Is the UK permanently lost?

is the UK permanently lost?

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Convert to Christianity.

Attached: 6dcfab43b415c56503655b404f0d6117.jpg (1024x1024, 130K)

>Convert to Judaism 2.0

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what causes autism such as webm in op?

This is the western culture we are so proud of.
When muslims invaded europe, everyone screamed "Our values are in danger! Our traditions are threatened!" etc.
God, I hate people

Judaism 2.0 is the jews that decided to worship Moloch you dumbass.

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>Judaism 2.0
You mean nihilistic atheism?

Islam is Pharisaical Talmudic Judaism 2.0
Christianity is the Roman Caesar rip off of all abrahamic religions featuring a mythical messiah

Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People

Proof that the Shroud of Turin is the Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ!

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A deadly cocktail of:
- weak/irresponsible paremts
- polluted environment, especially waters and food
- electronics/technology, mainly social media and internet

It's a lot funnier with sound xD

is that a boy or a girl? is it bad i want to fuck it either way?

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Yes. Britons will become slaves because of their cuck mentality.

atheism is by it's definition (nothing exists beyond materialistic things) nihilistic, isn't it?

When the fuck did people just toss out biology as affecting human lives? Sexual attraction is always "hurr based on the patriarchy's manipulation so women with penis aren't seen as hot" and now Hans here thinks no motivation exists outside the Sun God or some shit.

I miss Robbie Rotten.

Not while I’m here


From a atheistic perspective:
What happens when you die? - you just vanish
If you just vanish, can you have a purpose in life? - no, you can't
But an atheist would say "But dude, i create my own purpose such as raising kids or have a business" bla bla - no, you are imagine yourself a purpose, but it's nothing absolute.
What is the point of existence, if anything that existists will vanish and therefore cant have a purpose?
You thought your kids are your purpose? - they will die
You thought your good deed or some other job is your purpose? - heck, the whole earth will explode, the solar system will collapse at some point etc.
There is no purpose, hence atheism is nihilistic.
Why would something create itself to end non-existent?

>dissing on Lazy Town cosplay
Fuck off
No, it's the Jews who followed Rabbi Yeshua the cult leader.

Damn, you are really retarded..

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By numbers it was Judeus Paradisus in Poland - 18% of population.
By financial numbers it has been (((German))) and Rothschilds of jewSA financing "creationism" of subverting goym and creating even more prosperous future for them

I hate no hope for this place.

In fact Im in favour of destroying it quickly because when the rest of the west finally awakens I guarantee the white people here would fight against it

>Why would something create itself to end non-existent?
The bigger question you should ask is
>Why would something create itself?
Humans without autism require purpose in order to feel they have the right to exist. This is a very sad state of affairs. I appreciate religion's attempt to fix it with mass manipulation of ideology and meaning, but it's time to be realistic.
Nothing happens for a reason, but it happens.
Time being non-linear means you may well be eternal by virtue of simply existing. Certainly everything you ever do is.
So I ask you Hans, truely, is Atheism nihilistic? or just the 'google:atheism' definition that lonely retards come up with as a reason to do nothing with their lives?

>People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
- Albert Einstein

Yes, but I'm a childless oldfag and simply don't care anymore

And what kind of fresh hell is this?

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>So I ask you Hans, truely, is Atheism nihilistic?
Yes, you explained it yourself. There is nothing to life, if everything just vanishes.

Here is an anology:
You have played a videogame, a offline rpg, and managed to finish most of the quest, got decent gear etc and you feel like you achieved something. Maybe you even go for 100% completion and a perfect save-state.
But then you just delete this save-game or the whole game.
Had it any value? - no
You might say "But user, i value the fun i had during playing" - yes, this is true from your human perspective. But you will disappear just like the savegame. Your argument is as pointless as an npc in a videogame would say, my purpose in the virtual life is to kill monsters and have fun doing so, but then he gets deleted and is non-existent. Now take this chain of thought to the very end. From a small grain, to a plan, animal, human, planet, solar system the whole universe. Everything that exists is doomed to die/change. If there is nothing that can preserve information like a undeletable savestate/afterlife, than life has no purpose and is nihilistic.

i wonder who could be behind this post...

Guess who - a german, who is sick and tired of the hypocrisy and retardness of the majority of people.
It's a fact, westerns claim to have a culture, but they lost it a long time ago. What is left is peak degeneracy like promiscuity, leftism, liberalism, getting drunk on each opportunity, do drugs, post on social media day, in day out etc. and fun is the main motivator, instead of responsible acting.
There is no beauty, nor wisdom in todays humans. They are full of shit, except for a few silent people out there, who have hidden from the worlds sight.

Nothing is

What is the 'end' isn't the end because progression isn't linear.
Imagine you played the game, got the gear, got completion, beat everything, but the game autosaves every second you play it.
When you've finished (and only after you've finished 100% with max gear overlevelled etc.)
You can replay any point you want again, or perhaps watch yourself playing and enjoy the story once again.
An easier way to describe it is: imagine your savegame CANNOT be deleted, and is in fact permanent, even if you forget about it and never play it again. It will be there, for something, somewhere, somehow to discover.

Now I am not asserting that you can relive your life again or anything (it might seem like I am, for this I apologise), but everything doesn't just get 'deleted' and become void because the beginning, the middle, the end, it's all taking place at the "same time" (not literally, but as one persistent sequence).

>It's a fact, westerns claim to have a culture, but they lost it a long time ago. What is left is peak degeneracy
nevertheless a culture, think of it as entering a new era.

What you wrote would rather acknowldege some sort of an afterlife (which again does imply a higher consiousness aka God), then support atheism.
But as you said, i am probably misunderstanding something from your example.

Also you are saying, that
>It will be there, for something, somewhere, somehow to discover.
This is only true from our persective during life time. Of course each of us leaves a footprint on this earth eg. someone will remember us due to our good deeds, love, or maybe we invented something revolutionary or just helped with progress with labor work.
But if we take it further, at somepoint everything will be forgotten due time and destruction.
To make it simple: Imagine our planet just explodes for some reason. Nothing will survive of us humans. So what was our purpose then? There is nothing to remember, because there is noone anymore who could possible remember us (humans are dead/other beings, if existent, doesnt know about humans). The further you take it, the more nihilistic it becomes. And everything will be destroyed at some point to form something new. Like a new big bang with a new creation of life. Then the previous existence of everything before the second big bang had no purpose at all.

>think of it as entering a new era
yes, a new era of degeneracy which will soon collapse and hopefully rise like a phoenix from it's ashes to be something sacred again.

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Think of a very, VERY (unimaginibly large) piece of paper. It is very tall, but is FAR wider than it is tall.
Lay this paper out lengthways.
This paper contains a timeline of the universe. This encompasses the position of every atom, molecule, the exertion of every force, all energy etc. (a collage of the ENTIRE universe) at any given time. At one end of the length, is the 'beginning', and at the other end, 'the end' of the universe. What is beyond I do not know.
The vertical representation is irrelevant here, just that EVERYTHING is represented.
We as 3d entities can only view one VERY small part of the paper at a single time, that encompasses:
1. the 'moment' that we are currently experiencing.
2. The part of the universe we occupy with our observation
3. to an extent, our 'visible universe', although this is more an extention of no.2.
But the rest of the paper is there.
Now this paper doesn't go anywhere. It never gets deleted or destroyed. It simultaniously represents both beginning, end, and all content in between.
That my friend, is how I believe the universe works, and if I'm not mistaken, is what Einstein was referring to when he says time is a persistent illusion.
What implications this has for the human consciousness, and what we experience, is beyond my explanation. This concept alone gives great hope however, tthat every part of the 'timeline paper' is just as relevant as any other part of it, no matter what 'moment' you currently experience (be it beginning or end).

Hope I make a little sense to you here. It's hard to keep up with my own points because I am so tired right now. All your posts are good btw, I just think there is hope without religion.