This is baffling. Diversity shows us where our experiences overlap...

This is baffling. Diversity shows us where our experiences overlap. It teaches us to recognize commonality before differences. It breeds empathy. It combats fear. It makes us better. It’s what our country is built on. The bigger concern is what would we become WITHOUT diversity.

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Diversity doesn't even mean anything, it's a vague buzzword

Wrong, it means "fuck White people"

Why do they want to unite the world so badly?

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Heh I guess that's true. If I didn't know better I'd think diversity means "more black people", which isn't really diverse at all.

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Gay and retarded

Oh boy I love diversity

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It just means more mexicans.

That's a good point. How would you feel if all races in the world were bred into one mystery-meat mutt race?

Because when there is only one government, there is no opposition, no one to fight against it.

Diversity just means less White people.

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They say so much yet so little. Just a drawn out appeal to emotion. When i read this i imagine a faggots voice. Or someone speaking softly like youre a kid. Lecturing you. Fuck off shithead. Dont tell me who or what i have to hate or love.

I wonder how much jew cock he sucked to get the Captain America gig.

Our country was built on white European Christian ideals. Diversity is just another word for demographic warfare.

Fuck these subversive (((actors))).

Just another uninformed person who lists useless platitudes about diversity without knowing any of it's real effects.

>what would we become WITHOUT diversity
Something useful?

>oh but cancers a real nice guy. Dont be such a bigot.

>Diversity shows us where our experiences overlap. It teaches us to recognize commonality before differences. It breeds empathy. It combats fear. It makes us better.

WTF? I want to move to Baltimore or Detroit now.

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> what would we become WITHOUT diversity.

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I think it's hilarious that a Hollywood star who probably lives in a gated mansion with armed body guards is preaching diversity. Diversity for thee but not for me I guess.

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>Fuck white people

"Yeah! Fuck white peo-"


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>when there is only one government, there is no opposition, no one to fight against it.
How can one person be so retarded as to believe this?
The only type of government that has no opposition is a totalitarian government. And it has no opposition not because it is "the only government", but rather because if you are opposed to it, you will literally be killed or shipped off to a gulag (i.e. communist government).

Why are you mutts so insanely retarded?

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Diversity.. like how the avengers are diverse? Does he realize how white the avengers are?

It's more pathetic when even that faggot knows he meets mostly those of races that already like him because of his shitty movies.
No matter where he goes in the world the ones who show up to meet him are mostly his fans.
Every time a actor opens their mouth I wish we went back to treating them like the prostitutes that they are.

This needs to be a .webm
you had one fucking job

I wish more actors would keep their mouth shut when it comes to politics. All it does is alienate a good chunk of their fan base. They're nothing more than dancing monkeys, no one cares what they think.

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>the bigger concern is what we would become WITHOUT diversity

Safer and more prosperous? The horror.

>It’s what our country is built on.

lol no

>America was built on diversity
>founding fathers were literal white nationalists and the early republican period had very low rates of immigration with all of those immigrants being europeans
Do they actually teach any real U.S. history in schools anymore or is just the pozzed kike version?

>It teaches us to recognize commonality before differences. It breeds empathy. It combats fear.
No it doesn't. Diversity never does this.

> Diversity shows us where our experiences overlap
That's for fucking sure. Nothing like seeing the 3rd world brought to your own land for us all to experience.
> It teaches us to recognize commonality before differences
Or we reach for commonality, find too little of it, and suffer the immense differences instead.
> It breeds empathy
No I'm afraid familiarity breeds contempt. We'd have been far less jaded, just sending foreign aid instead of having to live directly amongst the savages.
> It combats fear
Sure. I mean when you face terrorism, rape, and cultural genocide everyday I suppose it could make one fearless just through exposure.
> It makes us better
Because we suffer we grow stronger is that it?
> It’s what our country is built on
Only really works when you immigrate white people.
> The bigger concern is what would we become WITHOUT diversity.
A clean wholesome white culture. Oh no. I mean we know what a non diverse culture looks like. There's been a thousand examples. Quite beautiful in fact.

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Gotta keep the financial ponzie going, need more low IQ goyim to feed at the bottom of the pyramid.

>I guess that's true
Notice nobody is calling for China, the Arab states, any African or SE asian country to be "more diverse". Only majority white countrys

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A utopian ethnostate

>I mean we know what a non diverse culture looks like. There's been a thousand examples.
There's also been a few diverse cultures to look at as well.
None are worth mentioning since they are all fail states including the ancient Romanian Empire.

lol someones jealous that they will never have that kind of influence. your mouth has 0 value except for shoving a dick into it

>shows us where our experiences overlap
I thought they were coming here for the American experience? Leading to point 2:
>teaches us to recognize commonality before differences
I don't have anything in common with people who steal, rape, are uneducated, litter, and generally don't know anything at all about civilization.
>breeds empathy
Poor use of language is actually staggering... but anyway, people only empathize with likeness. That's how empathy came into being and how it works. Dumbass.
>combats fear
Now that's just straight laughable.
>makes us better
And now we've completed the empty argument circle.

Twitter is just a platform for liberal elites, don't panick, his views are just shared by a bunch of jews and righteous gentiles,

checked and SPBP

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If I want to paint a nice landscape, I need to be willing to mix my paints together a little around the edges so I can get that nice shade of green for the treetops or that nice shade of blue for the sky, but if I mix things too much, I lose what I originally had, and I'm left with a big, ugly, brownish-grayish muck that I can't unmix, no matter how hard I try.

The same thing is true of cultures - a little diversity here and there is fine, but cultural homogeneity is what *makes* cultures special and unique in the first place. Too much mixing, too much diversity, and different cultures and peoples become indistinguishable from one another. And if you can't distinguish one culture from another, you cease to have a culture.

He's not entirely wrong. Jow Forums has taught me that non-white countries I never gave a shit about, eg Romania and Brazil, have the same struggles we have, albeit in a slightly (((modified))) way. It taught me that people, eg Brazilians or Romanians, difference is entirely skin deep, just like the anti-racists have told me all along. Jow Forums has taught me that different races can recognise commonality before differences, like our mutual understanding of finding a final solution to the Jewish question.
The irony of course, which is total lost on leftists, is that Hitler was right and Jow Forums is proof of it. Different peoples are capable of getting along - as long as those people are nationalists. Nationalists work together to move forward in the same direction, even when they're from different countries and in some cases different races, we all want what is best for our respective countries and you can't get that by being divided.
To correct myself, Mosley was in fact more correct than Hitler was.

>"We can live in peace and friendship side by side, in separate nations and separate developments - but we cannot have the mix of the peoples who are widely different and divergent, it will lead to nothing but trouble"

Jow Forums works because if I get sick of the Brazilians or the Romanians, I can come off Jow Forums, I can leave the thread, whatever, I can retire to a place without Brazilians and Romanians. irl that doesn't work, because the Brazilians and Romanians have been forced onto my doorstep and from there I have no escape.

tl;dr people that say things like that aren't entirely wrong, but their cognitive dissonance stops them from being realistic about it so it comes out as complete fiction

Oh look ANOTHER leftie fag with a scrappy beard and a cuck smile. Every fucking time.

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You don't know who Chris Evans is?

>aristocrat talking down on others like he lives in the same world as him

Atleast I can rest easy knowing that every ideology in essence despises this behavior. I can find a reason to give him death and so can a lefty.

Americans exchange banter with Canadians, basing their comments on those small but important differences that set them apart, the English and welsh, the scots and Irish all do the same, the French and the brits always at each other mocking the differences that are clear and obvious to all to see.

And yet we are supposed to believe there is no difference at all between and Englishman or a swede and a sub-Saharan African lmao.

You do?

think again buddy
gyppos are not romanians

>gyppos are not romanians

Nobody is MORE Romanian than the Roma

Diversity literally means "fewer white men in institutions and positions of power" the way the left uses it. You could have a leadership group or advisory committee of 100% black women and they'd praise that organization for being so diverse

>The bigger concern is what would we become WITHOUT diversity
A cohesive society where people feel like they belong? Sounds terrible.

>"Please keep giving me roles."

Post your face when you've never spent a dime on the Multicultural Cuckolding Universe

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everyone in the bottom center getting sucked into an oblivion gate

No one wants to live in a world where our food is pureed into one, homogeneous soup.

>meet my new friend mom. Hes from a different co...

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>It breeds empathy. It combats fear. It makes us better.

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>opinions without any facts to back them up
Diversity is the ultimate NPC ideology

*citation needed

>diversity breeds understanding

I see diversity being pushed harder than at any point in my life, while concurrently seeing racial tensions reaching a fever pitch. I know these people are just repeating a mantra, but how long can they keep lying to themselves like this?

>Diversity shows us where our experiences overlap. It teaches us to recognize commonality before differences. It breeds empathy. It combats fear. It makes us better.
How's that working out in the Middle East? How did it work out in Rwanda, with the Tutsis and Hutus? How's it work out everywhere where there are ethnic conflicts that you blame on fucking wypipo drawing the borders wrong?
>It’s what our country is built on.
Wait, I thought it was built on slavery and genocide? Come to that, that's another example of diversity not showing where experiences overlap, making people recognize commonality without differences, and breeding empathy, isn't it? Go tell an Apache the coming of diversity combated fear and made us better. If you can find one, after what we did to 'em.

I'm so disconnected from normal society that I didn't even know who this guy was until I googled his name.

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who is doing that? what kind of strawman is this? in diverse cities you have jewish delis next to mexican food trucks and they both make bank. diversity means you can get both if you wanted and hell i guess if you want to you can bring it all home and puree it IF THATS WHAT YOU LIKE. but nobody is suggesting every culture should mix with each other until we're all homogenous blobs. thats not even how culture works, its way more complicated than that

We especially need more diversity in the news media, entertainment media, think tanks, and our financial and banking sectors.

>show a leftist a picture of all white men
>show a leftist a picture of all brown men
>"Such diversity, I can't wait until my country looks exactly like that."

The leftist's use of the word "diversity" is code for demographic replacement and white genocide. There's nothing diverse about it. And the funnest part is when you show the propagandists behind it it always ends up being a room full of fat, middle-aged women being wrangled by some jewish feminist. the same kind of woman who claps in glee when they see infant jewish males have their penises mutilated. Jewish women are evil and infected the rest of the world's women with their hatred of men.

how white can you get

damn that's a lot of buzzwords

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actually, the only government with no opposition is the one with the full faith and consent of the governed

I'm a southerner and I use y'all
Does that make me a nu-male?

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Diversity is great and the world should have more of it. I love visiting Germany and seeing german culture, but i cant anymore. I love visiting the various muslim countries and seeing their culture, but u cant because theyre destroyed to push them into regions they dont belong to. I love traveling and appreciating how different people tgink and have different heritage. But i cant anymore. Because each place is either destroyed or the same as any other place.
The world never had less duversity than now. People who preach for diversity are destroying it by making everyone the same everywhere.

think user. is that poster talking about

>a completely hypothetical scenario which is impossible to achieve


>something that actually happens irl, in which no opposition doesnt mean no dissent but rather a completely deplatformed opposition party that the ruling party can scapegoat indefinitely?

>what our country was built on
Um, no sweetie. It wasn't.
It's what our country is demolished by.

Sounds like something an NPC would say.

It's gonna be interesting to see what happens to Chris Evan's career after he gets phased out with the rest of the original Avengers in IW2.


you mean the guy who made billions of dollars for disney? who would possibly give THAT guy a job

That's funny because his uncle was just thrown out of politics literally just for being white.

>What we become without diversity.
Free you fucking retard.

>hollywood cucks promoting diversity
These shits haven't ever seen the 'diverse' world common people live in.


come home...

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Is there a word for this type of mental illness?

>This is baffling. Genital mutilation shows us what is truly valuable in life. It teaches us to recognise character before physicality. It breeds chastity. It combats fickleness. It makes us better. It's what some countries are built on. The biggest concern is what would we become WITHOUT genital mutilation
You can dress up any fucking word with purple prose and it still won't make shitty, unsustainable, evil ideas like diversity palatable to sane people.

>breeds empathy
I never hated niggers until I had to live amongst them

>this is baffling
>lives in all white neighborhood on the west coast.

((((((Chris evans))))))

Hey Chris show us how wonderful diversity is and move to South Central LA. Put your money where your mouth is bud!

Open-borders liberals always live in the whitest parts of the country. That is their super power.

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he's not jewish pajeet, but he certainly shills well for them

Chris Evans is a virtue signalling narcissist like every other pro-diversity cultist. What a pathetic, sheltered grandstanding little Hollywood faggot cuck that imbecile is. I seriously hope he gets killed. Privileged elitist cunts like him trying to shame rational, working class people and lecture them about how they should think and act. Can't stand assholes like these. Evans the beta cuck deserves a gruesome death.

for fucks sake

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>hasn’t tried the food

anyone that virtue signals that hard is a kiddie diddler

I feel bad for you man, here's a reply.

he's a useful idiot

Oh yes, where would we ever go without diversity. That's why Iceland and Japan are such shitholes, amirite?

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That's because it makes perfect sense with the way they look at it. Because that leadership/advisory group is nothing compared to 99% of the groups out there. If you have 1000 pens and 100 pencils, you don't fix that inequality by buying an equal amount of pens and pencils because the pens will still be ahead.

"Hey lizard people, not accepting frog-niggers is racist. You must help them, their swamps are shitholes because of you."

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>it's what our country is built on
NO it fucking wasn't

He's literally Captain America in the Marvel Movies. He was a meme even, the "problematic fav" meme. Even if you don't watch any movies, if you come to Jow Forums you should know who he is.