>bush is in power
>Jow Forums being the counter-culture centre of the internet is mostly left leaning
>obama gets elected
>the counterculture pendulum swings
>Jow Forums gradually becomes mostly right leaning
>trump gets elected
>the pendulum hangs, and Jow Forums becomes the "alt-right" centre of the internet
When will it swing back? I started reading and posting on Jow Forums 11 years ago, and now I feel like a fish out of water. Are there any lefties left on this site?
Bush is in power
We Libertarian my nigga.
Good job hiding your flag, leaf. We don’t have a strong political affiliation, we just don’t like you canada niggers shitting up our board.
go die for israel you fat inbred mutt
nah m8
the thing is all of those past presidents were shit and trump is great
When Trump gets enough of his people in positions of power that the average person is not getting the stick from lgbt feminists but right-wing asshats.
It wasn't just people on Jow Forums who hated Bush it was the whole internet. This was before normies had a deathgrip on the internet. As to why Jow Forums pretends to like Trump; fuck if I know. He does shit that would get crucified. I think people just realized the world is doomed and want to see the mushroom clouds in their lifetime.
>and trump is great
great at being retarded
Jow Forums has and always will be libertarian, alt-right is a psyop meme. most Jow Forumsacks just hate bugmen so they get lumped into alt-right by the media.
Absolutely not faggot. Shouldn't you be polishing Peter Schiff's member right now?
Meh, he's doing a lot better than I expected. It's fun watching the left explode.
Meant to respond
This. Trump has been a decent preformer on delivering Libertarian policies, butt blasting illegals and commies, and generating overall lulz. That's why the pendulum hasn't swung. We're finally happy with our purchase.
Jow Forums was libertarian right. Ron Paul /b/.
Leftism is feels-based cancer, we’ve all moved beyond that nonsense, OP. I suggest you do the same.
This is the gayest psyop yet. The left still can't meme.
>bush is in power
trump is a fucking lolcow nigger. who the fuck told you we worship that orange zog fuckface?
So this is the power of German humor
youre one of us regardless of political leaning. you fail to realize we transcend that and always have, our banter is for the great unconvering of the painful truth
But it's Americans that everyone hates and that are the stupidest and least funny people on this board?
Here in europe trump is serves as some sort of Emmanuel Goldstein.
Nope. That would be your people. Kys leaf.
Internet culture didn't use to be left-leaning, we just weren't interested in politics until people started fucking with us, as soon as we got interested we came down heavily and firmly on the right.
Being conservative, not a degenerate aids-spreading socialist retard is politically incorrect. This board is politically incorrect. You're either lying about being an oldfag or just an ass-blasted faggot who can't handle the truth.
Kill all Jewish children.
Jow Forums was anti-war and anti-surveillance when Bush did it and then anti-war and anti-surveillance when Obama did it. The swing was within Obama and his die-hard supporters, not us. Trump may not be fully aligned with us on these things but he's at least skeptical and the people who are hate him.
Unfortunately Jow Forums was swarmed by the unwashed mutt hordes
It's too ruined to be returned to its pure status
Jow Forums has a lot of white antisocial people and in this modern age if you're even a bit racist the future seems scary. So 4chin will be right wing for a long time.
Yes , I'm an oldfag communist - please don't call me a fucking progressive or liberal.
Reddit took us over if you haven't noticed. Anonymous is dead and those left are libertard kids larping. /B/ has been killed by bots. 12chan ain't coming back , 7 sucks , 420 and 8ch are faggot hellholes. Kind of sucks.
Dude you can be against Bush and trump and still be right wing. Nice larp as an oldfag
>says the germcuck
yeah merkel is so good
>When will it swing back?
It won't swing back until the establishment crumbles. Donald Trump is anti-establishment more than he is right-wing.
He is right tho , this board used to be Mecha Hitler vs Bio Stalin , centrist normie tier philosophy wasn't even considered
People are contrarian big whoop. It is interesting though. Political subcultures online i'll give you that.
Jow Forums wasnt even conceived when Bush became president. Had about 2 maybe 3 good years with bush as president. Ron Paul/b/
Bush was a retarded puppet of men like Cheney and the war on terror was and is an expensive boondoggle that accomplished nothing (besides serving the interests of Israeli's, obviously) while making the world ever more dangerous and ruining the US image worldwide.
However, it was during the Obama presidency that the domestic US policy slid into utter degeneracy. I, and a majority of Californians voted to make gay marriage invalid in the state constitution, and it was the law of the land until some gay judge overturned it. That's the whole image of the Obama presidency to me, some dipshit in a position of authority condescending to real Americans and telling them they're wrong for expressing their will and the left was going to run roughshod over them, whether they liked it or not.
the only chance of that happening (a leftward shift among Jow Forums’s user base) is if the left gets sensible on the issues of immigration and identity politics. If you can stop white genocide then I think most people here would be open to the idea of increasing the rights of the labor class.
Unfortunately it isn’t going to happen, the left is so far gone and there will never be a pivot back to center. The center isn’t as “sexy” as the extremes in this day and age, and I don’t see that changing any time soon for the reasons I stated: left wing and right wing can’t see eye-to-eye on race & immigration.
Tits unrelated but thanks for reading my shitty post.
Were anti massmigration and insane globalism, which is something both those guys have in common while trump is not. Also you're a kike
When Trump becomes popular. Give it 2-4 years.
Trump is not a republican
The alt-left is definitely getting bigger on Jow Forums, but it's definitely not the dominant culture on the site like the alt-right was two years ago (and still sorta is honestly). You can tell that it's not the dominant perspective because left-wing posters adopt the rhetorical style of an outsider, accusing "Jow Forums" of this or that, and announce their threads as being left-wing threads, rather than just saying what they want to say and assuming a receptive audience.
Too many Russians here now, friendo. pol's time in the limelight is about done.
Jow Forums was pretty anti-obama before he got elected, but i think palin put the nailin into the coffin and we sorta gave up hope
ya, join them by putting a shotgun in your asshole and pulling the trigger u worthless so y bitch boy
>gets fucked in the ass by endless immigration
>loses every war it starts
>had dead decapitated by abdul
>actively genocides self
shut the fuck up you flaming faggot
>When will it swing back?
We are still going further right. The counter culture against Trump is that he is civic nationalist and loves Israel and negros.
>Are there any lefties left on this site?
>being this gay for orange cock
lmao cucks
Canada with the lame banter, as usuaul. Go slaughter so more eskimos
The fuck are you mad about?
>When will it swing back?
never, the pendulum is a jewish mind trick
>trump gets elected
>pendulum broken
This board was a neocon shithole when Bill Clinton was in power too
This is just what stupid niggers think.
That's not how the pendelum or the counter-culture works.
Bush was a funny goofy meme guy. Left hated him just because he was ''right wing.'' Our guys just didn't like him invading Iraq and most of us blamed him for 9/11.
Obama was genuinely hated because he was a nigger, 8 years later he was still a nigger.
>muh counter-culture
The culture has only gone in one direction in the past 70 years, it's always towards diversity, always pro-jew, always anti-racism.
If you are counter-culture you are just going to be come more right wing and more racist as time goes by. There hasn't been a cultural swing in the other direction since Hitler. It would make zero sense to change any of your opinions right now just to be cool and edgy. If you were edgy under Bush and Obama, you are still as edgy and more edgy.
The culture would have to swing pretty hard in the other direction for any of our big brain guys to start defending niggers, jews etc. It would have to be pretty crazy for our guys to say that maybe the ethnostates are a bit too pure.
leftist here. im here to troll and continue to push the chons further to the right so that their fuckwaddery becomes terrorist attacks and this site becomes doomed. i feel like we are getting close.
Real oldfags are centrists.
>memeflag canadian chink
Those threads are exclusively shills, the alt left consists primarily of ass blasted reddit fags that show up and post for hours about how great communism is.
Oldfags used to be libtard, Anonymous fagholes. Now that they’re older, and pay actual taxes, they stopped being idiots.
This guys gets it.
>confusing the nihilism and drug, pedo, and cannibalism habits of Jow Forums for support of welfare for shitskins
Jow Forums was never leftist.
>Jow Forums was never leftist
>Jow Forums is mostly left-leaning
I was on Jow Forums a bit back in the day for conspiracy shit. We were mostly against Bush but I don't think we were leftists. Bush allowed 9/11 and used it to start wars in the middle East. We saw Bush was evil but didn't have enough knowledge of deepstate/uniparty.
We also largely fell for the media because it was anti-bush. The daily show and the Colbert report were fun for people who hates Bush. Even the news was "fun" because they ganged up on him.
It wasn't until later that many of us realised the media actually went easy on Bush considering all the shit that was actually going on. Teasing him for being stupid and asking where the WMDs were was a way to sidestep the serious questions
>not checking my trips
>be butthurt instead
germany is done
>Are there any lefties left on this site?
You should have grown out of that shit by now.
Jow Forums will never not hate niggers and faggots.
yep thats why we have a containment board for them and not Jow Forums
okay nigger. Keep dreaming
Doanld Trump is embodiment of an old /b/tard except most likely not a pedo
We've always hated the niggers and kikes, ever since the beginning. You think we were trolling? These "memes" are about sending (((them))) a message. We're coming for you, Schlomo.
Jow Forums is full of pathetic manchildren. There's nothing more to say - you're a small minority on the internet whose only relevance are the memes that *some* of you make, and the rest of you autistically spam. Nothing more, nothing less
It was shock humor until retards like you showed up and took it seriously.
Libertarian that has a government that keeps treaders away
It's more a case of people tend to be more left leaning when they're young and inexperienced, and then the world red pills them (if they're paying attention).
Jow Forums will never swing back.
Yeah bro ‘96 Jow Forums was wild as shit. I bet ansolutley no one even remembers
You opened the Pandora's box. You won't be able to shut it until every white country is purified from non-whites and traitors so gg m8
drop the memeflag, faggot
Didn't the fags blackmail us for lgbt?
>bush sucks jew dick
>Jow Forums hates jews
>democrat retards think were teh epig hacker group anonymous.
>onigga is elected
>Jow Forums hates niggers & jews
>small group of plebbiters larp as anonymous
>trump gets elected
>Jow Forums hates spics
>democrat retards realize anonymous are just larpers
>they make autistic screeching threads until the end of time
>OP related
>Not taking your shock humor seriously
Come on step it up , until Nazis are raping babies fresh out of the womb so their natural Testosterone and antibodies can counter the airborne soi-femenvirus , we ain't even close.
This is srs business. You are why we can't have nice things.
Well, the reason we're right wing Libertarians now is because we've had time to digest facts and realize it's the best system. The older anons grew out of liberalism and the young anons went with what the old anons say.
It didn't really change. We still hate Bush. We just aren't stupid enough to think Obongo was any better. The real political reallignment has been the birth of nationalist movements throughout the west, muh epin contrarians are a minority of shitposters. Nobody is actually going to become a communist just because non-communists are in power now
>He does shit that would get crucified.
Yeah like shitposting everyday from the white house, defending Confederate statues, posting black crime statistics, shitting on world leaders, banging countless hot women, and bombing mudshits. It's a mystery why Jow Forums doesn't hate him lmao
Hy блять.
>when will it swing back
It won't.
Society is going to cave in on going further left.
Them quads of truth. Makes me proud. kek is with us
Jow Forums is still both anti-Bush and anti-Obama, partly anti-Trump because as it happens, Jow Forums is just fucking libertarian.
Our petition to make him God Emperor got over 300,000 signatures. Shit poster in chief , oh captain my captain
I thought 4chins hates Chads that bang lot of women?
He pendulum never swings on Jow Forums, it’s just that Bush and Obama were both incompetent niggers.
Trump is actually doing WELL.
It won't, leftists and progressives have Reddit where they all stroke each other's cocks with likes and dislikes and banning people for wrong think.
The fuck? We were banging our little sisters and Aunts at 14 and posting it on b. We were never incels. Jewish propaganda
I'll be whatever works man
>I’m a newfag who wasn’t around when everyone supported Ron Paul
Trump and this place still hates Zionist - endless wars for Israel you degenerate Commie faggot.
>mostly left leaning
Op is a faggot. Jow Forums has AWLAYS been natsoc. Always will be.
Begone thot!