Study shows 5 out of 30 people literal retards with no inner voice

Jow Forums translates this to %80 of all humanity are NPC's. That sounds like NPC thinking to me.

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you're right about the study and Jow Forums's reaction.
However, the subjective phenomenon of people passively responding to life rather than acting upon it is wide spread, and a source of a lot of problems in society.

Identifying as many of the cognitive causes of this behavior as we can is a good thing to do.

Can someone explain this Npc meme? Ive been away for like a month and missed it. Is it like npcs from skyrim/rpg?

is this why Jow Forums is calling them NPC because they don't really play or (act upon) life? They are like pre-programmed AI. Made to look human and act human but they just aren't. kind of scary.

Link to study?

Yes. like skyrim. But scarier because the NPC majority rules over us with elections.

Sorry guys. I got the study wrong. It showed 5 out 30 people to have an inner voice and showed them NOT to be literal retards. I guess I'm the NPC in this thread. Well... I guess it's time to cut off my dick and take HRT. See you on the other side boys.

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uh huh. Now you're getting it.
There's a proportion of people who either cannot form thoughts with words or pictures, or do not do so except in specific circumstances. Their thoughts are fully realized and complex, but there was no subjective experience of words, or any kind of symbolic representation of what they were thinking about.
The theory asserts that unsymbolized thinking has limitations, and that by forming your thoughts into coherent words you can overcome this limitation and think more complexly.

Honestly, I can't even imagine what that's like.

yeah the study identifies 5 characteristics of inner experience and shows them all to be equally respresented over all. And there's a 5 way tie for groups of people who do almost all of their experiencing in just one group / not use another virtually at all.

The key to not being an npc isnt to just inner speak a lot, but to use all the different ways of thinking.

That approximately 80% of humans are retarded drone herd animals should have been clear to most thinking people as soon as they started primary school. The NPC plague is real and we need to get rid of them, %80 of humanity is just a fungus on Earths surface. My only surprise is the %80, I thought it was closer to %90.

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No it doesn't show that people have no inner voice, just that they had no inner monologue going on at specific moments.
When they were concentrating on completing the task.
You're a mindless moron too.

It's simple.
Right now I am having an inner dialogue with myself even as i'm typing.
I am thinking out possible words to type, different aspects to approach this conversation and give you the best experience I possibly can to help you understand this meme.

I'm not an NPC.
I rationalize internally, throw ideas around, much like a Player and The MC of a video game.
The MC gives me stimulation via senses and possible actions. The Player is the one who still determines what happens.

Now NPCs just say shit, they just talk. They have no inner dialogue. Everything is scripted in their brains already.
>user A says this
>NPC A responds this way
And they will do it almost every time the exact same way. The script only changes if user A changes the script.
If not NPC A will almost always respond the same sort of way.

Shit's insane, I really did not know there were that many people like that.

Don't get rid of them. We need some slaves to build our temples to KEK. praise be to the digits.

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>that many
idk senpai if an IQ of 100 is the mean you should realize that there's a shit ton of retards bumbling around

Just remember: The average person is a moron, and 50% of people are even dumber than that.


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Are you serious? Only 20% of people do this shit?

Don't get me wrong, it's easy to see now.
However it's like being a small child and not realizing one day you're going to die. For most children that's their first step into adulthood.
I knew most people are simple.
However I really didn't know that there were people outside of literal retards without an inner voice.
I thought anyone who had the ability to make choices had an inner voice, I also always thought this was what people considered "The Soul" in the old days.
Because sometimes it really is like a different person is living inside me.
He is pretty cocky and angry though, I'm pretty stoic.
Now here is a question that hopefully some psychologist user can answer.
Do the two personalities actually make up my entire personality? Like a check and balance system?

So niggers are just reacting to the word nigger, because they are jewish NPCs?

Gives the word "triggered" a whole new meaning.

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Did you never wonder why so few people on Jow Forums and other websites respond with shill responses and memes so much?
Seriously take a look at all the threads, how few people are having serious conversation. Really opening up to each other and showing a broad range of emotion or intelligence.

What's worse, I'm not that intelligent.
I'm above average with an IQ somewhere between 115-120, my girlfriend has an IQ probably above 130.
Yet compared to most people on this website who think they are hot shit, I might as well be a literal genius.

Memes are a double edges sword my friend.

>Really opening up to each other and showing a broad range of emotion or intelligence.

This is not a bath house. faggot.

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I'm willing to bet if a study was done on niggers with inner dialogue, they would find it's less than 1%. Pretty much all of them don't think through their actions, have zero empathy, and follow the same herd mentality.

Still gives us an NPC meme. Nigger Playa Characters.

Kind of.
For instance and this is a real example.
>at mall, black woman cuts me off and proceeds to tell me to watch where i'm going
>I say plainly "Shut your mouth Nigger"
>She starts screaming and cursing at me, I throw a lit fag into her car and it goes down her shirt
>as she gets out of the car to attack my car I already have my revolver cocked, she threatens to rip my girlfriends hair out and I tell her plainly I will shoot her if she comes towards me
>she gets pissed off and drives away

The entire thing was pretty much scripted, the only part I didn't have control of was the initial stimuli when she pulled out in front of me.
Now two rational people with working minds should have been able to come together mutually and decide this is not worth the altercation. She driving up and apologizing "Sorry I pulled out in front of you" and me accepting it with no hard feelings "It's no problem, I hope you have a good day."
That's how the scenario should have happened. However the second she reacted negatively in her scripted Sheboon way, she didn't realize she was now an NPC and under my control.

Don't get me wrong, some really dangerous people can also have inner dialogue and still hang around other races and things like gangs.
A gang is only successful with an intelligent person calling the shots after all.

Mate, these are shit.
You just took what I did, copy paste and sperged out.

It's like your trying to saturate the NPC meme to just drown it out (((or something)))

Lol, my sides. Can also use: Nigga, Pool's Closed.

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The funny thing is you acted like an NPC too and have no idea why you reacted in such an obviously irrational and also hostile manner.


NPCs often get the placement of dollar & percent signs confused.

do you mean 1 in 6 you dumb triple nigger?

I already admitted I was an NPC! Don't make be Nigg-Outâ„¢

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How inferior

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What are niggers for 500 alex?

>5 out of 30 people
Why not just say 1 out of 6 you nigger? Probably never thought about it, cause you dont have an inner voice

Explains why jewish influence works so well

20% are retards

bigger numbers mean bigger brain. retard.

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>there are people who don't think with their inner voice
W-what, how is this even possible

It is far worse than that, upwards of 80% don't think with their inner dialog.

>carefully choose what I do and how I react
When people call me a cracker I don't get irrationally angry.
In fact not once during the encounter was I not actively thinking about what happened next.
NPCs don't think, so no, you're wrong.

What the hell does that even mean? You're telling me they have an inner dialogue but they don't use it to think? What is it used for then?

How can we be sure we aren't in this 80%?

>How can we be sure we aren't in this 80%?
You can't know for sure, but there are a few things someone with an inner voice and visualization does frequently.
Do you ever day dream, or imagine interesting situations on your own just for entertainment?
Are you able to troubleshoot things without following a guide?
Do you feel anxeity when you have an appointment and imagine things that could go wrong?



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How do we leave our material vehicles behind and transcend to a higher plane of existence? Inner voice = confirmation of a soul (mot necessarily a good one). After finding this out, and mulling over it for several days, I've finally realized that it's true and in 90% of cases I can tell who has one and who doesn't (explains a lot of otherwise unexplainable behavior). It's very blackpilling, thre is no point to existing on this earth, how would we even make more inner voice people?

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I do all these things, but everyone else I talk to also claims to do the same. Are they lying or is their brain tricking them into thinking they are thinking?

I have an inner voice. A near-constant inner monologue that I only acquired when I entered my late teens. It's fucking hell. Sometimes my inner voice plays catch-up to my instant thoughts because I have to put these thoughts into words. Getting rid of the inner voice would make me think faster, and doubt less. That would be an efficient thought. So all in all I frankly don't see what the inner monologue thing is all about. It's more of a bother to me.

that's almost like 1 out of 6.

80% of people being npc seems a really optimistic and naive thing to me

I bet you had to use a calculator to do that math.

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Perhaps an NPC has enough programming so their inner-voice can repeat things they've heard or seen. I think the ability to create original thoughts is what separates a PC from an NCP.

If you talk to a blind person about color he may understand it but he will associate it with different things, like smell or sound.
Their brain is definitely tricking many into believing they have inner voice when they don't.

>5 out of 30
npc-tier mathematics

better than 30 out of 5

I think you guys are overthinking this a lot.
Which is good, NPCs do not do this.

If I have never met you while in a park and I come up and push you do you
1. Instantly stab me in the throat
2. Yell at me
3. Look around for other options
4. Pull out a gun and try to defuse the situation or defend yourself depending on the next bouts of stimuli I give off

1-2 are pure stimuli based, the vast majority of people respond in this sort of way.
The third one is true self talker, you are trying to think every possible route out.
The fourth one is a mixture of the two ways of thinking. You are reacting to stimuli, but still trying to defuse possible consequences that you may face. As shooting someone who just pushed you and say runs away a second later is a felony in most states.

There are endless scenarios, but how you react daily is how you determine if you're one of the 20% who have an inner voice.

Some people are truly born without a voice, some people ignore it, some people always listen to it.
So right off the bat i'd say the 20% is probably wrong, it's probably a little higher than 20%, but people actively choose to ignore their voice.

I'm guilty of ignoring my voice because i have anxiety issues, but in a calm state I have entire conversations with myself about how to react to scenarios.

Impulsive people are probably the most common group to have no voice.

Stop posting this topic we all discussed this when it first came out like 2 days ago


Sounds like something an NPC would say.

Im glad i'm aware of this now and how lucky i am that i have a voice in my head

What if schizophrenia happens when a mentally unstable NPC suddenly being able to hear their own inner voice? People think schizos hear those "voices" but honestly I think that it's just their inner thought process and people who end up killing due to voices telling them to do it basically just wanted to kill whoever they murdered and that's why their inner voice "told" them to do it.

This story is fake and gay and fake.

this is obviously a fucking psyop guys its pretty simple they are testing how every person will claim to notice npcs and how people are full of themselves

thats not how schizo works homie, im not sure how it is for you but i can change my inner voice to different people but it defaults to a very monotone calming voice. Schizo people hear things that are way different from just voices

I never realized that the experience is so vastly different for different people. My brain switches the inner speech on and off depending on the situation. In normal situations where I do not have time limitations to solve problems (like writing this) I have extensive inner dialogue. However, if I am in extremely stressful and time dependent situations, like exams or important job interviews I "switch to autopilot". I am a very successful person and this has saved me a lot if times. I sometimes afterwards feel like another person sat there and talked. I can think extremely quickly then and tap into knowledge I thought was long forgotten. But I need stress to do it.

How do people with no inner voice solve math problems or read a map

those digits

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this is NPC shit is going to consume the whole of Jow Forums and the wider internet as a whole. for a few weeks every other thread will be about NPCs and shit. Then it will just die out.

>respond to NPC thread with an NPC response
This is bait children.

Do you enjoy philosophy?
Debating ethics?
Do you feel like when you look at things that you are always questioning and asking why things are certain ways?

~80% have an inner monologue according to the study everyone here is citing, however it should be taken into account the the study was conducted in a majority european region and that the sample size was pretty small.

Yes, me too

can someone explain the inner voice meme? I've seen it couple of times this week

You're technically not wrong, but a little off.
Schizophrenia is just an extreme paranoia disorder, most audio hallucinations do not exist and are the persons brain forcing said thought or sound into the higher parts of the brain.
It would be less like it's your inner voice doing it and more like as if another voice entirely was there.

My uncle has schizophrenia, he often has to have self conversation to determine if a sound is real or not.
>what was that sound
>probably just my imagination
>just calm down
He does this in his own head quite a bit.

Schizophrenia has some pretty mixed symptoms, the vast majority of people just show paranoia and do not hallucinate at all.

There is a theory that we are actually living in a simulation. Is this evidence of that?

>t. NPC

>t. canal nigger npc

I think there is a portion of people that just use a weak semi inner voice to tell themselves over and over that what they just did is the Best-Thing-Ever and that they are best people.

A sort of constant self congratulatory inner response to their fully reflex actions.


And another portion of people that just use a weak semi inner voice that is exactly made up from whatever they absorb from others and especially from 'authorities' like TV, radio and newspapers.

TV and Radio are deliberately Paced to feed a fake inner voice into people. 'Pacing' is another word for hypnotism. It is literally Poison.

We are surrounded by POISONERS.

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i have no inner monologue and have Aphantasia. Am I the Chad of NPC's?

How are some random dude's ramblings on a psychology blog a fact?

Is this a joke? It's all based on a 30 students sample:

>Chris Heavey and I gave random beepers to a stratified random sample of 30 students from a large urban university and interviewed them about the characteristics of their randomly selected pristine experiences.

Is Jow Forums this illiterate in terms of reading and understanding science? That sample could not possibly be representative of the general population in any scenario.

He's not even using this "npc" term. Shitty made-up meme that has no substance whatsoever. Reeks of manipulation, as usual.

seems to me that narrating every single action you do is the most autistic thing i can imagine. like, how do you shit? "i must clench my bowels now, forth flows the feces, hmmm feels like a good consistency. where's the toilet paper? hope i get away with not washing my hands. whew where are the matches"

or when you're fucking, are you like "i thrust in, i withdraw, i thrust in, i withdraw, feels good, i thrust in, i withdraw" for 3-5 minutes?

Seems like a good meme

- makes people investigate it
- conveys complex idea in quick popular format
- provokes reflection
- Potential for normie anxiety
- controversial
- provokes anxiety about ostracism and being left behind

>He's not even using this "npc" term.
>expects research paper to unironically use Jow Forums made up meme terminology
Are you fucking retarded?

Also checked. May as well use them, as long as they haven't gone bad.

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>30 ppl sample

That's not even science.

Found the NPC

Some people are mindless drones, the matrix is real, you are stuck in it and only just realising.

>treating a psychology paper of all things as scientific evidence of anything
Jesus fucking christ Jow Forums

Also co write a book called the Splintered Mind. Co authored by one of (((them))) who wrote this blog post also called the Splintered Mind

Way to let everyone know you're an NPC user.

You seriously have an issue with this?
Take taking a shit, stomach rumbles my inner voice goes. You need to poop, I tell it not now. It goes away. Your body is a living thing. Your brain itself is a multitude of different segments fighting for dominance and to regulate your daily needs.
Refusing to accept you do indeed talk to yourself every single second of every single day is a surefire way to let other people know you're little better than an animal responding to stimuli.
Even right now, you read something you didn't like and had to respond. Instead of thinking it over with yourself and realizing that you do indeed have an inner voice.

Sorry to say, if you don't have an inner voice, you're probably a literal retard.

Some psychology papers are well-made and have big samples, so at least you have more statistical significance there. But this paper is based on a 30 students sample. Just hilarious.