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(((their))) goal is to keep the morale low lmao

They tried this last time. The more the downplay the right themore it pisses on the right to “show them” wrong. Surely they must be doing this on purpose. Maybe the right is the side that is actually the one the want to radicalize for some grand evil plan

>ABC news
>good one OP!

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I really hope the Democrats win the house. They'll impeach without any kind of cause or reason and the whole thing will fall apart, opening 2020 up to be a bloodbath

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>Trump supporters will just accept it if their elected president is overthrown
Yes, PLEASE, day of the rope incoming!!

There doesn't need to be a crime, congress can impeach the president for any or no reason.
Learn your fucking laws.

you don't get impeached based on polls you fucking mongoloid. you get impeached based on the law. enjoy your fantasy CNN delusions.

>dumb niggers still think impeachment=removal from office

I doubt 49% is accurate. Economy is going well, people are working and earning more. Highly unlikely they want change.

I think they're mistaken, that's his approval rating

>impeaching someone because you don't like him
Good luck with that, never been done

Yeah that's a real good idea, impeach trump for no real crime. I'm sure his supporters wouldn't grab their guns and head to DC at all.

Rigged poll of washington post viewer/readers. Still cant get 50%

>ABC news poll

It's like you faggots have learned nothing.

the day of the rake is imminent, are you prepared to face the fire leaf?

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You need an actual reason for impeachment though. Impeachment needs to be for a crime. Being a bad president (in your opinion) isn't a crime and neither is calling people names.

I sometimes read slate to kek at the trump impeachmentometer.

>ABC poll

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this is the same shit as 2016

>libs try to shame conservative voters with tar and feather show
>polls indicate they'll win big
>once people are alone in the voting booth they vote in favor of conservatives because fuck whiny ass libs

While I don't think impeachment will happen it would be hilarious if Trump was impeached but not removed from office.

his only "crime" is not being HRC, so go fuck yourself cuck


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Just like how Hillary had 98.5% chance of winning

please spare those of us that recognize the greatness of the united states of america and their prosperous history

>1003 adults
>99% Hillary

Meh... We’re ready for war.

Impeech and she will become president cuz russian collusion. IT'S HER TUUUUURN!

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Impeached literally for what?

It's an ABC/Washington Post poll. None of it is accurate.

why do democrats want pence in office so badly?

is he one of theirs, just pretending to be /ourguy/ or something like that?

He's such a dreamy doofus.

impeachment is 100% removal from office. learn the law

An ABC News pol........

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The percentage of people that believe there will be impeachment is the amount of people that believe dumb Americans ever stepped on the Moon.

Bill Clinton impeached
serves two full terms

For fucking pornstars a decade before he was even a politician. They don't seem to understand that Bill Clinton was caught fucking some secretary as POTUS which is completely different from Trump doing that as a civilian. Not that I'd care either way because I ain't christfag.

Expulsion is 100% removal.

"Impeachment" is basically an indictment and leads to a Senate trial.

I thought that was Jesse Klaver for one second

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wait they spent nearly 2 years and they are only at 49%, his fucking presidency will be over before the investigation at this rate.

>muh fee fees

Lol, they already proved their polling was not to be trusted.

This shilling will not stand.

Dem snowflakes losing their minds.

Hillary arrested in months.

Reddit Rise Up!

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I mean, Slate does have some rather nice articles in the "Global" section.
But I agree, it's fun. I use "The Washington Post" as my New Tab in Chrome.

>"Impeachment" is basically an indictment and leads to a Senate trial.
*MAY lead to a Senate trial.

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they have 6 more years, Im sure they will make some progress till then

I want them to INITIATE the impeachment proceedings and then get blown the fuck out. It'll end up backfiring greatly.

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>a poll off 1003 adults

Wow, you can definitely draw some conclusions from this poll all right. First one, is that the liberal media is absolutely fucking desperate to convince the people that Trump isn't well liked across the board. You thought 2016 was a landslide? Wait for 2020.

I like how no one actually even knows what impeach means.

Well if the House of Representatives votes by simple majority to impeach, I'm fairly certain the Constitution stipulates that there be a trial in the Senate. 67 Senators voting for expulsion is required for removal. Not likely to happen.

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Moving for impeachment without any crime against the people being committed could end very badly. It'll look like a coup.

Impeachment is making the accusation.
They can decide to not go forward.

It'll look like a coup.. During a time of economic success. It'll lead to bloodshed.

>49% of 1003 more left leaning people allowing themselves to be polled by ABC News.
Proudly posting a poll that shows less than half of 1k people thinking how you want them to is somehow something to boast about today. It shows people don't support it.

They somehow believe impeaching Trump means they get to fire everybody associated with him

I heard Trump must answer to his crimes and Kavanaugh can't be allowed in because he thinks Trump is above the law and will let Trump pardon himself. Forget what crimes may have happened. It's irrelevant. We must stop Trump from pardoning himself for crimes. I think. Not sure of the full narrative because I'm still at the crimes being committed part, but it goes beyond that somehow.

This is exactly what will happen. They are too stupid to comprehend the concept of payback for all of their idiotic political posturing.

Good, it'll look like what it is. Whites are waking up, it would be suicide to attempt impeachment.

Impeachment is an indictment handed down from the House of Representatives. The Senate then decides whether or not to try him. Chinese Communist Party member Bill Clinton was most definitely impeached but the Senate declined to try him.

Just get him the fuck out of the White House by any means necessary. Fuck this shitbag cunt.

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Fake news.

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They will ban potus twitter account by the end of the year.
Many right wing accounts to be banned before.
They will purge all social media platform.
Jow Forums shut down inminent.
>Backup everything.
>Find a new home.
>Stop playing child games, this is real world.
Shit finally hits the fan.

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Hillary had a 98% chance of winning too.

>No crimes
So kidnapping kids at the border, paying pornstars for sex, hacking the election, having a pee party with Russian hookers etc... are not crimes now?

Hammer the fuck every day, America. Every fucking day. Wrap your arm around Trump's fat neck, pivot on your hi, and powerslam him into the concrete face first.


Get this fucking slimebag TRAITOR out of OUR White House NOW!!!!!!

While I'm not a Q kike worshiping faggot like most on this board are now, you can't impeach somebody for no reason. It doesn't work that way.


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>Nothing but conspiracy theories and insane accusations with no proof.
I bet you believe in flat earth too.

I don't recall being polled.

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>Crimes against the people
No one cares about fucking pornstars. No one cares about non-citizens getting told to fuck off. They're lucky they aren't being launched out of a cannon. And you have no proof of hacking and the pee story was made up by Jow Forums.. plebbit faggot.

>Occupy Demokikes

How does it feel to know your shitbag President is the LEAST POPULAR in the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, and is resoundingly DESPISED by the majority of the USA.

Enjoy losing EVERYTHING in the midterms, assholes!!!!!!!

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Shitty fucking loser can't adult.

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>are not crimes now?
Your list contains things that aren't crimes or didn't happen.

>you can't impeach somebody for no reason
Except you can.

Staright and to the point. All day, every day.

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>didn't pay pornstar for sex. Paid her decade later to shut up
>it's not kidnapping if they aren't citizens and you aren't hiding where you have taken them.
>who hacks an election to make themselves get less votes overall?
>what law prevents me from paying someone to urinate?
However, I have heard that Trump hotels remove tags from mattresses.

Faggy fucking whore Trump. Fat old stupid fucking Trump. **VOMIT**

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>and the pee story was made up by Jow Forums
Fucking tard right here.
The piss tape story came out of the FSB, to Steele, then via the dossier to the internet. Because the mighty Jow Forums had never fucking heard of it until it hit Buzzfeed, and even then didn't cover it. I watched the threads where some pathetic LARP launched the retarded idea that 'Jow Forums did dis', you're still parroting it now.

>However, I have heard that Trump hotels remove tags from mattresses.
Literally worse than Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Hitler.

impeached for what?

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Yes if they impeach the president we win!

i was in that thread and Jow Forums definately started that rumor

538 announced that the Dems WILL retake the House! Thanks, Trump! Keep on FAILING!!!

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post the archive link now then and prove it, and I'll post the first publication date and history of the Steele dossier.

They will, they're little bitches

we forgot to archive it but we were there in that thread

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if you have to ask