on 40k USD

>was engaged
>she quit her job, started shoveling in pounds, stopped showering, etc.
>now single at 28
Giv first child, chartbro.

I have extreme splinter skills and uneven abilities so I ended up engaged at 18 but still living at home very long. I ended up reading and writing at a college level at 11 but being unable to parallel park in my teens. It's like I'm half 50 years old and half 15 at the same time. Any advice for this? My milestones in life are either far ahead or far behind because of uneven development.

> real life makes memes
>memes make real life

I can't tell if real life made this meme or of this meme is just becoming life

White women are garbage tier. I'd date a nigress over a white bitch these days.

>1st kiss
Age 12
>first full-time job
Age 17 (full-time during summer)
>driver's license
>drop out of school
>first real full-time job
>above average salary
>buy car
Age 22
>buy new car
Age 23
>move out
Age 20
>buy first place
Age 27
>live with partner

>still no first kiss
>no full time job
>no driving test
>no friends to have holidays with
>no car
>(at least moved out already)
>no partner
>not possible to be best man if I'm not even a good man
>not even finished studying yet
Hold up, I fell like 7 steps behind but I can still catch up, right?

Attached: 1518238096702.jpg (650x650, 46K)

"a car is a life milestone"

It's worse for me. I'm half extremely ahead and half extremely behind. I have splinter skills and uneven development. Mentally I'm half 50 half 15. So it's harder to explain.

>First full time job at 19
>Pass Driving test at 20
What kind of fucked up shit is this, leaf?

>29 buy first house
>30 start earning average wage
I really wanna see someone pull that off here

I got my boating license at 12 and my driver's license at 20. Still I drove around as a teen.

>Marrying women today
Lmao cuckleaf

>think about doing
Is this chart ironic?

It's an infographic by (((Amigo Loans: Guarantor Loans For People With Bad Credit)))

I wonder that the agenda might be

How to be a normalfag: The Post

Attached: 1536452318930.jpg (1262x709, 187K)

I can't stop laughing at how real this is. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCKKKKKKKKKK.

Attached: 1535002424362.jpg (640x458, 77K)

>Renting alone then with a partner.
>Buy flat then sell and buy a bigger house in two years.

Why the fuck would you waste the money involved in moving and selling, buying a property?
Just save money and buy a 3 bedroom from the word go.

Attached: 1477738218417.jpg (440x440, 21K)

Make 40k a yerlar by 35? What?lol

Pass driving test at 20

>vacations ever

>be 18
>currently in pre-med with a shit ton of asians and I'm one of the few white guys in the entire school
>still no first kiss
>no gf
>both me and my parents don't want me to get an asian gf
>the one white girl in my class is a lesbian
fuck am I gonna be a virgin until I start making money as a doctor

>learn to drive
>aged 20

What the fuck. I couldn't even focus after that. Knew it was some kind of nanny state cuck infographic, and wasn't disappointed when I noticed the .uk link. No more disappointed than I ever am with the U.K. Mind you.. but holy shit.

>age 27
>buy first flat
fucking boomers i hate you all

I hate commies but for once I agree

Buying shit is unironically the meaning of life.

Mate I'm 27 and still can't drive. Been living in London 10 years, no where to fucking park, takes 2 hours to get to other side of town because traffic, get charged £12 "congestion charge" to enter the city anyway. Why bother?

This picture makes me want to cleanse the world in atomic fire.

Attached: boomer pensions.png (1750x1310, 1.1M)

>jump out in front of moving car
how tf does someone survive this to go on and kill themselves

this poster is bullshit- largely the spending facts tbqh

the poster was made by 'amigo' a company that does loans. they purposely want to make it look like not earning a lot is normal, but 'enjoying two holidays a year' is. this entire infograph is just loan shilling

Attached: 1491154517453.png (270x326, 1K)

>hes never jumped in front of a moving car...

>only 2 kids

>fuck am I gonna be a virgin until I start making money as a doctor

Attached: Irredeemable sluts.jpg (923x1600, 311K)

>somehow can buy a flat, a car, and a fucking house with earning less than 40k a year

Dear lord, i fucking hate boomers so much

even in england this info-graph is highly unrealistic. Assuming the parents are middle class the family targeted in this graphic typically occupy the top 15% of earning distribution

Attached: UK Housing.png (805x729, 566K)

at least I'm not a wagecuck

You're supposed to date younger dumbass.

No because you got me caught up in your bullshit.

This is the life of the average NPC normie

>major milestones in life centred around buying a fucking piece of metal with 4 wheels and a combustion engine attached to it

its a graph made by boomers aimed at millennials, what do you expect?

the audience of this graph is the working poor, the kind of people who do take out payday loans. it's aimed at encouraging them to take out a loan for a new car, or a holiday, or to pay for expenses NOW- because at 40 they'll be a manager at their company earning 40k for sure on average.

Don't forget breeding goyim, your life is pointless if you don't reproduce!

too close to home to not be funne

>Are you living life correctly

OP's pic is an ad from a loan company encouraging people to go into debt so they can make money.

To live your financial life correctly read this book - it's the red pill for money.

Attached: index (2).jpg (277x340, 22K)

>Too big brained for the gene pool
>Pretends he's woke to some jewish trick

Imagine being this cucked.

Attached: 1487451191760.jpg (260x316, 13K)

t. NPC insect

>me breed, breed important, grug think breed only thing important