Wanna see my special talent?
Poor father.
he is probably proud of her, because he is a cuck and her mother a bbc whore.
How else would you explain daughters slutty behaviour?
>imagine spending all your energy raising your little princess for the past 15 years so she can turn into a cock hungry little slut getting creampied left and right by the bbc on the daily
and they say moms have it rough
that's why you impregnate and run away. I would never stick around and raise some future prostitute
pray and hope for sons every day
hilarious. dad is a cuck
Daughters get this from their mothers.
"Don't act like you have never done it before mom."
gotta love how he plays it out as if he didn't hear it
denial at its finest
post pics of mom
Don't see the point of raising a daughter in this day and age, raising a daughter is just another form of cuckoldry. I'm gonna do like the chinks and have my wife/gf keep aborting until we have a son.
I saw this video the other day
you can blame PORN for this
white babies must be carried and born somehow, user
No real good father ends up with a whore as a daughter.
Shitty parents produce shitty kids. No exceptions. The only ones who think otherwise are shitty parents and kids brainwashed by their shitty parents.
>it's bad for women to be sexual!!!!!!!!!!! REEEE!!!
>ps I wish women would fuck me I'm so horny and lonely
are men an entire gender of NPCs?
I bet this made her daddy's dick hard. I feel bad for him.
This guy gets it.
I probably have more than 30 kids out there somewhere.
Some even in Thailand.
good post out of nowhere with trip triples
thats what my dad did.
Having a daughter is THE ultimate form of being cucked. You raise her. Give her your time and energy. Then some guy comes and says “thanks for your time and energy” and uses her as a fuck toy. By looks of this video, the dark popsicle reminded her of a bbc. Lol must suck to be that whores father.
Accurate. If you raise kids up on the right path they will generally stick to it in adulthood (there are exceptions but we are talking as a general rule). Get raised by good moral parents and turn out good and moral, get raised by shitting degenerate parents and turn out the same.
yeah, don't get your sexual outlook from pol, aside from breeding. in that case it's axis powers only.
The real question is who the fuck recorded AND uploaded this for the world to see?
Must’ve been family or hospital staff only in that room.
Let that sink in.
I bet this made her daddy's dick hard. I feel bad for him.
Also...that does it...time to show this clip to the wife. Nice sick burn at the end.
Can somebody get this girl a line of incels?
She’s pretty
Imagine having a faggot son
Same shit
There are whores and there are wives. These days the proportions are totally fucked.
Honestly this. With artificial wombs women can be removed completely and be replaced with sexbots.
> not happy that your daughter has the skills to satisfy her future white husband
all of you are cucks
>thinks women have to suck 100 different dicks to obtain "skill
user, I really hope you are being sarcasting
> this stupid kike meme again
fucking kek
> d-don't have daughters goy
yeah and how the fuck will whites reproduce fucking idiots?
Holy fuck you're all brainlets
>inb4 muh aritifcial wombs hurr durr
> implying she has sucked 100 dicks
> implying she hasn't practiced with cucumbers in her teen years to get ready
>be a cuck and npc it up
>watch your npc daughter deep throat like the slutty npc she is
>npc daughter explains to npc dad it's a special talent in npc world
When will you NPCs learn?
Not really. It's been proven that babies develop a lot in the fetus. A sterile tube won't make healthy minded people. Just sociopath robot clones.
Women are just as important in development as a good father when are you turbo autists going to accept that?
I have two older brothers that turned out to be perfectly normal, and great people
I on the other hand can't keep a needle out of my arm
I def don't blame my parents. I had a good home life.
that's an lbc bro