Was 9/11 a inside job?
Was 9/11 a inside job?
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it was a ritual sacrifice meant to happen on that specific date since before they started building them 33 years earlier
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Yes, and it was the jews who did it
Francis or John Paul?
Another (((conspiracy theory))) that just happens to involve the Jews. I swear the reason they get away with this shit is because literally every non nature based disaster that happens in the world happens due to their involvement. It is easy for people to dismiss those who name the Jew because it is hard to fathom that any group could be that powerful.
Yes it was. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Just like my 2 inches yellow dick I.N.S.I.D.E your ass.
Get rekt.
I think that they might have facilitated or even been the catalyst for the attacks rather than be directly involved.
No, you fucking morons. How could it be an inside job when the planes came from the OUTSIDE
>most important happening in our lives
>prelude to massive destructive wars
lol how did this not get investigated. Fucking normies man
fake video, made by a demolition denier
he explains in this video:
Brainlets keep posting it.
No, it was just a coincidence that foreign intelligence agents were stopped in a van full of explosives on the same day.
obviously an inside job, since someone had to rig the buildings for demolition.. High-rise structures can not collapse completely at free-fall acceleration due to localized damage and fires.
It was a Jewish mob job.
-9/11 official story violates fundamental physics
-Molten steel, far beyond temperatures of jet fuel + office fires found in WTC
-Molten iron and active thermite found in all WTC dust
-3000+ Architects and Engineers Demand a new investigation
-University of Alaska Study modeling WTC7 collapse concludes that the official story is impossible
-AE911, new debunking of official collapse theories
Looks like 911
>Israeli 6th day war commemorative coin
6th day war coin= 911
>isreal did 911
9/11 was a bank robbery Clinton/Bush
The largest civilian storage of gold bullion bars on september 10th, 2001 was the world trade center. That gold is still unaccounted for.
No. Israel is a foreign enemy nation.
It could not have achieved said operation without help from the inside.
>PSALM 9:11
>Sing the praises of the Lord, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done.
what's (((their))) explanation for this to happen??
I think the third plane fucked up and didnt arrive in time for the "show" and they just blew it anyway.
It was all a hologram, the towers are still there.
Building 7 collapsed because of a sinkhole leading to an underground temple.
Pentagon plane didn't even exist, they blew it up themselves.
is water wet?
Yeah but NY is basically an israeli colony. Larry silverstein bought the building to destroy it. With jews you lose, always. Their trick is to make people think they have a more urgent enemy to deal with.
Does a bear do bear stuff where bears do stuff that bears do?
>mfw trump called them out and now he knows what really happen
> how to tell everyone the truth without a major chimp out tho?
Yes of course, but the absence of the fighter planes and simultaneous NORADs air exercises during the event lean towards internal approval/influence.
Maybe, i think it was mainly to get at the money in building 7 (plus insurance). Secondary was to give an excuse to war monger.
A perfect example of controlled demolition.
You think its common for buildings to fall like that without highly calculated demolition? I dont give a fuck if the video is fake. Both towers and building 7 perfectly collapsed on themselves. That 100% suggests controlled demo. You're a moron or a mossad faggot if you say otherwise.
Of course he wasn't alone. A lot of traitors.
yes that is a fake video but the real question is: do you belive office fires can cut all columns at the same time for we to see a near free fall symmetrical comming down of building 7 into it's foot print?
how much gold was that
Why do you add Clinton to this? i'm not defending them but it's silly. Bush was president, not Clitnon. And guess why they impeached Clinton with the Monika scandal? He didn't want to do 9/11. (((They))) panicked when Bush lost to Al Gore and managed to bribe him or threaten him to make sure he abandons the seat for Bush.
Dunno, the records were supposedly in the part of the pentagon that got destroyed.
Because they are all on the same team...
Of course not. If it was, that would mean that the US government is pure evil
>Because they are all on the same team...
Yeah but why would Bush need to share the loot with Clinton? Makes no sense
Obviously WTC7 was a controlled demo, but posting a manipulated video only serves to discredit the truth movement, especially while there is no shortage of real footage.
By the way, last video I posted which debunks NIST's explanations of the collapses was taken down, here is the new version
"Lawyers Petition for 9/11 Grand Jury" Aug 31, 2018
James Corbett Report:
Do pigs like to wallow in their own shit?
there was/is a really good video on yt i saw posted here some time ago and it wasn't loose change or dawson's videos
it was 2 h? but had an even longer edit, some kid narrated it iirc, at the end was a bit pissed, ''you won't discourage me from continuing'' or something wish i could remember the name :/
I have not seen that one, but the most in-depth documentary I've seen so far is this:
Inside job orchestrated by far outside forces probably
Yes and I'll be shocked if something big doesn't happen in 2 days.
I would not be surprised either. The "9/11" marketing term is really killing them, because it repeats every year, so it fades less from consciousness than say, the Oklahoma City Bombing - I don't think most people can tell you the date of that event.
If they make another event happen on the same day it will "dilute" the effect of the original 9/11.
Ever see a jew work an outside job?