How can we stop Neo Nazi ideology?

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stop importing immigrants above replacement rate

You can’t

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fake news

>How can we stop Neo Nazi ideology

maybe stop pushing for your own idealogy so hard and this wouldn't be a thing

none of this was an issue until the purple haired trannies showed up demanding respect and a big piece of the discussion

Just 11 million? Sounds kind of low.

Pretend they are all nazis. I'm sure that will work!

there it is

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first of all by not responding to daily kike shill threads and reddit newfags.

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It's probably double or triple that. Most people will not openly say they support the alt-right.

Stop making the ideology appealing by posting endless anti-white articles.

Reverse mass non white migration, purge leftists from every single position of power and influence they hold, reverse cultural subversion - especially of the church.

The masses are waking up on the internet and more and more people are joining our ranks as the media and governments show their colours

Do you know a lot of Muslims like Hitler and would be considered Nazis if they were White by celebrating their nationalism and importing them you don't end up promoting communism but the legitimization of Nazism. Think about it another way you say its ok for blacks to be nationalistic due to their well being and history however by doing this you legitimize Nationalism itself and paradoxically you give Whites the legitimization of White nationalism by legitimatizing non white nationalist rhetoric.

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3% of the united states would be over 3 million people, which is a million over the entire US Military. That's not a small number at all and thus not impressive.

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>How can we stop Neo Nazi ideology?
By removing (((these))) from society.
Attacks by the racist hatefilled Talmudian parasites are provoking the Nazi ideology.

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The Jews converted me, so I guess to stop the recruiters of this nazi movement you must take down the Jews lol

This. I never reveal my power level to anyone not even close friends. To the outside world I'm just some normie loving guy.

>over 3 million people
That's well over 9.

>still posting about, or re-posting articles about this jewish psyop
I sincerely hope that you do not do this.

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tried and failed to archive

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you keep telling people believing in family values and small government that they're nazis and eventually you're going to get some of them to agree with you.

>how can we stop it

You cant.

deplatforiming works. ban them from everywhere and shut down Jow Forums

The Vox echo chamber was created by the same manufacturer as the Democratic Dick Remover Deluxe. All rights reserved.

>Jews run the world!
>Jews are killing off whites!
>Hitler wasn't that bad!
>The Holocaust didn't happen
>Shitskins are lesser beings
>Niggers should be shipped back to Africa!

These are ideas and thoughts that are very common amongst you chan/t_d douchebags and yet you all wonder why people call you nazi's.

>How can we stop Neo Nazi ideology

Okay shareblue, I'll bite.

Stop the kikel subversion. All of it. Newton's third law absolutely applies.

We let it play out. Racism is in vogue, at the moment, because people like to feel like they're rebelling. Something else will come along for them to buy into, and the little sheep will follow that fad the same way they did this one.