We are indo-europeans, aryans. Heinrich Himmler could not stop talking about Bhagavad Gita, while Hitler himself was a close friend with Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the man who introduced the Hare Krishna movement to the west.
I know, Hare Krishna right? But some say they used to be based, why it didn't work was because Prabhupada tried to convert the nihilistic youth of the west, the movement was soon taken over by communists and hippies. Prabhupada himself was actually killed by a jewish man.
India used to be a nice place before it was destroyed by atheistic buddhism, islamic invasions and being part of the British Empire. They have practiced their religion untouched for over 5000 years and back then India was aryan. According to the Gita, Maharaj Pariksit used to rule the entire world under a vedic regime.
Pulezz go back to worshipping shitty idols and fucking cows then. Hinduism is retarded , y'all still mad 2000 years after the Buddha btfo your silly delusional religion.
The eternal law of the well taught path has no equal. The four noble truths , and the 8 fold path lead to the end of suffering. Clearly Hinduism causes suffering.
Hunter Stewart
We know retard that's why your religion is shit. You still see separation and not the singular nature of existence. Stop entertaining the stories your monkey mind latches onto and give up your hate.
Julian Johnson
Buddhism is part of Hinduism.
t. Brahmin
Luis Bell
>India used to be a nice place before it was destroyed by atheistic buddhism,
India must be pretty bad to be destroyed by peaceful loving monks. Mad you had to give up child sacrifice?
>Wwwwaaaaahhhj muh karma They suffer that you may gain karma , not because of their own karma.
Cameron Gonzalez
I am not hinduist, i have simply done some research for an hour and found this. I take it with a pinch of salt.
Justin Lee
This is the problem with pol, it is full of evangelist christian retards.
Ryder Price
Oh really? Why are our scriptures different? Why is it a different religion with different beliefs? Who actually thinks this?
Om doesn't even mean the same thing to us. I have a Ganesha worshipping friend , nothing about our practice is the same. On the lowest level , there are only superficial similarities. But our terms though the same word have different meaning
>T. Buddhist
Wyatt Morris
Naw I'm not , let's talk. I'm a Buddhist , you should look into it , it's very scientific religion based on neurological rewiring through concentrated mental effort. You triggered me talking shit about Gautama
Nathan Campbell
My point was to spark a debate about the origin of the aryans, the striking similiarties between their history and what Adolf Hitler believed. Wheter is actually true or fantasy. I did not want to have a religous debate with fanatics.
I will look into it after this. Maybe hindus were inspired by buddhists, let's find out!
Ryan Walker
You guys are retards, look what arianism is, this religion united the whole of the germanic race which at the time was conquering europe, literally ww2.
James Morales
I am aware of Arianism, but it came onto the stage very much later and after the migrations into europe.
No there is no Hinduism. They are liars. It's like Mormons pretending to be Christian. They all worship different Gods but call it one religion to legitimize it.
Buddhism emerged as a response to their magical thinking bullshit. Buddha didn't think we should hold views that contradicted observable nature. Hinduism was supposedly here first , but it's just another Pantheon of false gods. Buddhism came later. They didn't destroy India , pretty sure that was the British.
Hindus: gay sex , trans , praying to Gods
Buddhist: no gay , no tran bs , you help yourself
Jeremiah Garcia
>In Hinduism there is caste systems, not based on class, but on race and lineage. t. never opened a hindu text in his entire life
Julian Martin
The swastika was taken from an artistic secret fraternity Hitler was a part of when he was young. The leader of the fraternity liked to use it in his art. When Hitler became fuhrer he banned all organizations but the nazi party and that fraternity from using the swastika.
There is a lot to all of this and it goes into the current day.
Noah Davis
You ever study esoteric Nazism by Satri Devi? spelled something like that. She thought Hitler was an incarnation of Kalki . Pretty cool desu
Nicholas Evans
But the whole idea of the aryan race is uniting all the nordic/germanic groups creating a pan-germanic state, this would mean uniting all the territories from the northern territory of spain to the baltic, why would someone claim to be the superior race of the indians it doesn't make sense and it's nothing but a tale.
Jaxson Moore
You shall not have children with one from another caste, so naturally different kinds of people developed. Brahmin are very different from Sudra.
Jaxon Anderson
Yo vedic culture is lit senpai.
No seriously its pretty good.
Mason Rivera
>I'm a Buddhist >Religion You're not a Buddhist if you call it a religion. You've probably never even opened a Dama Pada
Adrian Morales
No i haven't, I have met a Brahmin though.
Thomas Long
Buddhist were BTFO'D by shankara - charyas (Hindu intellects). They used to set up shastraths (intellectual debates) about philosophy, dharma, knowledge etc and if you loss a shastrath it meant you had to convert (accept the others ideology) yourself and your people.
Kevin Gutierrez
Stfu with this bullshitry. The vedas and the upanishads are way superior to cuck budhhism. It's covers so much and can be interpreted in so many ways.
Also, faggotry and everything has a very different definition compared to the modern western LGBTQ community.
Tyler Johnson
You have all forgotten about Zoroastrianism :/ if Muslims didn't genocide them they would be in much greater number and all known. An Aryan religion who was reformed based on another religion that some say stretches back 4-6k+ years.
Benjamin Wood
Share some more inside india facts about vedic culture. I have just merely heard about it. Were they interested in Astrology for instance?
James James
I'm a Brahmin. Ama.
Brody Sullivan
Look up vedic astrology. Almost 2k year old but going by upanishads it's way older.
Ian Richardson
They say Maharaj Pariksit used to rule the entire world 5000 years ago, is this "true"? Do they say the vedic culture was worldwide?
>castes are classified into professions and in some eras it was even possible to advance in the cast hierarchy >i-it's about muh race
Zachary Cox
t. never heard of Hindu history
The Brahmins were the descendents of Indo-Europeans, and they established the caste system. It isn't based around "class" exactly, because back in Vedic India caste was class. Think of it like your slavery days, a black person was a slave, while a white person could be anything.
Brahmins served as priests and interpreted religious texts, for over a few millennium only they had the right to learn Sanskrit. Kshatriyas were divided into various groups, Rajputs served as the royalty as well as warriors and soldiers, Kayastha served as the nobility and took care of recording taxes.
Vaishyas were businessmen and artisans, they served as sculptors who were commissioned by the royalty to construct various monuments and sculptures.
Shudras were the lowest caste, their job was usually cleaning and collecting trash. They weren't considered untouchable so they were employed in palaces, or worked as people who washed clothes etc..
Dalits and tribal people were considered "untouchable", meaning that they were not present in the varna system.
Just see how the Vedas calls the "caste" system as "varna" system. "Varna" in Sanskrit means "colour".
Even today, certain castes have large amounts of Indo-European DNA, all Brahmin castes average about 17% of Yamnya DNA, while certain castes like Haryanvi Jatt have almost 30% Indo-European DNA. The most common Haplotype among the upper castes is R1a1, while in the lower castes (and non-Brahmin Southern Indians) is J.
Tamil Brahmins speak a Dravidian language, but the interesting part is that the Tamil they speak is filled with Sanskrit words, and so is modern Tamil.
Isaac Mitchell
Based and redpilled.
David Smith
Buddhism is the truth of the universe and it encourages great things like virtue and the rejection of materialism
you are all filthy pro-Nazi incels that try and correlate Hinduism and Nazi Germany. If the world found out that Hilter was a fucking Brahman hindu it still wouldn't matter you are all evil and will all answer to the Mother Durga in one of your lives
ITT: a lonely Norwegian beta-incel-nigger loving-cuck tries to appease to the poo'n'loos on Jow Forums to support a disproven "arayan migration" theory